Wellington Province
Page 673
Ballinger, Thomas and Co., Limited
[Thomas Ballinger, Managing Director; D. M. Fuller, Secretary]. Sanitary
Plumbers, Gasfitters, Electric Light Installers and Fitters, Electric
and other Bellfitters, Coppersmiths, and Manufacturers of Spouting,
Ridging, Down-Piping, and every description of Sheet Metal Goods,
Lead-Headed Nails and Fine Corrugated Iron: Empire Spouting and Ridging
Manufactory and Curving Works, 33 Victoria Street, Wellington.
Telegraphic address `Thomas Ballinger, Wellington.' Cable addresses,
private through Reuter. Code, A.B.C, 4th edition. Telephone 197. P.O Box
324. Bankers: Bank of New South Wales. Private residence of managing
director, Boulcott Street. This extensive business was established by Mr
Thomas Ballinger in 1876, more than ten years before the land was
reclaimed on which the present factory stands. The Company now carrying
on the business was established in October 1893. The trade of the
Company extends throughout the North and a considerable portion of the
South Island. The imports are mainly from England, America and the
Continent of Europe. The agencies of the firm include Paskinson's gas
burners, Joynor and Co's gas fittings and Douglas's bath heaters. The
bath heater is on the latest improved design, and Mr Ballinger
confidentally recommends
it as a cheap and particularly economical water heater. The premises of
Messrs. Thomas Ballinger and Co, Ltd, are of concrete throughout. The
frontage to Victoria Street is sixty feet by a depth of eighty. The
floorage space is about 8000 square feet, a portion of the building
being of two stories. This portion is used for the storage of stock of
all kinds, most of the manufacturing being done on the ground floor. An
exceedingly convenient travelling crane commands the length of the
building, and delivers the heavy material alongside all the principal
machines. The machinery in use for spouting and ridging is said to be
the finest in the Colony, if not the colonies. The guillotine is a
machine of immense power, capable of cutting sheets of iron seven feet
long and up to an eighth-of-an-inch in thickness. For the manufacture of
O. G. spouting two splendid machines are used. Though each is capable of
all the operations needed, in practice it is found more convenient to
use the lighter one to put on the beads, and the heavier machine for the
other four operations, which, by the way, are done at one stroke. The
great advantage of this machine is that all the spouting made from the
same die is necessarily uniform, and may be matched at any time without
the slightest difficulty, whereas great variation is almost unavoidable
where the last four operations are performed separately. All the ridging
is made with the lighter of these two machines. All these machines are
driven by a Ramsbotham three cylinder water engine of three-and-a-half
horse power which is a most economical engine. Similar engines may be
procured from the firms, and they are highly recommended by all those
who have tried them. The flattening, curving and blocking machines are
all on a good scale; and the same may be said of the lead-headed nail
plant. A very large trade is done in this line. There are also
appliances for tinning and galvanising. One particular line for which
this establishment is noted is a fine corrugated iron. The corrugations
are astonishingly neat; and when painted, this iron looks like anything
but what it is. In a country where the regulation style of corrugated
iron is so excessively used, that no `get up' in the matter of painting
can disguise it, it is a great boon to be able to get rid of the dulling
effect of sameness without appreciably increasing the cost of the
altered material. Electric light fitting is another speciality of the
firm. Some of the best installations in the City have carried out by
them, comprising jewellers', drapers', and butchers' shops, printing
offices and private residences. Messrs. Thomas Ballinger and Co. are to
be complimented on the progress they have made in this newly added
branch of their business. Private electric lighting had hardly been
started in Wellington when Mr Ballinger took steps to make himself
master of its intricasies, and he has now a trained staff well qualified
to undertake the work. That Messrs. Thomas Ballinger and Co. can execute
electric light wiring and fitting at satisfactory prices is well known.
They have recently secured the contract for the Exhibition, being the
lowest among a number of well-known tenderers. At the Wellington
Exhibition 1885, Mr Ballinger gained six first awards and the silver
medal. Twenty or more hands are employed by Messrs Ballinger and Co. and
their operations as to starting or dismissing are controlled by as
electric bell. The business of the firm has gone on steadily increasing,
and will no doubt continue to grow. The managing director, Mr Thomas
Ballinger, thoroughly understands his business, and takes a wonderful
interest in it both practically and theoretically. As proof of this it
need only be mentioned that at the examinations of the Institute of the
City and Guilds of London, 1894. Mr Ballinger gained first prize silver
medal. Considering that this honour was striven for by no less than 1253
competitors, from all parts of the British Dominions, Mr Ballinger may
fairly be said to have won honours for the Colony as well as himself. It
is but reasonable that such a victory should have a powerful effect on
the Company's business; for as everyone knows, plumbing, and especially
sanitary plumbing, is a branch of trade that needs all the help from
science - practical and theoretical - that can possibly be brought to
its aid. Householders cannot, reasonably speaking, pay too much
attention to the matter of absoltuely correct drainage. The following is
a facsimile of certificate and medal gained by Mr Ballinger. At the time
of writing Messrs. Thomas Ballinger and Co. are so thronged with work
that only by the best of management can the needs of their customers be
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