Wellington Province
BILLS, Frederick William
Page 1100
Bills, Frederick William.
Farmer, Otaki. The second son of the late Mr W. Bills, and brother of Mrs Bright of
Otaki, the subject of this notice was born in 1849 in Wellington, where he was educated.
Apprenticed as a carpenter, he afterwards conducted the Paikakariki Hotel for some
years, and was subsequently a storekeeper at Pahautanui, and later at Otaki. When Mr
Bills purchased his farm on the banks of the Otaki River it was all bush. Now, however, it
is in good heart and easily supports about thirty milch cows and bears other stock. Mr
served for some years as a member of the Horowhenua County Council and Otaki Road
Board, from which he resigned for business reasons. As a member of the craft he is
attached to Otaki Lodge, No 72 N.Z.C, and is now the treasurer, and as an Oddfellow
he has passed
through all the chairs. Mr Bills is fond of racing, and often keeps horses, having been
fairly successful in the sport. He has been prominent in such matters in the district, and
was a
member of the late Horowhenua Racing Club. In 1872 Mr Bill was married to a daughter
of the late Mr A Dowsett, of Wellington, and has two adopted children.
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