Wellington Province
BURRIDGE, William Henry
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Mr. William Henry Burridge
Foreman at the Wool Store and Wool Buyer at the Woollen Mills, Petone, was born at
Heathcote Valley, near Christchurch, in 1852. He learned the wool trade with Mr. John
at Kaiapoi, but subsequently was engaged for fourteen years on a sheep station.
Returning to Kaiapoi Mr. Burridge was employed in the local fellmongery, where he
remained for eleven years. Shortly after the starting of the mill at Te Koro Koro, he
joined the company in the fellmongery department, from which he was promoted in 1889
to the position he now holds.
In 1875 Mr. Burridge was married to the third daughter of Mr. William Busby, farmer,
of Kaiapoi, and has four sons and four daughters.
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