Nelson, Marlborough and Westland
WIGLEY, Thomas Henry
Pages 26, 29
Present and Past Members of Parliament: `...In the fifth Parliament, of which the first
session opened in 1871, Nelson was represented in the Legislative Council by four members - Messrs T. Renwick, M. Richmond, W. Robinson
and T. H. Wigley...
The Hon. Thomas Henry Wigley was called to the Legislative Council in 1870 and continued to
be a member for over twenty years. He was formerly a member of the Nelson Provincial Council.
Mr. Wigley was born in England in 1825, and came out in 1830, to
South Australia, where he completed his education, and afterwards became a squatter. He
arrived in New Zealand in 1853, and was engaged in sheepfarming for many years. Mr.
Wigley died in 1895.
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