H - J

SURNAME            FORENAMES                FROM TO   OCCUPATION                        NOTES                                                                                
HAASEFrederick Herbert 1922 1923Came from Takaka.
HAASE John18591859Formerly Printer, Melbourne At one time on staff of the Nelson Examiner
Died in Melbourne about 1922
HACKWORTH James Brooks 1866 1867Formerly of Native Department,
Government Buildings,
Retired at 234 Queen's Drive, Lyall Bay Wellington
HACKWORTHWilliam L 18661867 . Deceased
HADFIELDJohn Thomas 18741874Clerk, 13 Middleton Road,
Riccarton Christchurch
Formerly in Railway Department
HADFIELDRichard18631863. Died in 1881
HAGGITTKenneth Alexander Leslie 19131914Fruitgrower, Fruitlands,
Alexandra, Otago
Served in WW1
HAISMANRonald James 19241924. Came from Nelson
HAISTYJames Patrick 19191921Salesman, Blackball,
HALBERTRongo Whaka-ata 19111914Licensed Maori Interpreter
[1st Grade], Kaitaratahi,
Secretary, Tairawhiti Native Interpreters' Association
HALDANEAlexander McCredie 19171917 Clerk, Public Trust Office,
LL.M. 1924
HALDANEDobie Francis Andrew 1918 1918Farmer, Bainham, Nelson .
HALDANE Eugene William Robert19171918Clerk Public Trust Office,
LL.B. 1924
HALDANEGeorge Gilbert 18891890Chief Accountant,
Department, Australian
Commonwealth, Melbourne
Formerly of Railways Departments, NZ and West Australia
Director-General of Australia National Service Bureau 1917
HALDANEGilbert Ross 19171920Teacher, Napier Boys'
High School, Napier
HALDANE John Robert 1912 1915Farmer, Bainham, Nelson Served in WW1
HALDANEWilliam Arthur 19151915Farmer, Bainham, Nelson .
HALEAlfred Henry 1869 1872 Formerly Postmaster,
Havelock, Marlborough
Died on 22 01 1914
HALEThomas18691872Formerly in service of Post
and Telegraph Department
Died at Martinborough in May 1912
HALL Albert Foster 19161917Plumber, Marine Parade,
Herne Bay, Auckland
HALLCyril Crichton 19091910 Clerk, Bank of NSW,
Served in WW1
HALLG S 18581858 . No further particulars available
HALLKeith Malcolm 1917 1919Farmer, Richmond, Nelson .
HALLRoy MacDermid 19121915 Coach Driver, Otira,
HALLStanley 19031903Formerly Railway
Workshops Wellington
Served in WW1.
Died of wounds received at Gallipoli in 1915
HALLWilliam Arthur 18891891Teacher, Bronte Street,
EBS [Distant Schools] 1889
Formerly in employ of Nelson Education Board
HALLIDAYConstantine A 18751876. Deceased
HALLIDAY James Walter Carmichael 1924* . . .
HAMILTONAllan George 19001903Medical Practitioner,
5 Foulis Terrace, Onslow
Gardens, London SW7
M.B. Ch.B. [Edin, Honours] 1909; M.D. 1912;
F.R.C.S. [Edin] 1914; `Beaney Prize' 1909
Served in WW1 Captain, Royal Army Medical Corps
HAMILTONArchibald Francis 18981903Major 61st [K.G.O.]
Pioneers, Indian Army
Address: c/o King, King & Co., Bombay, India
Head of School, 1903
Gained Commission in the Bedfordshire Regiment while
at College 1903
Served in WW1 in East Africa with Indian Army Corps M.C.
HAMILTONCharles Augustus 1895 1897Clerk, E. Buxton & Co.,
Ltd., Nelson
Served in WW1
HAMILTONClaude Albert Nelson 18951900Clerk, E. Buxton & Co.,
Ltd., Nelson
Winner of Senior Sports Cup 1989 and 1900 [tie]
HAMILTONFrederick Allan 1913 1916 Farmer, Riwaka, Nelson Swimming Championship 1914-1916;
Junior Swimming Cup 1913
President Riwaka Fruitgrowers' Association
HAMILTONFrancis Douglas 19181920Salesman, Duthie, Bridson
& Co., Auckland
HAMILTONHugh Douglas 1902 1905Sheepfarmer, Waimata Valley
Served in WW1 with NZ Expeditionary Force and then
with RAF as Flight Lieutenant.
Prisoner in Germany during part of the war
HAMILTONIan Douglas 19181922Farmer, Seddon, Marlborough Junior Swimming Cup, 1920; Swimming Championship 1922
HAMILTONReginald Harold 19001903Dairy Farmer, Collingwood,
Served in WW1 on Hospital Ships
HAMILTONWilliam Hunter19131917Dentist, c/o J.B. Cresswell,
Dentist, New Plymouth
B.D.S. 1925
HAMMONDBertie Lawrence 19051905Assistant Secretary, NZ
Employers' Federation,
Formerly in service of NZ Government, Justice Department
Served in WW1
HAMMONDCecil Eric19151916 Carpenter, Nelson 2nd Lieutenant, 12th NZ Regiment
HAMMONDEdgar Allan 19091910Farmer, Hikuai, Thames,
Served in WW1
HAMMONDKenneth Leslie 19031905Salesman, A.M. Bisley
& Co., Hamilton Waikato
HAMPSONAlfred Ernest19071913Farmer, Tirau, AucklandServed in WW1
HAMPSON George Albert 19071911Farmer, Ngongotaha, Auckland Served in WW1
HAMPSON William Theodore19071910Barrister & Solicitor, Auckland LL.B. 1919; Served in WW1
HANBYHerbert Osmond
18961896Anglican Minister, Woolston
HANNAHJohn Arthur 1924* . . .
HANRONFrank Joseph 19071910Assistant Manager, Vacuum
Oil Co., Dunedin
Served in WW1
HANRONGerald19111912Farmer, Tapawera, Nelson Served in WW1
HANRONJohn1899 1900 Eastern Extension Cable
Co., Adelaide
Clerk, Bank of
Australasia, Wellington
HARCOURTWilliam McKenzie 1917 1917 Farmer, Koterangi, Hokitika.
HARDENRobert19201922Teacher, State School,
Millerton, Westport
HARDERJohn Sechman 1902 1904Lineman, Telegraph Dept.,
`Tinline' Scholar 1902
HARDINGJohn Classon 19101911Accountant, D. McRae,
Mattress Maker, Wellington
HARDYBurnby19231923Pupil, Wellington College,
HARDYCharles18701871Methodist Minister, MelbourneEBS [Town] 1870
HARDYStewart19211923Cadet, Public Trust
Office, Wellington
HARE Humphrey John Christian 1924*. . .
HARFORDArthur Kendal 19201920Farmer, Appleby, Nelson.
HARFORDClaude Melvin 19161917Teacher, State School,
Awaroa, Awa-iti, Nelson
HARFORDCyril Percy 19201922Settler, Inangahua Junction,
HARFORDNeville Philip 1922 1922Apprentice, Anchor
Foundry Co., Nelson
HARGREAVESDonald William 1923* . . .
HARKNESSAlec. Leslie 19141916 Farmer, Te Kauwhata,
HARKNESSCharles Dickson 1906 1907Farmer, c/o W.D. Harkness,
Richmond, Nelson
Served in WW1, Captain
HARKNESSDonald Ernest 19071912Civil Engineer, Auckland.
Lecturer, Civil Engineering,
Auckland University
`Richmond' Scholar 1910;
`Andrew Memorial Prize' 1911-1912
University Junior Scholar 1912; B.E. [Civil] 1921
Served in WW1 Flight Lieutenant RAF D.S.C.
Interned in Holland
HARKNESSEuan William 19201923Cadet, Lands & Survey
Dept., Wellington
HARKNESS George Alexander 18741881 Formerly Chief Inspector
of Schools, Nelson
EBS [Richmond School] 1874;
`Stafford' Scholar, `Fell' Scholar and `Simmons' Prize 1877;
University Junior Scholar 1878;
`Vogel' Special Prize 1878; B.A. 1881; M.A. 1885
Assistant Master, Nelson College, later Chief Inspector
A Governor of Nelson College appointed in 1894
Retired in Nelson Volunteer decoration
Retired Lieutenant Colonel
HARKNESSJames Hamilton 18721876Formerly Head Master of
High School, Westport
B.A. 1888; EBS [Richmond School] 1872;
`Stafford' Scholar and `Fell' Scholar 1874
University Junior Scholar 1874 and 1875 [two in 1875]
Assistant Master, Bishop's School 1878
Head Master, Bishop's School 1879-1895
Head Master, Reefton High School 1895-1908
Retired in Westport
HARKNESSJohn Tinline 18801883Accountant c/o Walter
Hill, Christchurch
Formerly in service of Bank of NZ
EBS [Richmond School] 1880
Associate of Institute of Accountants
HARKNESSJoseph George 18671868Formerly Secretary of
National Dairy Association,
Sat in the House of Representatives as Member for
Nelson City 1887-1893
Mayor of Borough of Onslow, Wellington
Member of Wellington Harbour Board, and Chairman
for some years
Later Farmer, Te Horo, Wellington
HARKNESSKeith Talbot 1902 1903 . Died while at College on 20 09 1903
HARKNESS Noel Spenser 19051905 Farmer, Rangitikei Street,
Palmerston North
Served in WW1
HARKNESSPercy George 1888 1891 Storekeeper, Midhurst,
EBS [Richmond School] 1888
HARKNESSPhilip Gordon 19151919 Barrister and Solicitor,
HARLEGeorge Hutchinson 1877 1877Retired Postmaster, Park
Street, Blenheim
HARLEYAlfred Peatie 1922 1922Carpenter c/o Webley
and Sons, Nelson
HARLEYArthur 1856 1857. Deceased
HARLEYArthur Albert18831886Engineer c/o Anchor
Shipping Co., Nelson
HARLEY Charles John 1875 1878Formerly Barrister and
Solicitor, Nelson [Adams &
Admitted 1883
Member of Nelson City Council and Mayor
Trustee of Cawthron Institute
Died at Nelson on 16 12 1922
HARLEYCharles Robert 18851886 Formerly Brewer [Harley
& Sons], Nelson
Died at Nelson in December 1919
HARLEYGodfrey18841886Farmer, Braeburn, Central
Moutere, Nelson
HARLEYHalstead Thomas 1885 1886 Wellington .
HARLEYHarold Leon 19021908Barrister and Solicitor
[Fell & Harley], Nelson
HARLEYHoward Charles Kerr 18981904 Engineer, Nelson Electrical
Power Station, Nelson
Served in WW1, Engineer-Lieutenant, Royal Navy
HARLEYHubert Satchell 19011907.Served in WW1.
Killed in action on 02 10 1916, Captain, M.C.
HARLEYJoseph Auty 1856 1858Formerly Brewer [Harley
& Sons], Nelson
For many years a prominent public man in Nelson
Member of Nelson City Council, and Mayor 1900
Died at Nelson on 09 07 1906
HARLEYJoseph Auty 1910 1912Brewer [Harley & Sons],
Served in WW1, 2nd Lieutenant
The first boy of the third generation to enter the School
His father C.R. Harley attended the College in 1885-1886
and his grandfather J.A. Harley in 1856-1858
HARLEYOliver Cromwell 18921893Dentist, Colombo Street,
HARLEYRobert Nelson 19131914 Brewer [Harley & Sons],
Served in WW1
HARLEYThomas Halstead 1856 1860Retired Brewer, 127
Owen Street Wellington
HARLEYWalter 19181919Brewer's Assistant, Harley
& Sons, Nelson
HARLEY William Carrol 1896 1905 Barrister and Solicitor,
University 440 Hurdles Championship 1908
LL.B. 1911
Member of Nelson City Council
Governor of Nelson College
Major, NZ Territorials [Nelson Marlborough West Coast
Regiment]. Served in WW1, Captain
HARPERGeorge18821884Dairy Farmer, Matanga,
Winner Junior Cup 1882
HARRISAustin James 1919 1919Clerk, Dalgety & Co,. Ltd.,
HARRIS Charles Sherwood 1924*. . .
HARRIS Claude Sumpter 18971902 Farmer, Kiwi, Nelson.
HARRISClive H 19201920 . Came from Nelson
HARRISGeorge Hedley19191920 . Re-entered 1924*
HARRISHenry Edward 19151916 Sheepfarmer, Hangaroa,
HARRISJohn Liddell 18771879Retired Farmer, Hampden
Street, Nelson
Formerly of NZ Loan and Mercantile Co., Blenheim
Boxing Champion 1879
HARRISJohn Owen1917 1920Farmer, Taihape Wellington Boxing Champion 1920
HARRISLionel19201922Station Hand, Hangaroa
HARRISMaurice 19171919Farm Assistant c/o W.B.
Matheson, Rongomai,
Eketahuna Wellington
HARRISRoy1915 1916Cheesemaker, c/o Dairy
Co-operative Co., Tuakau,
HARRISWilmer Scorer 1915
Student, Victoria College,
Wellington 1918-1919
`Junior Gym. Cup' 1916; `Head of School' 1920
`Houlker Memorial Prize' 1920
HARRISONSidney John 19071907General Secretary NZ
Returned Soldiers' Association,
22 Customhouse Quay,
Served in WW1 M.S.M.
HARTEndo Garnet 1924*. . .
HART Ernest18861887Chemist, Sydney EBS [Town] 1886
HARTJames Ronald 19221923Farmer, Richmond, Nelson .
HARTMANNCharles Frederick William 18741875Formerly of Wellington Died 26 10 1914 at Adelaide, Australia
HARTMANNFrank Philip 1874 1875 . Died in 1903
HARTMANNWilliam Maurice 1874 1875. Died in Melbourne, Australia
HARVEYCharles Morton 18771879Formerly of InvercargillDied at Brisbane in 1908
HARVEYOscar Bond 19201921Surveying Cadet, 230
Jervois Road, Auckland
HARVEYSamuel 1881 1882 Reefton .
HARWOODArthur Dick 19211921 Farmer, Upper Takaka,
HARWOODGorton Winton 19171919 Farmer, Riwaka, Nelson .
HARWOODJack1914 1915 Farmer, Upper Takaka,
HARWOOD Octavius1920 1920Farmer, Riwaka.
HASLOCHPeter Alexander 1898 1898Bushman, Wellington Served in WW1
HASTIEJames1875 1876Ironmonger, Hastie Bull
& Pickering, Christchurch
EBS [Waimea] 1875
HASZARDVaughen Douglas 19121914Clerk, National Provident
Department, Wellington
Served in WW1
[aka William
18801881 Police Constable,
Eastbourne, Wellington
HATTAWAYAlfred Rolfe 19201920. Came from Te Kuiti
HAWKLyndon Carpenter 19021902Clerk, Bank of
Australasia, Wellington
HAWKEArchibald James 1910 1912Clerk, National Mortgage
& Agency Co., Invercargill
Served in WW1, 2nd Lieutenant
HAWKEHerbert Wilfred 19151915Warehouseman, Vacuum
Oil Co., Wanganui
HAWKEPhilip William Hoy 1917 1918 Warehouseman, Ross &
Glendining, Nelson
HAWKESGeorge Gerald 1924* . ..
HAWKINSClarence Kenyon 1923* . . .
HAWKSWORTHJohn 1922* . . Godley Cup [Cadets] 1924
HAWSON John Bratton 1914 1915Formerly of Bank of NZ,
Died at Wellington 26 05 1925
HAYArchibald19021903Farm Hand, Ballance,
Pahiatua, Wellington
Served in WW1
HAYDaniel 19091911Formerly Clerk, Post &
Telegraph Department,
HAYGilbert Samuel 1922*. . .
HAYJohn Richard 1917 1918Student, Foreign Mission
Work, Glen Iris, Melbourne
HAY-BARCLAY Hugh 1896 1896Mechanical Engineer, 49
Boulcott Street, Wellington
HAYCOCKGeorge Stanfield 18711875Retired Farmer, Richmond,
Chairman of Brightwater and Hope School Committee
for nearly 20 years
HAYDONWilliam Thomas Henry 1918 1920 Clerk, Smith & Smith, 9
Albert Street, Auckland
HAYMANReginald Murray 1918 1918 Telegraphist, Post Office,
Nightcaps, Southland
HAYTONJohn Henry 19041904Manager, Tymons & Co.,
Drapers, Greymouth
Served in WW1
HAYWARDEric Commander 19171919Station Hand, Collingwood
Station, Goulburn, NSW
HAZELWOODJames Thomas 19151916 Accountant, Upper Hutt,
Winner of Marjoribanks Shield 1915;
Junior Sports Cup 1916
HEALYFrancis Roderick19211923Law Clerk, Pitt &
Moore, Nelson
HEALYNorman William Foster 19031909Boot and Shoe Dealer,
HEAPSArthur Moore 18961902Law Clerk, Garrick & Co.,
HEAPSCecil Hewitson 18921900Eastern Extension Telegraph
Co., Port Darwin, Australia
HEAPSEdgar Otway 18901895 Accountant c/o J.A. Betts,
Formerly of Eastern Extension Telegraph Co.
Served in WW1
HEAPSFrank Wilson Haggitt 18821887Retired at Norfolk IslandFormerly in Pacific Cable Co., Norfolk Island.
HEAPSWalter Henry Sutcliffe 19011907Land and Estate agent,
HEARDDaniel J. G. C. 1897 1897. Died at London in September 1905
HEATHLewis Noel 1924* . . .
HEBBERD Percy 19211922Farmer, Whangamoa, Nelson.
HEDGESBaden Ernest 19161917Farmer, Tamahere, Auckland .
HEINEChristian H. R. 1876 1877 .Died on 23 06 1878
HEINZEmil Philip 1880 1883Plumber, Mackay Street,
HELPSJohn Bramley 1863 1863 . Deceased
HENDERSONHerbert Cochar 18951897 Sheepfarmer, Kairuru,
Winner of Senior Gym Cup 1897
HENDERSONJames18581858Formerly Sharebroker,
Died at Auckland 10 04 1910
HENDERSONJohn Bogle Craig 1923* . . .
HENDERSONWilliam James 18941894Sheepfarmer, Sandy Bay,
P.O. Riwaka, Nelson
Served in WW1
HENLEYJohn Norman 1924* . . .
HENRYDavid1889 1890Fruitfarmer, Hobsonville,
HEPPELReginald Noel 19021903 Farmer, Auckland .
HERBERTClarence William Myers 1923* . . .
Farmer, Waiau, North
Served in WW1
HERDMANGuy Lawrence 1909
Farmer, Waiau, North
Served in WW1
HERDMANRoderick 1912 1916c/o Kelly and Calder,
Contactors, Motueka, Nelson
HERRINGFrank18751875 Farmer, Rahui, Westport .
HESLOPLawrence Martin 1920 1923Clerk, Dalgety & Co.,
Ltd., Nelson
HESLOP Roy James 1924* . ..
HESLOPWilfred Henry 1918 1919 Clerk, Levin & Co.,
Ltd., Nelson
HEWETSONGilbert Frederick 1916 1917 Farmer, Upper Moutere,
Junior Gym Cup 1917
HEWETSONThomas Walter 1916 1917Farmer, Upper Moutere,
HEWLETTJohn Ernest 19231924Clerk, F&D Edwards Ltd.,
HEYWOODArthur Lee 19181919 Clerk, NZ Insurance
Co., Wellington
HEYWOODWilliam Leonard 18931894Carpenter, 14 South
Street, Petone, Wellington
EBS [Town] 1893
HICKEYBryan Michael 1916 1919 Accountant, Murchison, Nelson.
HICKSONRichard Jordan Skerrett 18631864Formerly Clerk,
Treasury, Government
Buildings, Wellington
Died at Wellington 16 09 1923
HIGHTFrancis Joseph 1923* . . .
HIGHTPatrick David 1922* . . .
HILLDonovan Oldham 19091909.Served in WW1, killed in action on 24 11 1917
HILLDonald Walter 19221923 Grocer's Assistant, Tahunanui,
HILLOwen Leonard 19231923Messenger, Post and
Telegraph Department, Nelson
HILLPhilip Rowland 1870 1874Fruitgrower, Charlton Kings,
Cheltenham, England
HILLRoss19141914Constable, Police Station,
HILLThomas 19191921Farmer, Brightwater, Nelson .
HINGSTONLeslie John Hamilton 1923*. . .
HINTONLeslie19091910 . Came from Wellington
HIRSTThomas 18601861Formerly Storekeeper and
Postmaster, Brackendale,
British Columbia
Later known as Thomas HIRST-BRACKEN.
Died at London in January 1918
HOAREGeorge Herbert19011904Clerk, Kenwyn Terrace,
HOAREKenneth19011906Clerk, 60 Stanley Street,
Served in WW1
HOAREHenry1902 1902 Rintoul Street, Wellington.
HOBBSHerbert Joseph 1903 1908 c/o Richardson & Co.,
360 Lambton Quay,
Captain in NZ Engineers Corps Served in WW1, Lieutenant
HOBYArthur Hubert 19011902Dentist [Hoby & Son],
Graduated at University of Pennsylvania, USA
HOBYGeorge Anthony Boyd 1923* . . .
HOBYKennedy George 1901 1903 Formerly Dentist, Napier Died in the USA on 12 06 1920
HOCKEYKenneth Clifford 1922 1923Farmer, Richmond, Nelson Godley Cup [Cadets] 1923
HODDERBasil Rayner 1911 1911 . Lawn Tennis Champion 1911
Served in WW1, killed in action on 15 09 1916
HODDERReginald William 18821884Formerly engaged in
literary and journalistic work,
c/o Durden, 23 Aberdeen
Place, London NW8
Author of `The Daughter of the Dawn'
Died in London in January 1926
HODDERRussell Nelson 1887 1888Superintendent, Mutual and
Citizens' Life Assurance
Co., Christchurch
Served in WW1
HODGSONCharles Bertram 1914 1917Accountant, Nelson Head of School 1917; `Houlker Memorial Prize' 1917
HODGSON Charles William 18691876. `Richmond' Scholar 1876
Died in Australia on 21 01 1911
HODGSONErnest William 18811882Storekeeper, Wakefield,
EBS [Waimea] 1881
HODGSONFrank James 18751878Clerk, 364 Gill Street,
New Plymouth
HODGSONHenry Francis18701872.Drowned at Thursday Island, Australia
HODGSON John 18711872. EBS [Waimea] 1871. DeceasedTD>
HODGSONLeslie Wallace 19161918Salesman, E.W. Hodgson
& Sons, Wakefield, Nelson
HODGSON Lyall 1924* . . .
HODGSON Newman1919 1921 .Died at Springrove on 26 07 1922
HODGSON Ralph James 19081910Salesman, E.W. Hodgson
& Sons, Wakefield, Nelson
HODGSONWilliam Charles 18761880 . In England
HODSONArthur William18931898Farmer, 4 Preston Street,
HODSONFrancis Shirley 18831884Director, Murray Roberts
& Co., Ltd., Wellington
EBS [Marlborough] 1883
HODSONFrederick Stanley 1904 1908 Bacteriologist, Public
Hospital, New Plymouth
HODSONJohn Edmund 18931896Farmer, Otorohanga, Auckland.
HOFFMANN Carl Ludwig 18791880. Died at Napier in 1902
HOFFMANNHerman Leopold 18791880 Farmer, New Lynn, Auckland .
HOLBROOKGordon Thomas 19241924Carpenter, Nelson .
HOLCROFTKeir William Thomas 1923* . . .
HOLDAWAYEdwin Donald 1914 1915Clerk, National Bank of
NZ, Te Aro, Wellington
HOLDAWAYHubert Reginald 19101912 . `Stafford' Scholar 1912; Served in WW1
HOLDEREdward Catchpole 19221924 Electrician, c/o Lambert
Pain Electrical Co.,
HOLDERJohn Henry 1870 1870Riverside, Woodville .
HOLLANDGeorge Vernon 19131913Farmer, Foxhill, Nelson .
HOLLANDJohn Noel 19151916 . Died at Nelson on 03 10 1921
HOLLISRaymond Arthur Charles 1924* . . .
HOLLOWAYArthur Reginald Suter 18921895 Formerly Instructor in
Agriculture, Technical School,
HOLLOWAYJohn Ernest 1895 1900Anglican Minister, Lecturer on
Botany, Otago University,
`Newcombe' Scholar 1897; B.Sc., 1903;
M.Sc., [1st Class Hons] 1904; D.Sc., 1919;
Awarded Hutton Memorial Medal by NZ Institute for
researches in NZ
Botany Fellow of the NZ Institute 1921
HOLMESCharles Eric 19181920Clerk, A.S. Paterson &
Co., Ltd., Wellington
Senior Sports Cup 1920;
Swimming Championship 1919-1920
HOLMESJohn Alexander 18801881Retired Sheepfarmer, `Huntley,'
Upper Riccarton, Christchurch
HOODJames Moncrieff 1908 1910Mercantile Marine Officer,
S.S. Koromiko, c/o
U.S.S. Co., Wellington
HOODNeil Douglas 1915
Farmer, Main Road,
Karori, Wellington
HOODWallace Dysart 1915 1915 Law Clerk, c/o Bertram
Egley, Lambton Quay,
Represented Wellington at Hockey 1923-1924
HOOPERCecil Colston 18961897Storekeeper, Wakefield,
EBS [Waimea] 1896
HOOPERKeith Allan 1915 1916Manager, Singer Sewing
Machine Co., Wanganui
HOOPERNorman Francis 1904 1905Manager, Singer Sewing
Machine Co., Auckland
Served in WW1
HOOPER Ronald Noel 19081910Defence Office, Defence
Department, HQ, Auckland
HOOPERStanley Colston 1924*. . .
HORNBYRichard18801880 . Boxing Champion 1880. Deceased
Clerk, London & Brazilian
Bank, Buenos Aires, Argentina
HORNERBurnham Hirst 19041906Clerk and Engineer, Weber
County Council, Ti Tree
Point, Dannevirke
Served in WW1 with Royal Field Artillery, B.E.F.
as Lieutenant M.C.
HORNEREdward Osborne 19061908 Secretary, Patea Harbour
Board, Patea, Taranaki
HORNERHugh Henry 18981900Organising Teacher, State
School, Murchison, Nelson
HORNERManson 19061907Farmer, Murchison, Nelson .
HORNERRaymond1909 1910 .Served in WW1, died of sickness on 19 05 1916
HORSFIELDHenry Taylor 1903 1904Manchester, England .
HORTONHarry White 18851888Land and Commission
Agent, Blenheim
Represented Marlborough in cricket against English team 1903
HOSKINGJames Alfred 1885 1887Formerly Methodist Minister,
Otahuhu, Auckland
Died in October 1924
HOUGHTON Walter William 18941895Settler, 10 Kensington
Street, Wellington
HOULKERJames18931900Formerly Barrister and
Solicitor, Nelson
Head of School, 1900; B.A. 1902; LL.B. 1904;
First President Nelson College Old Boys' Cricket Club
Captain of Rifle Volunteers, Timaru
Prominent in boys' organizations
Served in WW1, died of wounds at Gallipoli on 10 08 1915
HOULKER Thomas 18961900Manufacturer, Mount Street,
HOULKERWilliam1896 1899Architect [Houlker &
Rix-Trott], Nelson Lic.R.I.B.A.
HOULTClifford James 19121914Cement Worker, Tarakohe
Cement Works, Takaka,
Served in WW1
HOULT Charles Michael 18771879Surveyor, Nelson EBS
[Waimea] 1877
HOULTMonte Augustine 19131914Clerk, Railway Department,
Patea, Taranaki
HOULTWilliam Harold 19001905Head Teacher, District
High School, Thames
EBS [Town] 1900; `Stafford' Scholar 1902;
Training College Scholar, Wellington 1906-1907
B.A, 1907; M.A. [2nd Class Hons], 1908
HOUNSELLAlbert Edward 1879 1880Retired Postmaster, Shirley,
HOUNSELLFrederick Henry 18761878Clerk, c/o Shirley Hill,
Customs and Shipping Agent,
HOUNSELLJesse Ernest 1873 1873Bookseller, J.E. Hounsell
& Co., Ltd., Nelson
HOUNSELLKeith Haddow 1912 1913 Bookseller, c/o
A.D. Willis, Wanganui
HOUNSELLWilliam Alfred 18781880Storeman, 27 Keith
Street Wanganui
HOUSTONJames1920*. . .
HOWARDColin Ian Grant 19231924Came from Nelson.
HOWESWilliam 18621863Came from Dunedin .
HOWIEHubert Z 19161919 Purser, c/o U.S.S. Co.,
Head Office, Wellington
HUDDLESTONFortescue Francis Croft 1863 1865Formerly Drawing Master
at Boys' College, Nelson
Died at Nelson on 22 10 1922
HUDDLESTONGeorge Ellis Croft 18601863.Died at Auckland on 31 10 1910
HUDDLESTONJack Duncan 19201922Law Clerk, c/o Robertson
and Robertson, Solicitors,
HUDDLESTONKenneth Stuart19211922Clerk, Bank of NZ,
HUDSONAthol1903 1903 Afterwards Pupil at Waitaki
High School, Oamaru and
Student at Victoria College,
B.Sc. 1916; Rhodes Scholar
Champion long-distance runner for Wellington Amateur
Athletic Club and combined Universities Athletic Tournament
NZ amateur athletic champion
Served WW1, 2nd Lieutenant, killed in action on 14 07 1916
HUDSONCharles19021903Farmer, Longbush, Wairarapa Late of Railway Engineer's Department, Wellington
Served in WW1 with Australian Forces as Lieutenant M.C.
and mentioned in despatches
HUDSONFrank19121914Medical Practitioner,
University College Hospital,
Gower Street, London
`Fell' Scholar 1914; F.R.C.S. [London] 1922
HUDSONHenry1860 1861Formerly Farmer at Ngatimoti,
Died at Westport 1922
HUDSONJohn 18971901Farmer, Wai-mimi, Wairarapa Served in WW1, 2nd Lieutenant
HUDSONPhilip 1902 1904Medical Practitioner, 34
Streatham Hill, London, SW2
M.D. [London], M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P;
Served in WW1, Captain, Royal Army Medical Corps
HUDSONThomas Henry 1909 1910 Formerly of Lands and
Survey Dept., New Plymouth
Served in WW1 and died of sickness on 18 05 1916
HUDSONWilliam18631865 Nelson.
HUDSONWilliam1908 1914 Assistant Engineer, Armstrong
Whitworth & Co., Arapuni,
Junior Gym Cup, 1911; Senior Gym Cup, 1914;
B.Sc. [London];
Served in WW1 as Lieutenant, 1st London Regiment B.E.F.
HUFFAMBlake Fred 19181918Sawmill Hand, Hokitika .
HUGHESAndrew18921894Motor Mechanic, D. Crozier
& Co., Christchurch
EBS [Town] 1892; Served in WW1, M.M.
HUGHESHesper Vernon 19061906Surveyor's Assistant, c/o
T.W. Hughes, Tokaanu,
HUGHESErnest Henry Shaw 19121916Farmer, Te Poi, Matamata,
Served in WW1
HUGHESFoster Augustine 19101911Farmer, Canvastown,
Served in WW1
HUGHES John18691870Came from Blenheim.
HUGHESLionel Wilfred 1906 1907Formerly of Mohaka,
Hawkes Bay
Senior Gym Cup 1907; Served in WW1
Died at Tokaanu in 1922
HUGHESThomas Henry 19211923Carpenter, 24 Stevens
Street, Sydenham, Christchurch
HUGHESWalter Wrexham 1864 1865Formerly Accountant,
Died at Wellington on 21 07 1922
HUMEAndrew Asquith 1920 1922 Salesman, Alexander Clark
Ltd., Palmerston North
HUMEGeorge Arthur 19211923 . Died at Palmerston North on 16 03 1925
HUMERichard1880 1881Formerly in service of
Bank of Australasia
Died at Wellington on 09 04 1886
HUNTAlbert18861886Formerly Farmer, 88
Valley, Nelson
Died in 1905
HUNTAlbert Edward 19211924Farmer, Wakefield, Nelson .
HUNTGeorge Newman 18811883Sheepfarmer, Korere, Nelson.
HUNTLawrence William 19111914Farmer, Wakefield, Nelson Served in WW1
HUNTRoger Ashton 19021903Eastern Extension Cable
Co., Singapore
HUNT Thomas19041905Farmer, 88 Valley,
Wakefield, Nelson
HUNTWilliam Raymond 1878 1882Stud Sheep Breeder,
Korere, Nelson
HUNTWilliam Raymond Junr. 19131914Farmer, Korere, Nelson.
HUNTERAlexander Stuart 19121913Accountant, Govett Quilliam
& Hutchen, New Plymouth
HUNTERFrank Livingstone 19071909Clerk, Levin & Co.,
Ltd, Hawera
Served in WW1
HUNTERRobert18721873Watchmaker, Bridge Street,
EBS [Town] 1872
HUNTERRobert Harold 1924* . . .
HUNTER-BROWNCharles Hubert 18801882Formerly Sydney Manager
for Nicholson & Morrow,
Agricultural Machinery
Manufacturers, Melbourne
Retired, 42 Belle Vue Street, North Sydney, Sydney NSW
HUNTER-BROWNHarry18781880 Retired, Tory Street,
Winner Senior Gym Cup 1879
HURDLEYJohn Edward 19221922Motor Mechanic, Waikawa
Road, Picton
Lady Godley Cup [Cadets]
Gold badge for Champion Shot
Nelson and Marlborough Senior Cadets
HURLEYFrank1899 1900General Manager, Mercantile
and General Insurance
Co., Wellington
EBS [Town] 1899
HURLEYMarvin19161919Clerk, Bank of New
South Wales, Gisborne
HURNHoward1920 1920Pupil, Wellington College,
HURSTArthur Bendigo 1903 1904Photographer, Napier .
HURSTHOUSECalvert Fearon 1898 1899Electrical Engineer,
Tramway Department,
Adelaide, South Australia
Served in the South African War
HURSTHOUSEJohn Fearon 1892 1893 Formerly Dentist, Wellington Served in WW1, Captain Deceased
HURSTHOUSELeonard Franklyn 1899
Formerly Electrical Engineer Served in WW1 as Flight Lieutenant RAF D.F.C.
Died in Florida USA in June 1922
HURSTHOUSEWilliam Richmond 18941896Dentist, Wellington Director of Dental Services in NZ during WW1; M.B.E.
HUTCHESONGeorge H 1880 1882 . Deceased
HUTCHESONJohn18731874 Formerly Land and
Commission Agent, Blenheim
Died at Blenheim on 05 10 1907
HUTCHESONWilliam18751876 Formerly Manager, Bank
of NZ, Hunterville
HYDEEdward Oliver Charles 1921 1923Law Clerk, Wellington.
HYDELawrence Galpin 19071907 Farmer, Brightwater, Nelson Served in WW1
IBBOTSONJoseph Leadman 1863 1865Formerly Farmer,
Mangorei, New Plymouth
Died at New Plymouth on 20 04 1923
IGGLESDENCharles Sharp 1898 1899 Clerk, Vacuum Oil Co.,
INGLIS Elger Graydon 1923*. . .
INGRAMCharles Garden 1903 1905Ironworker, Onekaka,
Takaka, Nelson
INGRAMErnest Arthur 19051908Formerly in Lands and
Survey Department, Nelson
Served in WW1, died of wounds on 03 05 1915
INNESFrederick Hugh Arbuthnot 19001901 Colonial Sugar Refining,
Lambassa, Fiji
INNESIan Joseph 1917 1919 Student in Wireless
Telegraphy, Nelson
INNES Vincent James Lyell 19001903Defence Department Officer,
Ellerslie, Auckland
Served in WW1
INNESWilliam18601860. Son of Rev. Mr. Innes, early Wesleyan Minister of Nelson
INNESWilliam John Waymouth 1924* . . .
INNES-JONESFrank Melville 18811886 Anglican Bishop of Nigeria,
Lagos, West Africa
`Stafford' Scholar 1884; B.A. 1888
INNES-JONESHumphrey Arthur 1881 1884 Land and Estate Agent,
147 Stafford Street, Timaru
INNES-JONESMostyn Humphrey 18811884Land Agent and Motor
Garage Proprietor [Mackay
& Jones Ltd], Te Kuiti,
Probationer and Junior Scholar, King's College,
Canterbury, England;
Junior Master, Wanganui Collegiate School, for two years
Saw active service in South Africa as Lieutenant & Adjutant,
6th Contingent NZMI, and Brigade Major, 9th Contingent
District Commissioner of Lands, Transvaal, for 3 years
Served on two Royal Commissions;
Received thanks of H.M. Govt. in Transvaal for his services
INWOODColin19221924Farmer, Inangahua Junction,
IRVINEHedley Campbell 1924 1924 Farmer, Takaka, Nelson.
IRVINESelwyn Robert 1922 1922Farmer, Brightwater, Nelson .
IRWINArchibald Havelock 1920 1924 Pupil, Wanganui Technical
School, Wanganui
Junior Sports Cup 1921 Godley Cup [Cadets] 1923
IRWINCyril Robert Munro 1913 1914 Clerk, formerly Lands
& Survey Department,
Died at Waipukerau, Hawkes Bay on 16 08 1925
IRWINDonald Leolin 1913 1917 Public Accountant, Wellington.
IRWINGordon Alexander 1923* . . .
IRWINLyell Ross 1918 1919 Clerk, National Bank,
ISAACSONHarry1886 1888. In England
ISITTWilliam Moore 19111911Congregational Minister,
Hendon, London
JACKWilliam1905 1905 Foreman Carpenter,
H. Baigent, Nelson
JACKSON Albert Edward 1889 1891Fruitgrower, Mahana, Nelson .
JACKSONDouglas George 18891893 Barrister and Solicitor
[Gray & Jackson],
JACKSONEric Beaumont 19101912Clerk, Jackson & Twiss,
JACKSONHarry Douglas 19021909. Deceased. Drowned off Rabbit Island, Nelson, in May 1909
JACKSONHerbert Henry 18781879Farmer, Brunswick, Wanganui.
JACKSONJacob19191920Plumber, 100 Muritai
Street, Eastbourne,
JACKSONJames1917 1918Law Clerk, c/o Salek,
Turner & Brown, Wellington
LL.B. 1925
Later known as James Jackson Garbett
JACKSONRalph Benjamin1878 1879Formerly Land Estate
& Financial Agent, Nelson
Died at Nelson on 25 05 1925
JACKSONRobert Edwin 1889 1889 Driver, NZ Express Co.,
New Plymouth
JACKSONRui Ralph 19151920Formerly in Bank of NZ Died at Nelson on 12 12 1922
JACKSONThomas Mellow 1885 1888 Farmer, South Salt
Spring Island, British
Swimming Champion 1888
JACKSON Walter William 18851888 Proprietor, Livery Stables,
Hawera, Taranaki
JACKSONWilliam1863 1863 Nelson .
JACKSONWilliam Henry 1920 1921 In England .
JAMESAlan Stuart 19211923Fruitgrower, Tasman, Nelson .
JAMESDonald Keith 19211923Apprentice, Anchor Foundry
Co., Nelson
Winner Junior Sports Cup 1922
JAMESEdward18801881. Came from Nelson.
Afterwards on Railway works near Stratford
JAMESIan Gordon 1923* . . .
JAMIESON Edward Spied 1919* . . .
JAMIESONWilfred Trevor 19191920Farmer, Pukekawa, via
Tuakau, Auckland
JANSENFrank Gordon 1908 1908 Fitter, Claude Road,
Epsom, Auckland
Served in WW1
JEFFREYKeith Varnham 1924* . . .
JEFFREYSCharles Alfred 18921893. Formerly of Johannesburg, South Africa
EBS [Town] 1892, Champion shot
Served in South African War 1899-1902
Also went on active service as Lieutenant,
Transvaal Mounted Rifles, against rebel Zulus, 1906
Died in South Africa in September 1917
JEFFREYSClarence Rainsford 19161916 Motor Driver, Christchurch .
JEFFREYSHoward Harrington 19161918Student, Methodist Training
College, Auckland
JEFFREYSHugh Digby 1902 1903Sheepfarmer, Omahanui,
Wairoa, Hawkes Bay
Served in WW1, M.M.
JENKINSAlfred George 1862
. Died at Sydney on 19 08 1923
JENKINSAmbrose Coulter 19091914Assistant Engineer, Public
Works Department, Nelson
Served in WW1
JENKINSBrian William 1920 1920Farmer, Riwaka, Nelson .
JENKINSDominic Patrick 1914 1915Telegraphist, Post and
Telegraph Department,
JENKINS James 1857 1858. Did missionary work among the Maori and took a party
of Maori to England and was presented to Queen Victoria
JENKINSJohn 18571857 . .
JENKINSKenneth Charles 19221922Farmer, Riwaka, Nelson.
JENKINSRichard Webb 1862 1869 Formerly Manager of Bank
of NSW, Blenheim
`Newcombe' Scholar 1866 and Foundation Scholarship 1868
Retired in Blenheim
JENKINSWalter James 19151917Railway Works, Pikomanu,
Glenhope, Nelson
JENKINS William Vaughan18581864. Died in Australia
JENKISONThomas19191920 Clerk, Bank of NZ,
Motueka, Nelson
JENNENSEric Nelson 19051905Joiner, 65a Hamilton
Road, Wellington
JENNENSTheodore Melville 19061909Business Broker, 73
Willis Street, Wellington
Served in WW1
JENNERFreeman1922 1922Plumber, c/o W. Bennett,
JENNINGSEdward18701870Formerly Anglican Minister,
Died at Gisborne in October 1919
JENNINGSJohn Sinclair 19021903 Eastern Extension Telegraph
Co., Singapore
JENNINGSLancelot Shadwell 19011906Formerly Assistant Master,
Waitaki High School,
EBS [Waimea] 1901; `Simmons' Price 1906;
University Junior Scholar 1906;
Head of School, 1906; M.Sc. 1911; B.A., 1912;
Winner of Lawn Tennis Championship, University Tournament
Served in WW1, Captain. Killed in action on 15 09 1916
JENNINGSNathaniel Lardner 1870 1870. Deceased
JENNINGS Noel Wilson 19081909Formerly Newspaper Reporter,
Stratford, Taranaki
Served in WW1 and killed in action on 07 06 1917
JERRAMCharles Wynn Squire 1922*. . .
JESSOPCarfield Cornelius 19091911Formerly in service of
Australian Mutual Provident
Served in WW1 and killed in action on 27 08 1915
JESSOPMcKinlay 19171917Came from Hope, Nelson.
JESSOPPhilip Ebenezer 19051905Formerly of Hope, Nelson Served in WW1
Died in NZ after discharge on 19 03 1915
JEUNEDudley James Frederick 1911 1914 Assistant Engineer, Public
Works Department, Lake
Coleridge, Christchurch
President Students' Association, Canterbury College 1923;
Represented Canterbury College in University tournaments
2nd Lieutenant NZ Engineers' Corps Served in WW1, M.M.
JEUNEGeoffrey John 1918 1919 Barrister and Solicitor
[Jeune and Woodward],
LL.B. 1923
JEUNEPhilip Charles1918 19215 Hinaki Street, Kaiti,
JICKELLWilliam1895 1898Formerly Lieutenant, Royal
Garrison Artillery, Malta
Served in South African War as Lieutenant in the NZ
Mounted Infantry
Awarded D.S.O. and a Commission in the British Army
JOHANSENErnest Ferdinand Gabriel 18901894 Formerly Barrister and
Solicitor, and Managing
Clerk to Messrs. Smithson
and Raymond, Timaru
EBS Scholar [Motueka], 1890; `Newcombe' Scholar, 1892;
`Joynt' Scholar, 1892; `Simmons' Prize, 1894;
University Junior Scholar, 1893 [declined]; and 1894;
B.A. [Senior Scholar] 1897; M.A; 1898; LL.B. 1901;
Died in January 1911
JOHNSArthur Israel 18921893Inspector, NZ Insurance
Co., Auckland
Fellow of NZ Accountants' and Auditors' Association,
and Associate of Institute of Accountants [A.I.A.N.Z.]
JOHNSFrank Douglas 1924* . . Winner Junior Gym Cup 1924
JOHNSJoshua 1859 1859 .Died in 1903
JOHNSOwen Fowler 1919 1921Eastern Extension Telegraph
Co., Wellington
Junior Gym Cup, 1919; Senior Gym Cup 1920-1921
JOHNSONArchibald Frederick 19191920Student, Canterbury College,
Cooper Cup [cross country run] 1920
JOHNSONArthur Allan 1923*. . .
JOHNSONCharles Pendred 18801883Formerly Government Audit
Inspector, Dunedin
EBS [Town] 1880; `Richmond' Scholar 1881
Passed Senior Civil Service Examinations [first in NZ] 1883
JOHNSONDudley Edgar19211924Clerk, Nelson City
Council, Nelson
JOHNSON Ernest Alfred 18671868 Christchurch .
JOHNSONFrank18821883Contactor, Devonport Road,
EBS [Town] 1882
JOHNSON Gordon1918 1918 Came from Wellington .
JOHNSONHarry William 19201924Clerk, Bank of NZ, Wellington.
JOHNSONLeslie Maynard 1920* . . `Richmond' Scholar 1924
JOHNSTON David 1887 1888C/o E. Johnston & Co.,
Auctioneers, Wellington
JOHNSTONGraham Alexander 19221924Farm Assistant, Whata
Whata, Waikato
JOHNSTONHerbert McKenzie 1922* . . Junior Gym Cup 1923
JOHNSTONHubert Kenneth 19041907Storekeeper, Hope, Nelson Formerly in Government Life Insurance Department
Served in WW1
JOHNSTONJames Campbell 19071908Farmer, Aniseed Valley,
JOHNSTONRoyston Gowland19121913Farmer, Aniseed Valley,
JOHNSTONWilliam David Stoney 18971901Medical Practitioner, Nelson M.B., Ch.B. [Edin]; M.D. [Edin] 1912
A Governor of Nelson College
Served in WW1 Captain in NZ Medical Corps
JOHNSTONEDavid 1924* . . .
JOHNSTONEJoseph1868 1868 . Deceased
JONESAlfred Thomas18681868Formerly Law Clerk [Adams
and Harley] Nelson
Died in 1908
JONESBrian Hewetson 1924* . . .
JONESEdmund18591860Formerly Printer, Government
Printing Office, Wellington
Retired at 19 Harbour View Road, Northland Wellington
JONESKelvin Hector 19221924Clerk, J.H. Cock & Co., Ltd.,
JONESLloyd18661866Managing Director H.I. Jones
& Son, Wanganui
JONESThomas Ackerley 19081909Formerly of the Public
Trust Department, Wellington
Served in WW1 and killed in action on 15 09 1916
JONESSeptimus 18791879Came from Dunedin .
JONES William Hugh 18831884Came from Greymouth Died in West Australia in 1921
JORDANAlbert Randolph 1900 1903District Public Trustee,
EBS [Town] 1900
President, Christchurch branch, Nelson College Old
Boys' Association
JORDANCharles Boughton 18951897Methodist Minister, Port
Chalmers, Otago
Formerly in Customs Department.
EBS [Waimea] 1895; B.A. 1908; M.A. 1920
Fellow of Royal Economic Society
JORDANCharles Edward 1902 1906Farmer, Dovedale, Nelson EBS [Waimea] 1902
JORDANHedley Vickers 19031908 . Died 18 04 1910 at Wellington
JORDANJames Garfield 19011904Teacher, State School,
Inangahua Junction, Nelson
Served in WW1
JORDANPercy Allan 1907 1910Farmer, Dovedale, Nelson .
JORYPhilip John 19051909Medical Practitioner, St.
George's Hospital, 2 Hyde
Park, London W
`Richmond' Scholar, 1907; Senior National University
Scholar, 1907 [declined]; University Junior Scholar, 1909;
`Andrew Memorial Prize,' 1909 [equal];
M.B. Ch.B. 1919; F.R.C.S. [Eng.] 1924
Served in WW1 with NZ Medical Corps, Lieutenant
Colonel, D.S.O.
JOYNTRobert Bromley 19141915Clerk, Bank of NZ,

Nelson College Records: Index


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