1. The Short Title of this Act is The Military Pensions Extension to Contingents Act, 1900
2. For all the purposes of The Military Pensions Act, 1866, the forces enrolled by the New Zealand Government
for service in South Africa shall be deemed to be Colonial Forces within the meaning of that Act, and the provisions
of that Act shall extend and apply to those forces accordingly in like manner as if their service in South Africa were
service under the New Zealand Government:
Provided that the allowances made to relatives under that Act shall not be granted to any person under this Act except
the widow, child, or mother of an officer, non-commissioned officer, or private.
The following persons, and those only, shall be deemed to be members of the forces enrolled by the New Zealand
Government for service in South Africa:-
[1] The persons actually enrolled in New Zealand as members of the respective New Zealand contingents and
reserves, or attached thereto, a complete list of their names being set out in Part I. of the Schedule hereto; and
[2] The persons who, though not enrolled in New Zealand, were sent to South Africa by the New Zealand
Government on non-military service connected with those contingents, and were enrolled in South Africa in those
contingents, or in any Imperial Force, a list of their names, so far as known, being set out in Part II of the
Schedule hereto, but that list not being complete;
[3] The persons who, being New-Zealanders, were enrolled in South Africa in those contingents, a list of their names,
so far as known, being set out in Part III of the Schedule hereto, but that list not being complete.
[4] The benefits conferred by this Act shall not be in any way affected by the grant of pensions, allowances, or
benefits from the Imperial Government.