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Over 112 841 individual names in various databases
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Memoirs researched and written on your behalf.
Handwritten manuscripts and documents transcribed.
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People tracing undertaken.
Historical research and background detail.
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Akaroa Cemetery
Cyclopedia of New Zealand 1897 - Wellington Province
Cyclopedia of New Zealand 1906 - Nelson, Marlborough & Westland
Dominion Post Births and Deaths
Early Mayors of New Zealand 1862-1931
Early New Zealand Settlers
New Zealand Officiating Ministers - 1882
New Zealand Military Lists
- NZ 20th Battalion & Armoured Regiment
- NZ 23rd Battalion
- NZ Petrol Company
- NZ Supply Company
- Waikaraka Cemetery Memorial Plaques
New Zealand Military Pensions 1900, 1902
New Zealand Wars 1860-1870
New Zealand Teachers 1906
New Zealand School Records
- Auckland Girls' Grammar School Records 1928-1931
- Nelson College Records 1933-1935
- Nelson College School Roll 1856-1924
- Nelson Girls' College Records 1937-1938, 1940, 1943
- NZ Civil Service Junior Examinations 1906
- NZ Junior National Scholarships 1906
- St Patrick's College Wellington - School Roll 1885-1984
- Wellington Diocesan School for Girls, Marton, School Roll
- Wellington Technical College School Roll 1934
New Zealand University Graduates 1870-1961
New Zealand Shipping and Passenger Lists
- Aurora Passenger List
- Bengal Merchant Passenger List
- Bombay Passenger List
- Charlotte Jane Passenger List
- Comte de Paris Passenger List
- Duke of Roxburgh Passenger List
- Oriental Passenger List
- US Vessels in Bay of Islands 1839-1841
4th Light Dragoons Personal Records
4th Light Dragoons Regiment Records
- 4LD Pay & Muster Roll 1831
- 4LD Pay & Muster Roll 1839
- 4LD Pay & Muster Roll 1841
- 4th Hussars Pay & Muster Roll 1864
- 4LD Cavalry Inspection Return 1853
- 4LD Crimean War
- 4LD Regimental Letters 1839-1866
- 4LD Personal Letters, Accounts & Journals
India Records
- 4th Light Dragoons Chaplain's Returns 1822-1841
- Bombay Calendar & Almanac Army List 4th Light Dragoons 1824
Military Lists
- RAF Squadron 53
- Turkish Contingent Cavalry Division Nominal Roll 1856
- Woolwich Arsenal Ordnance College Work Book 1916
Australia's First Fleet
Shipping and Passenger Lists
- Bombay Calendar & Almanac - Passenger Lists 1822-1842
- Duchess of Atholl Crew & Passenger List 1828
- Duchess of Atholl Crew & Passenger List 1830
- Duke of Sussex Passenger List 1831
- Duke of York Passenger & Crew List 1822
- Dunira Passenger & Crew List 1822
Illustrated London News 1860
Prestwich Asylum - List of Attendants 1868
Registration Districts - England and Wales
Registration Districts - Scotland
School Records
- Extracts Sherburn School Register 1765-1830
Yorkshire County Magazine 1891-1892
- Biography of Thomas Whytehead 1815-1843
Yorkshire County Magazine 1891-1892
- Monumental Inscriptions Parish Church Middleton Tyas
- South Yorkshire Burials - Obituaries Darfield Area 1740-1814
Definitions - Archaic words
UK Records - Cloud and Clout
Books for Sale
- Old Books and Pamphlets
- Shipping Books
Synagogues - Hungary and Romania
New Zealand Ship and Marine Society

Miramar Ship Index

Crimean War Research Society

Hope and Homes for Children

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This site may be freely linked to but not duplicated in any fashion without my consent.
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 Web Site Directory |
Updated 29 April 2024