SURNAME | FORENAMES | RANK & NO. | UNIT | NEXT OF KIN & ADDRESS | McALLISTER | Peter Gray | Private 5954 | 8CSIRGS | Father: John McAllister, Lower Shotover, Queenstown | McALPINE | Angus | Private 5100 | 8CNIRAS | Father: James McAlpine, 53 Nairn Street, Wellington | McANALLY | Samuel | Corporal 6019 | 8CSIRHS | Half-brother: William McKenzie, Orepuki, Southland | McARLEY | Olliver | Private 9192 | 10CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. A McArley, Pukeuri | McARTHUR | Archibald | Private 8777 | 10CNZRD | Mother: Mrs. Esther McArthur, Guillon Street, Wanganui | McARTNEY | Henry | Regimental Quarter- master Sergeant 7797 | 9CSIRBNS | Father: Henry McArtney, Blenheim | McAULEY | Robert William | Sergeant 6011 | 8CSIRHS | Father: John James McAuley, Portobello, Dublin | McBAIN | Alexander | Lance-Corporal 7941 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Donald McBain, Otama, Otago | McBRIDE | Andrew Lindsay | Private 6130 | 8CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Jessie March, Lake Wanaka, Otago | McBRIDE | John | Private 5949 | 8CSIRGS | Father: Robert McBride, Rough Ridge Post-office, Otago | McBRIDE | Robert | Private 5952 | 8CSIRGS | Father: Robert McBride, Rough Ridge Post-office, Otago | McBURNEY | Stanley Herbert | Private 5504 | 8CNIRDS | Mother: Mrs Martha McBurney, Ngaruawahia, Waikato | McBURNEY | William | Private 5228 | 8CNIRBS | Brother: David McBurney, Drury, Auckland | McCABE | Francis | Private 7328 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Agnes McCabe, West Street, Newton, Auckland | McCALLUM | Donald | Private 5087 | 8CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs Annie McCallum, Kaiwarra, Wellington | McCALLY | Charles Samuel | Private 8052 | 9CSIRBS | Father: Samuel McCally, Hakataramea, South Canterbury | McCARTHY | Donald | Private 7208 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Jessie McCarthy, Kuaotunu, Auckland | McCARTHY | John | Farrier 9095 | 10CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs S. M. Brown, Aratiti, Te Aroha | McCARTHY | Percy | Private 9310 | 10CSIRFS | Father: F. McCarthy, Boundary Street, Greymouth | McCARTNEY | Thomas | Private 5375 | 8CNIRCS | Sister: Miss. Mary J. McCartney, Marton, Rangitikei | McCAULEY | John Richard | Private 7207 | 9CNIRFS | Father: William Henry McCauley, Te Puke, Bay of Plenty | McCHESNEY | Thomas | Private 6361 | 7C | Father: James McChesney, Marton | McCLEARY | Joseph | Private 5687 | 8CSIRES | Brother: Richard McCleary, Charles Street, Linwood, Christchurch | McCONAGHEY | John | Private 5686 | 8CSIRES | Father: Mr. Joseph McConaghey, Doyleston, Canterbury | McCONKEY | Arthur Edgar | Private 7211 | 9CNIRFS | Father: W. H. McConkey, Te Awamutu, Waikato | McCONNEL | Henry | Private 9195 | 10CSIRES | Father: R. McConnel, Christchurch | McCONNELL | James | Private 7924 | 9CSIRAS | Mother: Mrs. Catherine McConnell, Miller's Flat, Otago | McCONNELL | John George | Private 9194 | 10CSIRES | Father: John McConnell, North-east Belt, Ashburton | McCONNELL | William Nevin | Corporal 9069 | 10CNZRD | Father: John McConnell, Gladstone Road, Parnell, Auckland | McCRAE | John | Lieutenant | 10CNIRCS | Father: James Wright McCrae, Stronvar, Masterton | McCULLOCH | Douglas | Private 6359 | 7C | Mother: Mrs. Lucy McCulloch, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay | McDONALD | Allan Joseph | Private 8138 | 7C | Father: A. J. McDonald, Main Road, South Dunedin | McDONALD | Andrew | Private 9312 | 10CSIRFS | Father: John McDonald, Hedgehope, Invercargill | McDONALD | Duncan Buchanan | Private 5227 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Duncan McDonald, Burnside, Waverley | McDONALD | Edward | Private 8054 | 9CSIRBS | Brother: Michael McDonald, Lowburn, Otago | McDONALD | George | Private 8979 | 10CNIRDS | Father: James McDonald, Pukahu, Hastings, Hawke's Bay | McDONALD | George Conrad | Private 6168 | 6&7CNRR | Mother: Mrs. F. McDonald, Collingwood Street, Nelson | McDONALD | Hugh | Private 5376 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Angus McDonald, 40 Nairn Street, Wellington | McDONALD | James | Private 5987 | 8CSIRGS | Sister: Miss Mary F. McDonald, Fabian's, Great Latham, near Withem, Essex, England Guardian: Mrs. Agnes Nimmo, 127 Albion Street, Dunedin |
McDONALD | John | Lance Corporal 3799 | 67SA10CD | Father: James McDonald, Orawai, Southland | McDONALD | John Thomas | Quartermaster Sergeant 9460 | 10CSIRHS | Father: John Thomas McDonald, Kaikoura | McDONALD | Peter | Quartermaster Sergeant 7326 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Jean McDonald, Scotland Brother: Donald McDonald, De Beers Mine, Kimberley, South Africa Friend: John Martin, Martinborough, Wairarapa |
McDONALD | Thomas Thompson | Private 6083 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Captain John McDonald, Flagstaff, Bluff | McDONALD | William George | Private 5818 | 8CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth McDonald, Brunnerton | McDONNELL | Michael | Regimental Quarter- master Sergeant 5131 | 8CNIRRS | Father: John McDonnell, Spring Creek, Marlborough | McEACHEN | John Allan | Private 7922 | 9CSIRAS | Father: John Allan McEachen, Alexandra, Otago | McFARLANE | Herbert Milne | Private 8139 | 7C | Father: Andrew McFarlane, c/o ___Livingstone, Parkside, Caversham, Dunedin |
McFARLANE | John | Private 9313 | 10CSIRFS | Friend: Mr. D. Livingstone, Grey Street, Port Chalmers | McFARLANE | Joseph | Private 7933 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Andrew McFarlane, Main Road, Caversham, Dunedin | McFARLANE | Norman | Private 7934 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Andrew McFarlane, Main Road, Caversham, Dunedin | McFARLANE | William | Private 5508 | 8CNIRDS | Father: John C. McFarlane, Huntly | McFARLANE | William John | Private 7932 | 9CSIRAS | Father: John McFarlane, Tapanui, Otago | McGEE | John | Private 9669 | 789CD | Father: Thomas McGee, Winslowe, Canterbury | McGILL | Henry | Private 8906 | 10CNZRD | Father: Daniel McGill, Hutt Road, Petone | McGILP | Clyde | Private 7475 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Mary McGilp, Victoria Street, Cambridge, Waikato | McGIVERN | Henry Felix | Private 9374 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Felix McGiern, Te Awamutu, Auckland | McGLASHAN | Douglas Roy | Private 7209 | 9CNIRFS | Father: William McGlashan, Eskdale, Napier | McGOLDRICK | James | Farrier 7527 | 9CNIRHS | Brother: McGoldrick, Defence Office, Wellington | McGOLDRICK | Robert Patrick | Sergeant 7476 | 9CNIRHS | Father: James McGoldrick, Panama Hotel, Wellington | McGOUGH | Robert Henry | Private 7327 | 9CNIRGS | Father: William John Gough, Pukekohe, Auckland | McGOUN | John Todd | Corporal 5883 | 8CSIRGS | Father: Allen McGoun, Ben More Station, Kurow, Oamaru | McGOVERIN | Martin | Private 5688 | 8CSIRES | Father: Thomas McGoverin, Darfield, Canterbury | McGOVERN | Matthew Michael | Private 8733 | 10CNIRBS | Father: James McGovern, Hampden Street, Hokitika | McGOWAN | Cyril John | Private 5088 | 8CNIRAS | Father: John McGowan, Newtown, Wellington | McGRATH | Edward | Private 7478 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Margaret McGrath, Doyleston, North Canterbury | McGRATH | Frank | Private 9668 | 789CD | Friend: J. B. Nicol, Gore | McGREGOR | Claude Ernest Buchanan | Sergeant 9463 | 10CSIRHS | Father: John C. McGregor, Mataura | McGREGOR | David | Corporal 5032 | 8CNIRAS | Father: John D. McGregor, Hinau, Feilding | McGREGOR | James | Private 5947 | 8CSIRGS | Father: Alexander McGregor, Goodwood, Palmerston South | McGREGOR | James Alexander | Private 5502 | 8CNIRDS | Friend: Bartholomew Scanlan, Dargaville, Auckland Father: Sidney A. McGregor, Edinburgh, Scotland |
McGREGOR | Malcolm | Private 9426 | 10CSIRGS | Father: Malcolm McGregor, Kakanui, Oamaru | McGRUER | Norman | Sergeant 7583 | 10CNIRAS | Father: George Norman McGruer, Karangahake | McGUIRE | William Frooms | Private 8782 | 10CNZRD | Brother: John McGuire, Wynyard Street, Auckland | McILVRIDE | William John | Corporal 8847 | 10CNIRCS | Father: G. McIlvride, Lower Hutt | McINNES | Duncan Blair | Private 8992 | 10CNIRDS | Mother: Mrs. Christina McInnes, Douglas Wallace Street, Wellington | McINTOSH | Edmund | Private 9596 | 67SA10CD | Mother: Mrs. Mary McIntosh, Caversham, Dunedin | McINTOSH | Henry Beveridge | Lance-Corporal 7929 | 9CSIRAS | Father: J. McIntosh, George Street North, Dunedin | McINTOSH | William Scobie | Farrier-Sergeant 5878 | 8CSIRGS | Nephew: Angus McKenzie, Hedgehope, Invercargill | McIVER | George Henry | Private 7480 | 9CNIRHS | Father: Walter McIver, Waikaia, Southland | McIVER | Robert | Private 8732 | 10CNIRBS | Father: Mr. McIver, Waikare, Napier | McKAIN | Argyle | Farrier 5038 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Daniel McKain, Lower Hutt, Wellington | McKAIN | John Ward | Saddler 5036 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Daniel McKain, Lower Hutt, Wellington | McKANDRY | James | Private 9070 | 10CNZRD | Father: James McKandry, Wolf Street, Auckland | McKAY | Donald | Sergeant Major 7667 | 9CSIRCS | Father: Murdock McKay, Hurunui, North Canterbury | McKAY | John Johnstone | Private 7800 | 9CSIRDS | Father: James Ross McKay, Cox Street, Ashburton | McKAY | Thomas McLean | Lance Corporal 9477 | 10CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. C. Redpath, Clinton | McKAY | William | Veterinary Corporal 9110 | 10CSIRES | Son: William McKay, Hanmer Plains, Canterbury | McKAY | William John | Saddler-Sergeant 6014 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Hugh McKay, Rotherham, North Canterbury | McKEAGUE | William John | Private 9823 | 10CNZRD | Brother: Daniel McKeague, Gisborne | MCKEE | Archibald | Private 8581 | 10CNIRAS | Father: John McKee, Te Aroha | McKEE | James Alexander | Saddler Sergeant 7078 | 9CNIRGS | Father: John McKee, Te Aroha, Auckland | McKEE | John | Sergeant 8584 | 10CNIRAS | Father: John McKee, Te Aroha | McKEICH | Robert | Lieutenant | 9CSIRAS | Wife: Mrs. E. H. McKeich, Lawrence, Otago | McKEICH | Walter Ernest | Private 9538 | 10CSIRHS | Father: R. McKeich, Whitehaven Street, Lawrence | McKELLAR | Gerald Forbes | Corporal 7930 | 9CSIRAS | Father: A. McKellar, Outram, Otago | McKENZIE | Alexander | Private 5501 | 8CNIRDS | Father: Alexander McKenzie, Pahi, Kaipara, Auckland | McKENZIE | Alexander Frederick | Private 7324 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Kenneth McKenzie, Mangarimu, Feilding | McKENZIE | Henry | Lance Corporal 9478 | 10CSIRHS | Sister: Mrs. Jones, Longbush, Southland | McKENZIE | Hughie | Private 9314 | 10CSIRFS | Sister: Mrs. Burfeet, Timaru | McKENZIE | John Murdock | Lance Corporal 7330 | 9CNIRGS | Father: John McKenzie, Te Whiti, Masterton | McKENZIE | Stanley | Private 8852 | 10CNIRCS | Father: Murdoch McKenzie, Unnataroa, Dannevirke | McKENZIE | William | Lieutenant | 67SA10CD | Mother: Mrs. M. F. McKenzie, c/o Mr. R. Gunyan, Alexander South | McKENZIE | William Alexander | Private 5097 | 8CNIRAS | Father: John McKenzie, Upper Plain, Masterton | McKEOWN | Herbert | Private 8984 | 10CNIRDS | Father: T. McKeown, Stratford | McKERCHER | John | Private 5953 | 8CSIRGS | Father: Donald McKercher, Post-office, Benmore, Invercargill | McKERROW | William | Private 5098 | 8CNIRAS | Father: John Craig McKerrow, 9 Fitzherbert Terrace, Wellington | McKILLOP | John Charles | Lieutenant | 10CNIRAS | Father: C. McKillop, Masterton | McKINLEY | William | Private 7669 | 9CSIRCS | Sister: Mrs. J. Williamson, Sumner, Christchurch | McKINNON | Frank | Private 8851 | 10CNIRCS | Father: W. H. McKinnon, Central Police Station, Wellington | McKNIGHT | Robert | Private 5948 | 8CSIRGS | Father: James McKnight, Blackstone Hill, Otago | McLACHLAN | Colin | Private 8853 | 10CNIRCS | Sister: Miss Annie McLachlan, Clareville, Waiparara | McLACHLAN | Robert Clephane | Surgeon Captain | 10CSIRES | Father: Archibald McLachlan, Doyleston | McLAREN | Charlie Douglas | Corporal 5035 | 8CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs McTeal, Gisborne | McLAREN | Donald | Lance Corporal 7799 | 9CSIRDS | Father: William McLaren, Mayfield, Ashburton | McLAREN | Duncan | Private 9193 | 10CSIRES | Father: William McLaren, Mayfield, Ashburton | McLAREN | James Robertson | Lieutenant | 9CSIRDS | Mother: Mrs. M. McLaren, Post-office, Lawrence | McLAUGHLIN | . | Private 5685 | 8CNIRAS | Father: J. McLaughlin, Darfield, North Canterbury | McLAUGHLIN | Andrew John | Private 5684 | 8CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. E. McLaughlin, Darfield, Canterbury | McLAUGHLIN | David | Private 7673 | 9CSIRCS | Sister: Mrs. Maggie Penny, Halswell, Christchurch | McLAUGHLIN | John | Private 5093 | 8CNIRAS | Father: James McLaughlin, Hugh Street, Wellington | McLAY | Thomas Benjamin | Private 7665 | 9CSIRCS | Father: John McLay, Waikouaiti, Otago | McLEAN | Alexandra Hugh | Private 8056 | 9CSIRBS | Father: J. McLean, Waikaia, Riversdale, Otago | McLEAN | Alfred | Private 6086 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Henry McLean, Gladstone, Invercargill | McLEAN | Charles James | Corporal 7335 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Robert McLean, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui | McLEAN | James | Private 9540 | 10CSIRHS | Father: John McLean, Brockville Road, Kaikorai | McLEAN | John | Lance Corporal 8585 | 10CNIRAS | Father: Charles McLean, Karangahake | McLEAN | Robert James | Saddler-Sergeant 5743 | 8CSIRFS | Father: Robert McLean, Lincoln, Canterbury | McLEAN | William | Private 8985 | 10CNIRDS | Father: K. McLean, Porangahau, Dannevirke | McLEAN | William | Private 9308 | 10CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Eliza Nesbitt, Belgrove, Nelson | McLELLAND | Alexander Coulter | Private 5951 | 8CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. James McLelland, Eddystone Street, Kaitangata | McLENNAN | Donald John | Private 7391 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Sarah Tidswell, Taihape, Wanganui | McLENNAN | Murdock | Private 9071 | 10CNZRD | Father: Norman McLennan, Kauri, Whangarei | McLEOD | George Frank | Farrier 9251 | 10CSIRFS | Cousin: Robert Judge, Hawera | McLEOD | John Arthur Howard | Sergeant 5440 | 8CNIRDS | Sister: Miss A. McLeod, Rawene, Hokianga,Auckland | McLEOD | Murdoch John | Private 5506 | 8CNIRDS | Father: Malcolm McLeod, Haydon Street, Auckland | McLEOD | Murdock | Private 6087 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Roderick McLeod, Seacliff, Dunedin | McLEOD | Neil Glouster | Lieutenant not attached to Squadrons | 9CNIRBNS | Father: J. McLeod, McLeod Bros., Queen Street, Auckland | McLEOD | Percy Rona | Private 7079 | 9CNIRES | Brother: H. McLeod, Post-office, Auckland | McLIVER | John Lachlan | Corporal 9238 | 10CSIRFS | Father: Captain J. McLiver, Avondale, Auckland | McLURE | Valentine Murray | Private 9539 | 10CSIRHS | Friend: S. W. Bates, Castle Street, Dunedin | McMAHON | Donald | Private 9664 | 789CD | Friend: David Burt, Wallsend, Brunnerton | McMAHON | George Hamilton | Private 7077 | 9CNIRES | Father: Michael McMahon, Tapu, Thames | McMASTER | Hugh | Corporal 7806 | 9CSIRDS | Father: John McMaster, Main Street, Reefton | McMASTERS | Archibald | Corporal 8850 | 10CNIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Hannah McMaster, Greytown North | McMATH | Andrew | Corporal 8726 | 10CNIRBS | Father: Andrew J. McMath, Rotorua | McMILLAN | James Watson | Captain | 9CSIRAS | Mother: Mrs. E. McMillan, 91 Leith Street, Dunedin | McMILLAN | Samuel Thomas | Private 9822 | 10CNZRD | Mother: Mrs. Maria McMillan, Alexander Street, Wanganui | McMILLAN | William George | Private 7076 | 9CNIRES | Mother: Mrs. Maria McMillan, Alexander Street, Auckland | McMORRIN | William Stewart | Private 7803 | 9CSIRDS | Brother: James McMorrin, Spring Creek, Blenheim | McNAB | Alexander | Lieutenant | 8CSIRHS | Brother: Robert McNab, M.H.R., Knapdale, Gore | McNAB | Alexander | Private 6334 | 6&7CNRR | Mother: Mrs. Jessie McNab, South Oamaru | McNAB | Thomas | Private 5373 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Peter McNab, Normanby Road, Mount Eden, Auckland | McNAB | William James | Private 6208 | 6&7CNRR | Mother: Mrs. Catherine R. McLeod, Melrose, Dunedin | McNALLY | Robert Henry | Private 5372 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Robert McNally, Pukekohe, Auckland | McNAUGHT | John Bedford | Private 7927 | 9CSIRAS | Father: William McNaught, Ribble Street, Dunedin | McNAUGHTON | John | Private 5950 | 8CSIRGS | Father: James McNaughton, Ida Valley, Ophir, Otago | McNEIL | John Boyne | Farrier Sergeant 9467 | 10CSIRHS | Sister: Mrs. A. Murphy, Green Island, Dunedin | McNEISH | James Alfred | Private 7210 | 9CNIRFS | Father: J. A. McNeish, Cambridge, Waikato | McNICHEL | Alexander William | Private 5817 | 8CSIRFS | Brother: John Hardy McNichel, c/o T. R. Winton, Riverton, Southland | McPHAIL | Charles E. | Private 7479 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Frances McPhail, 26 Molesworth Street, Wellington | McPHEDERAN | Colin Campbell | Shoeing Smith 5618 | 8CSIRES | Father: Duncan McPhederan, Fairview, Timaru | McPHEDRAN | Donald Cunningham | Farrier 9250 | 10CSIRFS | Friend: John Whittaker, Stafford Street, Timaru | McPHEE | Duncan | Private 8058 | 9CSIRBS | Father: Donald McPhee, Gladstone, Wairarapa | McPHEE | William John | Private 7670 | 9CSIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Duncan McPhee, Greytown North, Wellington | McPHERSON | Arthur Fergus | Private 9427 | 10CSIRGS | Uncle: Alfred Cox, Office Road, St. Albans, Christchurch | McPHERSON | John | Lance Corporal 9475 | 10CSIRHS | Father: Charles McPherson, Romahapa, Balclutha | McPHERSON | Norman | Private 9311 | 10CSIRFS | Father: Norman McPherson, sen., Orari | McQUEEN | Alexander | Lance-Corporal 7942 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Alexander McQueen, Gore, Southland | McQUILLAN | Archibald | Private 6207 | 6&7CNRR | Father: James McQuillan, Geraldine, Canterbury | McRAE | James Hector | Private 5507 | 8CNIRDS | Father: F. F. McRae, Kamo, Whangarei | McSWEENEY | John | Private 9665 | 789CD | Sister: Margaret Payne, Lyttelton | McTAGGART | Robert | Private 7931 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Robert McTaggart, Broad Bay, Peninsula, Otago | McTAVISH | Samuel | Private 8986 | 10CNIRDS | Father: J. McTavish, Pahiatua | McWILLIAM | Lavington | Private 5095 | 8CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs Annie McWilliam, c/o T. O'Brien, Tory Street, Wellington | McWILLIAMS | Henry | Private 9673 | 789CD | Father: Henry McWilliams, Union Street, Milton | McWILLIAMS | James | Private 9309 | 10CSIRFS | Brother: Thomas McWilliams, Cook Street, Auckland | MEADOWS | William | Private 9421 | 10CSIRGS | Father: Thomas Meadows, Luggate, Otago | MEADS | Claude | Private 8987 | 10CNIRDS | Father: Nathan Meads, Waiatapu | MEARNS | William James | Private 5942 | 8CSIRGS | Father: William R. G. Mearns, Brown Street, Mornington, Dunedin | MEARS | James Francis | Private 7928 | 9CSIRAS | Father: John Mears, Mosgiel, Dunedin | MEECH | Harry | Private 7472 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Emma Meech. 2 Mowbray Street, Wellington | MEEK | Peter | Sergeant 7925 | 9CSIRAS | Father: John Meek, 70 Elm Row, Dunedin | MEFFEN | Robert Mackintosh | Private 6205 | 6&7CNRR | Father: Robert McIntosh Meffen, Black's Road, North-east Valley, Dunedin |
MEFFIN | David | Private 8059 | 9CSIRBS | Father: David Meffen, Clifton, Invercargill | MEHARRY | James Gilchrist | Private 5815 | 8CSIRFS | Father: Robert Meharry, Upper Kokatahi, West Coast | MEHRTENS | Charles William | Private 6089 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Henrich Mehrtens, Camside Farm, Rangiora | MELLARS | Francis Joseph | Private 7074 | 9CNIRES | Father: George Frederick Mellars, Taupiri, Waikato | MELLOR | Percy | Private 5675 | 8CSIRES | Father: Timothy Mellor, North Road, Kaiapoi | MENCE | Herbert | Squadron Sergeant Major 3530 | 67SA10CD | Sister: S. J. Reeve, P.O. Johnsonville | MENDS | Alfred James | Private 8843 | 10CNIRCS | Brother: G. H. Mends, Awahuri, Feilding | MENHENNET | Samuel Henry | Private 5369 | 8CNIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Julia Menhennet, Patea, Taranaki | MENZIES | Charles James | Private 8577 | 10CNIRAS | Father: Archibald Menzies, Newmarket, Auckland | MENZIES | Hugh Bruce | Private 8725 | 10CNIRBS | Father: Archibald Meznies, Newmarket, Auckland | MENZIES | James Murray | Private 8051 | 9CSIRBS | Father: Thomas Menzies, Lumsden, Southland | MERCER | Edward Walter | Private 9072 | 10CNZRD | Father: John Mercer, Grove Street, Nelson | MEREDITH | Ernest Alfred | Private 7203 | 9CNIRFS | Father: C. H. Meredith, Poro-o-tarao, King Country | MEREDITH | John | Private 7463 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Catherine Butcher, High Street, Waimate, South Canterbury | MEREDITH | John Thomas | Private 9302 | 10CSIRFS | Father: G. R. Meredith, Hilton, near Temuka | MEREDITH | Richard | Private 5811 | 8CSIRFS | Father: Richard Meredith, Tullamore, Springbank, Canterbury | MERRETT | William Charles | Private 6167 | 6&7CNRR | Father: George Merrett, Rongotea, Manawatu | MERRY | John Buttle | Private 9541 | 10CSIRHS | Stepfather: E. Packwood, Kakanui | MERSON | Thomas | Farrier Sergeant 7464 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Esther Merson, Greytown North | MESSENGER | George Lawton | Private 5094 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Lieutentant Colonel Messenger, Permanent Artillery, Wellington | MESSENT | David | Private 8050 | 9CSIRBS | Father: David Messent, Wedderburn, Otago | METCALFE | Herbert Vivian | Private 7198 | 9CNIRFS | Father: J. M. Metcalfe, Matakohe, Marsden | METCALFE | Septimus John | Private 9191 | 10CSIRES | Father: James Metcalfe, Ashhurst, Palmerston North | METZGER | Jos. Arthur | Private 9667 | 789CD | Father: Jos. Metzger, Gore Street, Bluff | MEYER | John Herman | Private 9429 | 10CSIRGS | Brother: R. Meyer, 15 Moray Place, West Dunedin | MEYRICK | Herbert | Private 5233 | 8CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Meyrick, Rangitikei Street, Palmerston North | MICHELL | William | Private 8842 | 10CNIRCS | ___, Southbrook, Canterbury | MICKLE | . | Lieutenant for instruction | 9CNIRBNS | . | MIDDLETON | Charles | Private 7329 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Annie Middleton, Frasertown, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay | MIKKELSON | William | Private 7075 | 9CNIRES | Father: William Mikkleson, Bellwood, Mount Roskill, Auckland | MILES | Alfred James | Private 9187 | 10CSIRES | Father: William Miles, Rangiora | MILES | Philip Charles Kent | Farrier-Major 7767 | 9CSIRBNS | Mother: Mrs. Georgina Miles, 76 Longridge Road, Earlscourt, London Friend: George Gould, c/o Gould, Beaumont and Co., Hereford Street, Christchurch |
MILES | Richard George | Saddler 9137 | 10CSIRES | Father: Joseph Miles, Ashburton | MILES | William Howard | Private 6165 | 6&7CNRR | Father: Henry William Miles, Cheviot, Canterbury | MILLAR | Adam | Private 9534 | 10CSIRHS | Father: Adam Millar, Nelson | MILLAR | David | Private 8057 | 9CSIRBS | Father: Adam Miller, Hardy Street, Nelson | MILLAR | Joseph Edward | Private 7681 | 9CSIRCS | Father: James Millar, Irwell, North Canterbury | MILLER | Albert Francis | Quartermaster Sergeant 5295 | 8CNIRCS | Sister: Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, Leith Street, Dunedin | MILLER | Alexander | Private 5681 | 8CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. Jemima Miller, Fairfield, North Dunedin | MILLER | David | Private 5943 | 8CSIRGS | Father: Andrew Miller, Sawyer's Bay, Dunedin | MILLER | Henry | Assistant Quartermaster Sergeant 7502 | 10CNIRRS | Father: Henry Miller, Mount Albert, Auckland | MILLER | Oliver Allan | Private 8845 | 10CNIRCS | Father: Robert Miller, Waewhatu, Lower Hutt | MILLS | Edward Oakley | Private 8990 | 10CNIRDS | Father: William Mills, Greendale | MILLS | Ernest | Private 8982 | 10CNIRDS | Father: W. F. Mills, Greendale | MILLS | John Daniel | Private 7926 | 9CSIRAS | Father: George Mills. 70 St. Andrew Street, Dunedin | MILLS | Percy Michael | Private 7676 | 9CSIRCS | Sister: Miss Rose E. Mills, 98 Rattray Street, Dunedin | MILLS | Robert James | Private 5090 | 8CNIRAS | Father: John Mills, Victoria Street, Brunswick, Victoria Friend: Louise Pawson, Post-office, Wellington |
MILNE | Francis | Private 9425 | 10CSIRGS | Father: James Milne, J.P., Wyndham | MILNE | Janes Greene | Private 5503 | 8CNIRDS | Father: David Milne, Whakapirau, Kaipara | MILNE-THOMSON | Alexander | Surgeon-Major | 9CSIRBNS | Wife: Mrs. E. M. Milne-Thomson, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay | MINIFIE | Ernest Henry | Lance Corporal 7467 | 9CNIRHS | Father: Ernest Minifie, 65 Riddiford Street, Wellington | MINTROM | Wilfred | Private 5682 | 8CSIRES | Father: George William Mintrom, Post-office, Staveley, Ashburton | MITCHELL | Albert William | Private 7796 | 9CSIRDS | Father: John Mitchell, c/o E. Wall. Tancred Street, Ashburton | MITCHELL | Charles Osborne | Private 7680 | 9CSIRCS | Father: Hugh Mitchell, 40 Watson's Crescent, Edinburgh, Scotland Uncle: A. C. Broad, Cosy Dell, Dunedin |
MITCHELL | George | Quartermaster Sergeant 5873 | 8CSIRGS | Father: George F. Mitchell, Balclutha | MITCHELL | Herbert | Private 7462 | 9CNIRHS | Father: Thomas Mitchell, 19 Owen Street, Wellington | MITCHELL | James | Captain | 10CNIRDS | Mr. J. D. Mitchell, Burnbank, Manaia | MITCHELL | James | Private 9422 | 10CSIRGS | Father: Peter Mitchell, Caversham, Otago | MITCHELL | James Henry | Lance Corporal 7798 | 9CSIRDS | Uncle: Peter Gourdie, Ashburton | MITCHELL | Robert Hercules | Private 9535 | 10CSIRHS | Father: Robert Mitchell, Musselburgh, Dunedin | MITCHELL | Robert Spencer | Private 8983 | 10CNIRDS | Father: W. W. Mitchell, Burwood, Lumsden | MITCHELL | William John | Private 9303 | 10CSIRFS | Father: W. J. Mitchell, Eaton Street, Timaru | MITCHINSON | Charles Tennent | Dispenser Corporal 9802 | 10CNIRRS | Mother: Mrs. Grace Mitchinson, 3 Riddiford Street, Wellington | MOAR | Daniel Henry | Private 7202 | 9CNIRFS | Father: J. W. Moar, Mount Eden, Auckland | MOELLER | Albert Gordon | Private 8731 | 10CNIRAS | Father: Charles Moeller, Tiri Tiri, Auckland | MOFFITT | William | Private 7939 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Michael Moffitt, Whylam Street, Waikaia, Otago | MOHR | Henry | Private 8727 | 10CNIRBS | Father: John Mohr, Otorohanga | MOIR | Lawrence | Private 8730 | 10CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs. J. Moir, Dunfermline, Scotland | MOLLER | Carl Williams | Corporal 7068 | 9CNIRES | Father: Carl Moller, Birkenhead, Auckland | MOLLOUMBY | Michael John | Regimental Sergeant Major 8500 | 10CNIRRS | Sister: Johanna Molloumby, Catholic Presbytery, Nelson | MOLLOY | Thomas | Private 5512 | 8CNIRDS | Sister: Mrs. E. Blackmore, York Street, Newton, Auckland Mother: Mrs. C. Molloy, Suva, Fiji |
MONDS | William John | Private 7201 | 9CNIRFS | Father: Robert Monds, Campbell Terrace, Parnell, Auckland | MONK | Bertha Charles | Private 8846 | 10CNIRCS | Father: R. M. Monk, Kaikoura | MONK | George Frederick | Private 8300 | 9CS&SA | Father: William Monk, Bell Block, New Plymouth | MONNOCK | Thomas Joseph | Lance Corporal 7465 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Monnock, Sale Street, Freeman's Bay, Auckland | MONSTEDT | Edward Charles | Private 9073 | 10CNZRD | Father: Martin Monstedt, Albany, Auckland | MONTEITH | Hubert James | Private 7334 | 9CNIRGS | Sister: Mrs. Catherine Brown, c/o of H. C. Brown, Dannevirke | MONTEITH | William Henry | Private 8841 | 10CNIRCS | Sister: Mrs. W. E. Young, Pukihikura, Waituna West | MONTGOMERIE | John Eglinton | Captain | 8CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. E. Montgomerie, Eaglesham, Wanganui | MONTGOMERY | John | Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant 9102 | 10CSIRES | Father: James Montgomery, 12 York Place, Dunedin | MOODY | Arthur Thomas | Sergeant Major 7671 | 9CSIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Moody, 13 Conference Street, Christchurch | MOODY | Robert | Private 5096 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Robert John Moody, Castlemaine, Victoria Friend: William Hickey, 17 Courtenay Place, Wellington |
MOODY | William | Private 9129 | 10CSIRES | Father: J. B. Moody, Woodend, Canterbury | MOONEY | Charles | Private 8988 | 10CNIRDS | Father: Edward Mooney, Wanganui | MOONEY | Thomas | Private 6204 | 6&7CNRR | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Mooney, Magnetic Street, Port Chalmers | MOORE | Frederick Edward | Private 8909 | 10CNZRD | Father: Harry Samuel Moore, 20 Bank's Terrace, Wellington | MOORE | George Birnie | Private 9185 | 10CSIRES | Father: R. Moore, 11 Gladstone Terrace, Christchurch | MOORE | Harold Frederick | Lance Corporal 9186 | 10CSIRES | Father: John Henry Moore, Rangiora | MOORE | James Alfred | Private 5513 | 8CNIRDS | Mother: Mrs. Jane Moore, 18 Arthur Street, Ponsonby, Auckland | MOORE | John Thomas | Private 9306 | 10CSIRFS | Sister: Mrs. A. Hyde c/o A. Hyde, c/o Mrs. C. Kent, Gill Street, New Plymouth | MOORE | Lionel Woodford | Private 7678 | 9CSIRCS | Father: Richard Moore, Charles Street, Kaiapoi | MOORE | Louis Vivian | Farrier 8576 | 10CNIRAS | Father: A. S. Moore, Karangahake | MOORE | William John | Private 9304 | 10CSIRFS | Father: John Moore, Temuka | MOORE | William John | Private 7197 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Louisa Jane Hayman, Waimate, South Canterbury | MOORE | William John Dennerby | Private 5367 | 8CNIRCS | Father: William Moore, Netherton, Thames River, Auckland | MORGAN | Charles | Private 5226 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Charles Morgan, Oak Road, Hastings, Hawke's Bay | MORGAN | Charles Frederick | Sergeant 5741 | 8CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. C. Morgan, Sewell Street, Hokitika | MORGAN | David Gibson | Private 8840 | 10CNIRCS | Father: T. Morgan, Tawa Flat | MORGAN | Edward Stanley | Private 7470 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs Matilda Morgan, Takapu, Tawa Flat | MORGAN | Frank | Private 9307 | 10CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Annie Morgan, Fifth Street, Kumara | MORGAN | Frederick George | Private 7471 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Catherine Morgan, Johnsonville, Wellington | MORGAN | George | Private 7530 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Annie Morgan, Fifth Street, Kumara | MORGAN | Henry | Lance Corporal 7469 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Matilda Morgan, Takapu, Tawa Flat, Wellington | MORGAN | John | Private 5814 | 8CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. James Morgan, Fifth Street, Kumara | MORGAN | Thomas Lewis | Private 9074 | 10CNZRD | Mother: Mrs. Rose Morgan, Wanganui | MORGAN | William Arthur | Lieutenant | 8CNIRBS | Father: Edmund James Morgan, Kaimate, Inglewood, Taranaki | MORRIS | Cyril Russell | Lieutenant | 8CNIRAS | Father: W. R. Morris, Accountant's Branch, G.P.O. Wellington | MORRIS | George Albert | Private 9671 | 789CD | Father: Robert Morris, Kanieri | MORRIS | Robert Leonard | Private 9672 | 789CD | Father: Robert Morris, Kanieri | MORRIS | William | Private 6381 | 7C | Father: William Morris, Ormond, Gisborne | MORRISON | Alexander Henry | Private 7668 | 9CSIRCS | Father: George Morrison, Belfast, Canterbury | MORRISON | Edward James | Private 8588 | 10CNIRAS | Father: John Morrison, Hikutaia, Thames | MORRISON | John Haughton | Sergeant 7805 | 9CSIRDS | Father: John Morrison, Weld Street, Blenheim | MORRISON | Joseph Marie | Private 5812 | 8CSIRFS | Father: Captain J. Morrison, Weld Street, Blenheim | MORRISON | Lauchlan Calder | Private 9420 | 10CSIRGS | Father: Angus Morrison, Herbert | MORRISON | Robert | Private 7679 | 9CSIRCS | Brother: Thomas Morrison, c/o James Patrick, Lee Creek, Outram, Otago |
MORRISON | Wilson Cameron | Captain | 67SA10CD | Mother: Mrs. M. Morrison, Okaiawa, Taranaki | MORRISON | William Henry Alfred | Private 5099 | 8CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs Sarah Morrison, Nelson Street, Petone, Wellington | MORTLAND | Alexander | Private 5674 | 8CSIRES | Father: Samuel Mortland, Sneyd Street, Kaiapoi | MORTON | George | Private 7333 | 9CNIRGS | Father: John Morton, Awatuna, Eltham | MORVAN | Charles | Private 5813 | 8CSIRFS | Father: Charles Morvan, Leonard Street, Greymouth | MOSES | Moss | Private 7071 | 9CNIRES | Mother: Mrs. E. Moses, Perth, Western Australia Friend: Sidney Nathan, Symonds Street, Auckland |
MOULD | Thomas | Private 9184 | 10CSIRES | Father: George Mould, O'Kain's Bay, Canterbury | MOULD | William | Private 9183 | 10CSIRES | Father: George Mould, O'Kain's Bay, Canterbury | MOWAT | Alexander Neil | Private 7923 | 9CSIRAS | Mother: Mrs. Ellen Mowat. Silverstream, North Taieri, Otago | MOYLE | William Stephen Edward | Regimental Sergeant Major 7672 | 9CSIRBNS | Father: William Henry Moyle, 47 Tuam Street, Christchurch | MOYLES | Ernest James | Private 9428 | 10CSIRGS | Mother: Frances Hansen, Ranfurly, Otago | MUIR | John | Private 9821 | 10CNZRD | Father: Alexander Muir, Donald, Victoria | MUIR | John | Private 5678 | 8CSIRES | Father: David Muir, Oakhill, Green Valley, Otago | MUIR | John Hay | Private 5938 | 8CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. R. S. Muir, Burke Street, Mornington, Dunedin | MULCAHY | James | Private 5089 | 8CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs J. Mulcahy, Hugh Street, Wellington | MULFORD | Alfred James | Private 6081 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Albert Mulford, Peter Street, Ashburton | MULHEARN | Thomas | Private 5683 | 8CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. Sarah Mulhearn, Little River, Banks Peninsular | MULINDER | Arthur Herbert | Private 8980 | 10CNIRDS | Mother: Mrs. H. Mulinder, Milton Road, Napier | MULLINS | Herbert Frederick | Lance Corporal 8728 | 10CNIRBS | Father: John Mullins, Cambridge | MUNDELL | Frederick | Private 5230 | 8CNIRBS | Brother: Andrew Mundell, 49 Stirling Road, Trinity, Edinburgh, Scotland Friend: Mrs. Janet Caldwell, Upokongaru, Wanganui |
MUNN | Charles John Victor | Private 7336 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Charles John Munn, 2 Knigge's Avenue, Wellington | MUNRO | Benjamin | Sergeant 7205 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Munro, Hamilton, Waikato | MUNRO | Donald Alexander | Private 7937 | 9CSIRAS | Father: John Munro, Shag Valley, Palmerston South | MUNRO | Hector | Sergeant 7466 | 9CNIRHS | Father: Hector Munro, Masterton | MUNRO | Hugh | Private 7682 | 9CSIRCS | Father: Colin Munro, Home View, Cheviot, Canterbury | MUNRO | Kenneth William | Private 8578 | 10CNIRAS | Father: David Munro, Upper Queen Street, Auckland | MURDOCH | John | Private 7801 | 9CSIRDS | Mother: Mrs. Annie O'Byrne, Seaward Moss Post-office, Southland | MURDOCH | Thomas | Corporal 7199 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Catherine Murdoch c/o ___ Alfred, 34 George Street, Dunedin |
MURPHY | Arthur | Private 5231 | 8CNIRBS | Stepmother: Mrs. F. Christie, Powderham Street, New Plymouth | MURPHY | Arthur | Private 5679 | 8CSIRES | Father: Denis Murphy, Waitangi, Chatham Islands | MURPHY | George | Farrier 9367 | 10CSIRGS | Father: George Murphy, Naseby | MURPHY | James | Sergeant 9462 | 10CSIRHS | Father: James Murphy, Majoribank Street, Wellington | MURPHY | Martin Joseph | Private 5676 | 8CSIRES | Father: Edward Murphy, Broadfields, Canterbury | MURPHY | Matthew | Lance Corporal 8981 | 10CNIRDS | Sister: Mrs. G. Chipper, Herald Street, Wellington | MURRAY | Arthur Howard | Lance Corporal 3780 | 67SA10CD | Mother: Mrs. Jane Murray, Gore | MURRAY | Donald Colin | Private 5510 | 8CNIRDS | Mother: Mrs. Agnes Murray. Montague Street, Newton, Auckland | MURRAY | Frank Leslie | Sergeant-Major 5600 | 8CSIRES | Father: Frank Murray, Gore, Southland | MURRAY | James Dingwall | Private 5939 | 8CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Atalanta Murray, George Street, Dunedin | MURRAY | Maurice | Private 6088 | 8CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Eliza Murray, 156 North Main Street, Yongha, County Cork, Ireland Friend: Joseph Oldfield, c/o Mr. O'Rok, Fendalton, Christchurch |
MURRAY | William George | Private 6175 | 6&7CNRR | Father: William George Murray, Hokitika, West Coast | MYERS | Mark | Private 6206 | 6&7CNRR | Father: A. Myers, 9 Octagon, Dunedin | NAIRN | James Walker | Sergeant 5024 | 8CNIRAS | Father: James Nairn, Khandallah, Wellington | NALDER | Horace | Private 5820 | 8CSIRFS | Father: William Arthur Nalder, Baton Run, Nelson | NAPPER | Sidney Frederick | Private 9581 | 789CD | Father: Charles Fred Napper, 164 Kilmore Street, Christchurch | NAZER | John Buffett | Private 7080 | 9CNIRES | Mother: Mrs. Jane Nazer, Victoria Avenue, Eden Terrace, Auckland | NEALE | Charles Raymond | Veterinary Surgeon | 10CSIRES | Friend: J. Gilruth, Chief Government Vet., Wellington | NEALE | Frank Frederick | Lieutenant | 9CNIRGS | Wife: Mrs. Emma Sarah Neale, Goring Street, Wellington | NEAVE | Alfred | Private 5725 | 8CSIRES | Father: David Neave, 70 Montreal Street, Christchurch | NEIL | David | Private 5514 | 8CNIRDS | Father: Arthur Neil, Huntly, Auckland | NEILL | Alfred Augustus | Private 7083 | 9CNIRES | Aunt: Mrs. Mary Key, Symonds Street, Auckland | NEILL | Harry | Saddler Sergeant 9124 | 10CSIRES | Cousin: F. G. Horrel, Horrellville | NEILL | William | Bugler 8856 | 10CNIRBS | Father: Robert Neill, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay | NEILL | William | Private 8856 | 10CNIRCS | Father: Robert Neill, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay | NEILSEN | Charles | Private 5235 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Soren Neilsen, Mangatainoka, Wellington | NEILSON | Albert Ernest | Farrier-Sergeant 5016 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Oscar Neilson, 95 Riddiford Street, Wellington | NEILSON | Andrew | Private 6091 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Soren Neilson, Pahiatua | NEILSON | Maurice George | Private 5236 | 8CNIRBS | Brother: Andrew Neilson, Titokino, Hawke's Bay | NELSON | Arthur | Farrier 7337 | 9CNIRES | Mother: Mrs. Eliza Nelson, Washington Valley, Nelson | NELSON | Charles | Private 9316 | 10CSIRFS | Friend: T. Holden, Collingwood, Nelson | NELSON | David | Private 9315 | 10CSIRFS | Stepmother: Mrs. Amelia Nelson, Limehill, Southland | NELSON | Sidney | Private 8857 | 10CNIRCS | Father: Charles Nelson, Eltham, Taranaki | NELSON | Henry | Private 5234 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Charles Nelson, Levin, Wellington | NELSON | James | Private 5956 | 8CSIRGS | Father: James Nelson, Owaka, Otago | NEWCOMBE | Herbert | Farrier-Sergeant 6307 | 7C | Father: William Newcombe, Bulls Wife: Mrs. Sarah Newcombe, Ahaura, Grey Valley, West Coast |
NEWDICK | Herbert | Corporal 8590 | 10CNIRAS | Father: Philip Newdick, Thames | NEWDICK | William Henry | Lieutenant | 9CNIRES | Father: Richard Newdick, Waihi, Ohinemuri, Auckland | NEWMAN | Charles | Lieutenant | 9CSIRBS | Father: F. Newman, Aramoho, Wanganui | NEWSHAM | George Hursthouse | Private 8632 | 10CNIRAS | Father: Charles Newsham, Mangatoki, Eltham | NEWSHAM | John | Private 6379 | 7C | Brother: Barney Newsham, Whangaroa, Auckland | NEWTH | Winfield | Private 5819 | 8CSIRFS | Father: Mark Newth, Waimea West, Nelson | NEWTON | George | Private 8061 | 9CSIRBS | Mother: Mrs. Alice Newton, Orepuki, Southland | NEWTON | William | Private 5821 | 8CSIRFS | Father: William Newton, Bluff, Southland | NICHOL | Cecil | Private 9825 | 10CNZRD | Father: George Nichol, 5 Courtenay Place, Wellington | NICHOLAS | James William | Private | 7C | . | NICHOLAS | Joseph | Private 7087 | 9CNIRES | Brother: Thomas D. Nicholas, c/o Mrs. W. McKewan, Brown Street, Ponsonby, Auckland |
NICHOLLS | Jesse Charles | Private 5955 | 8CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Mary S. Nicholls, Milton, Otago | NICHOLSON | Francis Edward | Private 9803 | 10CNIRAS | Father: Thomas Deacon Nicholson, Victoria Road, Devonport, Auckland | NICHOLSON | George | Private 8854 | 10CNIRCS | Friend: J. Stewart, Allora, Queensland | NICHOLSON | James Edward | Private 8993 | 10CNIRDS | Father: R. H. Nicholson, Woodend | NICHOLSON | James Millar | Captain & Adjutant | 9CSIRBNS | Father: J. McLeod Nicholson, Leven Street, Roslyn, Dunedin | NICHOLSON | Victor Herbert | Private 6363 | 7C | Mother: Mrs. Emma Nicholson, Rintoul Street, Wellington | NICHOLSON | Wallace | Private 5689 | 8CSIRES | Father: R. H. Nicholson, c/o Miss Bowie, Woodend, North Canterbury | NICHOLSON | William Seeger | Private 8589 | 10CNIRAS | Father: Thomas Nicholson, Devonport, Auckland | NICOL | Frank Wilfred | Private 9674 | 789CD | Father: Alexander Nicol, Ngapara, Oamaru | NICOL | George | Private 9430 | 10CSIRGS | Father: Robert Nicol, Waimate | NICOL | Robert | Private 8735 | 10CNIRBS | Father: Robert Nicol, Papakura, Auckland | NICOLLS | John | Corporal 9237 | 10CSIRFS | Father: J. H. Nicolls, Spraylands, Blenheim | NICOLSON | James | Private 8996 | 10CNIRDS | Father: R. S. Nicolson, Eglinton, Dunedin | NIELSON | Peter | Private 8855 | 10CNIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Kathleen Christensen, Waipa, Mauriceville | NILSON | George Oscar | Private 7082 | 9CNIRES | Sister: Miss Annie Nilson, Tokatoka, Northern Wairoa, Auckland | NILSON | Gustaf | Lance Corporal 7081 | 9CNIRES | Sister: Mrs. Josephine Clarke, Tokatoka, Northern Wairoa | NIVEN | William Alexander | Private 6090 | 8CSIRHS | Father: James Niven, High Street, Southbridge, Canterbury | NOBLE | Edward | Private 5377 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Edward Noble, Newmarket, Auckland | NOEDL | Ernest Grant | Private 8995 | 10CNIRDS | Father: R. C. Noedl, Woodville | NOLAN | Percy Martin | Private 7084 | 9CNIRES | Mother: Mrs. Julia Bryant, Upper Queen Street, Auckland | NORTH | Albert Thomas | Private 7683 | 9CSIRCS | Father: William James North, Goldsmith Street, Sydenham, Christchurch | NORTH | William James | Farrier Sergeant 9120 | 10CSIRES | Father: W. J. North, Goldsmith Street, Sydenham | NOTON | Frank Stevens | Private 7085 | 9CNIRES | Father: H. H. Noton, Ponsonby, Auckland | NUTTALL | Henry | Private 8994 | 10CNIRDS | Father: W. T. Nuttall, Wanganui | O'BRIEN | Charles James | Private 7944 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Daniel O'Brien, Mandeville, Otago | O'BRIEN | Daniel Christopher | Private 5993 | 8CRMS | Father: Jeremiah O'Brien, Stafford Street, Hokitika | O'BRIEN | Edward Albert | Private 6093 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Joseph O'Brien, Fitzherbert Street, Hokitika | O'BRIEN | Lucius | Major | 9CNIRBNS | Wife: Mrs. Rosina O'Brien, Mount Eden, Auckland | O'BRIEN | Patrick | Private 8997 | 10CNIRDS | Father: J. O'Brien, Ormondsville, Dannevirke | O'CALLAGHAN | Leslie George | Lieutenant | 8CSIRFS | Father: A. P. O'Callaghan, Supervising Valuer, Christchurch | O'CONNOR | Charles | Private 9317 | 10CSIRFS | Father: Maurice O'Connor, Glen-iti, Post-office, Timaru | O'CONNOR | John | Private 8736 | 10CNIRBS | Father: Thomas O'Connor, Kaihu | O'CONNOR | Patrick Martin | Private 7685 | 9CSIRCS | Father: Patrick O'Connor, Totara Valley, Pleasant Point, Timaru | O'CONNOR | Terence Patrick | Lance-Corporal 8063 | 9CSIRBS | Father: Michael O'Connor, Herbert, near Oamaru, Otago | O'DONNELL | Joseph | Private 5691 | 8CSIRES | Father: Daniel O'Donnell, Wilson's Road, Opawa, Christchurch | O'DONNELL | Mathew | Private 6210 | 6&7CNRR | Father: John O'Donnell, West Eyreton, Canterbury | O'DOWD | William John | Lieutenant | 8CNIRCS | Father: Frank O'Dowd, Seafield, View Road, Auckland | O'HAGAN | Charles | Private 7338 | 9CNIRGS | Sister: Miss Bridget Jane O'Hagan, Pitt Street, Palmerston North | O'HAGAN | John | Private 8998 | 10CNIRDS | Father: J. O'Hagan, Kumeroa | O'HALLORAN | George Edward | Private 8592 | 10CNIRAS | Father: G. O'Halloran, Feilding | O'KANE | Henry | Private 9602 | 67SA10CD | Mother: Mrs. Sarah O'Kane, 63 Filluel Street, Dunedin | O'KANE | Patrick James | Private 5958 | 8CSIRGS | Father: Patrick O'Kane, 8 Arthur Street, Dunedin | O'KEEFE | Daniel Joseph | Private 7213 | 9CNIRFS | Father: Daniel O'Keefe, Hill Street, Newmarket, Auckland | O'NEIL | Bertie | Private 9075 | 10CNZRD | Father: Thomas O'Neil, Bombay, Auckland | O'NEILL | Allan Philip | Private 5515 | 8CNIRDS | Mother: Mrs. F. O'Neill, Cambridge West, Auckland | O'NEILL | Clarence | Private 7068 | 9CNIRES | Mother: Mrs. O'Neill, Hastings, Hawke's Bay | O'NEILL | Francis Herbert | Private 5516 | 8CNIRDS | Mother: Mrs. F. O'Neill, Cambridge, Waikato | O'NEILL | John | Private 9826 | 10CNZRD | Father: Timothy O'Neill, Hawera Hotel, Hawera | O'NEILL | John Joseph | Private 7684 | 9CSIRCS | Father: Edward Frederick O'Neill, Rangitara Valley, Canterbury | O'REILLY | Eugene Philip | Lance Corporal 7089 | 9CNIRES | Father: Charles O'Reilly, Opotiki, Bay of Plenty | ODEY | George | Private 6211 | 6&7CNRR | Father: Henry Odey, Kakanui | OGG | John | Private 6212 | 6&7CNRR | Father: John Ogg, Main South Road, Dunedin | OLIVER | William Annut | Paymaster-Sergeant 5719 | 8CSIRBRS | Father: Rev. W. C. Oliver, Taranaki Street, Wellington | OLLIVER | Arthur Hawdon | Private 9318 | 10CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Olliver, Fernside | ONION | Joseph | Private 9076 | 10CNZRD | Friend: Mrs. A. Cunningham, Dickens Street, Napier | OPIE | Harold | Lance Corporal 9244 | 10CSIRFS | Uncle: H. A'Court, Papanui, Christchurch | ORANGE | George Alfred | Farrier-Sergeant 6013 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Albert E. Orange, Riccarton, East Taieri | ORBELL | Elliston Scott | Lieutenant | 9CSIRBS | Mother: Mrs. Margaret Scott Orbell, The River, Waikouaiti, Otago | ORBELL | Henry Scott | Lieutenant | 8CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Margaret Orbell, Waikouaiti, Otago | ORCHARD | Edward | Private 9542 | 10CSIRHS | Father: E. C. Orchard, Gore | ORCHARD | George | Corporal 5608 | 8CSIRES | Father: Hiram Orchard, Waikuku, North Canterbury | ORLOWSKI | John Andrew | Private 5957 | 8CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. A. Orlowski, Waihola, Otago | ORMROD | Alfred Britain | Private 7532 | 9CNIRHS | Father: Alfred Henry Ormrod, Onehunga | ORR | James | Bugler-Corporal 7943 | 9CSIRAS | Father: John Forbes Orr, City Buffet Hotel, Wellington | ORR | Matthew Gilmour | Private 5378 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Mr. William Longmuir Orr, Tuakau, Auckland | ORR | Robert Charles | Private 8062 | 9CSIRBS | Father: George Orr, Kurow, Otago | ORR | Thomas Harry | Private 5102 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Thomas Orr, 18 Featherston Terrace, Wellington | OSBORNE | Robert | Private 6092 | 8CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Annie Osborne, Middlemarch, Central Otago | OSMOND | James Ingram | Sergeant 8591 | 10CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs. A. B. Osmond, Church Street, Ponsonby | OTTERSON | Geoffrey David | Private 7523 | 9CNIRHS | Father: Henry Otterson, Hobson Street, Wellington | OUSTON | William Edgar | Private 9431 | 10CSIRGS | Father: Reginald C. Ouston, Lumsden | OWEN | Albert Charles | Private 6094 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Albert Owen, Long Bush, Invercargill | OWEN | Robert | Private 7481 | 9CNIRHS | Friend: Alfred Hulina, Norsewood, Hawke's Bay | OWEN | Robert Bruce | Private 7212 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Annie Owen, Alfredton, Wairarapa | OWEN | Walter | Private 9576 | 10CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. S. Owen, 91 Maclaggan Street, Dunedin | PACE | Robert Andrew | Private 7945 | 9CSIRAS | Father: James Young Pace, Donald, Victoria Friend: James Hughes, Post-office, Dunedin |
PAGE | John | Private 7686 | 9CSIRCS | Father: William Page, Springston, Canterbury | PAGE | Thomas Malcolm | Paymaster Sergeant 5003 | 8CNIRRS | Father: J. E. Page, 14 Austin Street, Wellington | PAGE | Walter Sydney | Private 7492 | 9CNIRHS | Father, William Page, Halcombe, Rangitikei | PAGE | Walter Vernon | Private 5381 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Robert Page, Waimamaku, Hokianga, Auckland | PAHL | Arthur William | Private 5824 | 8CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Harriet Pahl, Weka Street, Nelson | PALMER | Cecil Watson | Private 7491 | 9CNIRHS | Brother: A. N. Palmer, Bank of New Zealand, Wellington | PALMER | Charles Robert | Private 7216 | 9CNIRFS | Father: H. L. Palmer, Woodville | PALMER | James | Private 7341 | 9CNIRGS | Father: William Palmer, Waverley, Wanganui | PALMER | Sydney Robert | Lieutenant | 8CSIRHS | Father: Robert Palmer, Eltham, Taranaki | PALMER | William Henry | Farrier 8593 | 10CNIRAS | Cousin: F. P. Langford, Artesian Farm, Te Kopuru, Northern Wairoa | PALMERSTON | Norman Adam | Private 5105 | 8CNIRAS | Stepfather: George L. R. Scott, Ferguson Street, Palmerston North | PARFITT | Isaac John | Private 7808 | 9CSIRDS | Father: Joseph Parfitt, Picton Road, Mount Pleasant, Blenheim | PARK | Alexander Dallas | Paymaster's Clerk Corporal 8858 | 10CNIRRS | Father: Mr. G. Park, Glenavy, South Canterbury | PARK | Oswald Gavin McIntyre | Private 7487 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Park, Wadestown, Wellington Father: Gavin McIntyre Park, Dawson City, Alaska, America |
PARK | Richard Gavin McIntyre | Private 8859 | 10CNIRCS | Brother: Harry Albert Park, Te Aute Cottage, Hawke's Bay | PARKER | Charles | Private 8769 | 10CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs. E. Parker, Masonic Hotel, Gisborne | PARKER | F. | Private 5103 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Robert Parker, 33 Hill Street, Wellington | PARKER | Frank Ernest | Private 9547 | 10CSIRHS | Father: Benjamin Parker, Stirling | PARKER | John Henry | Private 6095 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Thomas Parker, Stirling, Otago | PARKER | John William | Private 8067 | 9CSIRBS | Father: Benjamin Parker, Stirling, Otago | PARKER | Joseph Wylie | Farrier 7344 | 9CNIRES | Father: John Rollo C. Parker, Whataupoko, Gisborne | PARKER | Walter James | Lieutenant | 8CNIRDS | Mother: Mrs. Barbara, 86 Grey Street, Auckland | PARKER | William Charles | Private 7094 | 9CNIRES | Father: Charles Parker, Haydon Street, Auckland | PARKER | William John | Private 8740 | 10CNIRBS | Father: John R. C. Parker, Whautpu, Gisborne | PARKINSON | Frederick Charles | Private 5518 | 8CNIRDS | Father: Arthur Parkinson, Opotiki | PARLANE | William | Private 6215 | 6&7CNRR | Mother: Mrs. Mary Parlane, Spencer Street, Milton | PARNELL | George Thomas | Private 7096 | 9CNIRES | Father: George Thomas Parnell, Wesley Street, Auckland | PARR | George Jones | Private 9675 | 789CD | Sister: Mrs. Brown, Auckland | PARRANT | James Lewis | Private 7484 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Sarah Jane Parrant, Jackson Street, Petone, Wellington | PARRISH | Alfred | Private 8594 | 10CNIRAS | Father: Mark Parrish, Northcote | PARSONAGE | Henry John | Private 5823 | 8CSIRFS | Father: John Francis Parsonage, Thistle Street, Launceston, Tasmania | PARSONS | Alfred John | Private 7339 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Emily Parsons, Post-office Box 77, Wanganui | PARSONS | George Alfred | Corporal 5305 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Henry William Parsons, Coonoor, Pahiatua, Wellington | PARSONS | George Frederick | Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant 7482 | 9CNIRBNS | Father: William Frederick Parsons, 2 Murphy Street, Wellington | PARSONS | Henry Norman | Corporal 5385 | 8CNIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Gertrude Parsons, Coonoor, Pahiatua | PARSONS | Ivor Daniel | Private 5238 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Thomas Parsons, Parkville, Eketahuna | PARTRIDGE | George Arthur | Corporal 8066 | 9CSIRBS | Father: George Patridge, Rae's Junction, Lawrence, Otago | PARTRIDGE | William Bertram | Private 7090 | 9CNIRES | Father: Richard Edwin Partridge, 141 Grey Street, Auckland | PARTRIDGE | William Henry | Private 6216 | 6&7CNRR | Father: Joseph Partridge, c/o James Partridge, Dallington, Christchurch | PASCOE | Richard Owen | Private 6368 | 7C | Mother: Mrs. M. A. Pascoe, St. Just, Cornwall, UK | PASHLEY | John | Private 8860 | 10CNIRCS | Mother: Mrs. E. A. C. Pigg, Stewart Street, North Bundeburg, Queensland | PASK | William | Private 9004 | 10CNIRDS | Father: John Pask, Sedgebrook, Wanganui | PASSELL | James | Private 8737 | 10CNIRBS | Father: John Passell, Dargaville | PATERSON | George Anthony | Private 5959 | 8CSIRGS | Father: George Paterson, Herbert, North Otago | PATERSON | George Duncan | Private 9202 | 10CSIRES | Cousin: Mrs. Heseltine, Tinwald | PATERSON | John | Private 9546 | 10CSIRHS | Father: William Paterson, Lovell's Flat, Otago | PATTERSON | James | Private 9077 | 10CNZRD | Mother: Rachael Patterson, Hobson Street, Auckland | PATTERSON | William Henry | Private 8596 | 10CNIRAS | Father: William Patterson, Otahuhu, Auckland | PATTISON | Roderick John | Private 8738 | 10CNIRBS | Brother: William Pattison, Marcoma, Victoria | PATTRICK | Hedley Vicars | Bugler 7252 | 9CNIRFS | Father: Thomas Pattrick, Papanui, Christchurch | PAUL | Gerald Adams | Lieutenant | 10CNIRDS | . | PAUL | James | Private 6213 | 6&7CNRR | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Paul, Waihi, Upper Thames, Auckland | PAUL | Robert | Private 5382 | 8CNIRCS | Brother: Thomas Paul, Inglewood, Taranaki | PAULIN | John Thomas William | Farrier 8064 | 9CSIRAS | Father: William Paulin, Glenorchy, Otago | PAYNE | Frederick William | Sergeant 7809 | 9CSIRDS | Father: William H. Payne, Rolleston, Canterbury | PAYNE | Thomas George | Private 9203 | 10CSIRES | Father: John Payne, Mayfield, Ashburton | PAYNE | William | Private 8113 | 9CSIRCS | Father: Frank Payne, Otakaia, Taieri | PEACOCK | Gerald Beresford | Lieutenant | 7C | Father: G. L. Peacock, Devonport, Auckland | PEAKE | Charles Ernest | Private 6121 | 8CSIRHS | Father: James F. Peake, Leith Street, Dunedin | PEARCE | George Edward Nelson | Bugler 7485 | 9CNIRHS | Father: George Pearce, Sydney Street, Petone, Wellington | PEARCE | Mark Allen | Private 5386 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Mark Pearce, Kings Street, Newmarket, Auckland | PEARCE | Thomas | Private 8627 | 10CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Ann Pearce, Juliet Street, Stratford | PEARLESS | Walter Relf | Brigade Surgeon- Major | 8CBS | Wife: Marianne Lessel Pearless, Wakefield, Nelson | PEARSON | Alfred E. | Private 6122 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Alfred Maidstone Pearson, Magistrate's Court, Oamaru | PEARSON | Andrew | Private 9589 | 67SA10CD | Father: Alexander Pearson, 20 Pleasance Street, Edinburgh | PEARSON | Edwin | Private 6366 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Peter Pearson, Pahiatua | PEARSON | Ernest Herbert | Private 7217 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Marion Pearson, Invercargill, Southland | PEARSON | Herbert William | Sergeant 8739 | 10CNIRBS | Father: William Pearson, Whitton, NSW | PEARSON | Thomas Louis | Private 6096 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Thomas Louis Pearson, Millerton, Westport | PEDLER | John William | Private 9689 | 10CSIRGS | Father: John Pedler, 33 Madras Street, Christchurch | PEEBLES | James William | Farrier-Sergeant 5158 | 8CNIRBS | Father: A. Peebles, Woodville | PEEBLES | Robert | Private 9543 | 10CSIRHS | Father: James Peebles, Ascot Vale, North-east Valley, Dunedin | PELHAM | Herbert John | Private 7489 | 9CNIRHS | Father: Thomas Pelham, c/o Mrs. E. Pelham, 2 College Street, Wellington |
PENDER | Alexander | Sergeant 5020 | 8CNIRAS | Friend: J. G. W. Aitken, Aitken & Wilson, Wellington | PENNEFATHER | Alfred Armstrong Edward | Private 8862 | 10CNIRCS | Father: A. Pennefather, Apiti, via Feilding | PENNY | William | Private 9031 | 10CNIRDS | Rev. C. Penny, Pukekohe, Auckland | PENNYCOCK | William Scott | Major | 10CSIRES | Wife: Mrs. Kate L. Pennycook, Balclutha, Otago | PEPPER | George Henry | Private 5106 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Benjamin Pepper, Otaki, Wellington | PEPPER | Joseph | Private 7688 | 9CSIRCS | Father: Enoch Pepper, Northcote Road, Papanui, Christchurch | PERCY | Harry Clarence | Private 7687 | 9CSIRCS | Father: Richard Percy, Aikman's Road, St. Albans, Christchurch | PERKS | Benjamin | Private 9545 | 10CSIRHS | Brother: J. B. Perks, Gore | PERRY | John Francis | Private 5237 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Frank Perry, Palmerston North | PERRY | William Stewart | Private 7097 | 9CNIRES | Father: Alfred Perry, Hunterville | PETCHELL | Francis John | Corporal 5443 | 8CNIRDS | Brother: W. J. Petchell, Station Road, Otahuhu, Auckland | PETERS | Andrew | Private 7093 | 9CNIRES | Father: W. R. Peters, Kai Aua, via Thames | PETERSEN | August Adolph Julius | Saddler 5448 | 8CNIRDS | Uncle: Hans Petersen, Crawford Lane, Wellington | PETERSON | Alfred | Private 9098 | 10CNZRD | Sister: Miss Hilda Peterson, Nag's Head Hotel, Wellington | PETERSON | William Alfred | Corporal 7343 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Matilda Jane Peterson, Tennyson Street, Napier | PETHERICK | Albert | Private 6999 | 10CNIRDS | Father: George Petherick, Paki Paki, Hawke's Bay | PEVREAL | Evan | Private 6365 | 8CNIRDS | Father: William Pevreal, Waihou, Waikato | PEVREAL | Richard Andrew | Private 5519 | 8CNIRDS | Father: William Pevreal, Waihou, near Te Aroha | PFAHLERT | Joseph | Private 9320 | 10CSIRFS | Father: Ernest Pfahlert, Kanieri, Westland | PHAIR | Samuel | Private 5383 | 8CNIRCS | Mother: Mrs. A. Phair, Southara, Portsmouth, UK Sister: Miss Phair, c/o Mrs. Wigg, Northcote, Auckland |
PHELPS | William Barnett | Private 7488 | 9CNIRHS | Father: Barnett Phelps, 4 Pipitea Street, Wellington | PHILLIPS | Charles | Private 6214 | 6&7CNRR | Brother: John James Phillips, Wakatipu, Southland | PHILLIPS | Harry | Private 9198 | 10CSIRES | Father: H. Phillips, 48 Durham Street, Christchurch | PHILLIPS | John | Private 7691 | 9CSIRCS | Friend: William Roberts, Glenmark, Waipara, North Canterbury Mother: Mrs. Hanna Phillips, Tregragon, Cornwall, England |
PHILLIPS | Robert Augustus | Private 9432 | 10CSIRGS | Father: Robert Phillips, Campbelltown, Tasmania | PHILLPOTT | Victor George | Private 9197 | 10CSIRES | Sister-in-law: Mrs. P. J. Crozier, 85 Queen Street, Sydenham | PHILP | Daniel Charles | Private 8849 | 10CNIRCS | Father: Sparks Philp, 89 Cuba Street, Wellington | PHILPOT | Frederick Alfred | Private 7486 | 9CNIRHS | Sister: Mrs. A. Routh, 92 Constable Street, Wellington | PIERARD | Edward | Private 9594 | 67SA10CD | Friend: J. C. Port, 10 Austin Street, Wellington | PIERCY | Ewen Charles | Private 8864 | 10CNIRCS | Father: J. Piercy, Ashhurst | PIERCY | John Donald | Farrier 7346 | 9CNIRGS | Father: John Piercy, Ashhurst, Palmerston North | PIKE | Cyril Seldon | Private 5104 | 8CNIRAS | Father: George Pike, Tinakori Road, Wellington | PIKE | Reginald | Private 5517 | 8CNIRDS | Father: George Pike, Ardmore, Auckland | PILCHER | Alfred George | Lance Corporal 5616 | 8CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. Mary L. Pilcher, Medbury, North Canterbury | PILE | John | Corporal 5520 | 8CNIRDS | Father: Thomas H. Pile, Opotiki, Bay of Plenty | PILMER | William Claymore | Private 7218 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Alexander G. Pilmer, College Street, Wellington | PINKERTON | Robert | Private 6099 | 8CSIRHS | Brother: George Pinkerton, Fairlie, South Canterbury | PITT | William | Lieutenant & Paymaster | 8CNIRRS | Mother: Maata te Owai, c/o C. P. Davies, Messrs. Williams & Kettle [Ltd], Gisborne |
PLATZ | Joseph | Private 9005 | 10CNIRDS | Sister: Mrs. Higham, Edward Street, Napier | PLEYDELL | Ernest | Private 9096 | 10CNIRBS | Father: John J. Pleydell, Orbost, Gippsland, Victoria | PLUMRIDGE | Harry | Private 6100 | 8CSIRHS | Father: THomas P lumridge, Lincoln Road, Spreydon, Canterbury | POCOCK | Reginald Victor | Private 6098 | 8CSIRHS | Father: George Pocock, Seafield, Ashburton | POINTON | Edward Arthur | Sergeant 9001 | 10CNIRDS | Father: Jesse Pointon, Spit, Napier | POLLOCK | William James | Private 7690 | 9CSIRCS | Stepfather: Robert Dreaver, Cumberland Street, Dunedin | POLSON | Donald D.S.O. | Captain [second in command] | 8CNIRRS | Mother: Mrs R. Polson, Disraeli Street, Addington | POLSON | George McLeod | Private 5822 | 8CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. R. Polson, 2 Disraeli Street, Addington, Christchurch | POPE | Francis Ernest | Private 7689 | 9CSIRCS | Father: John David Pope, Kowai Bush, Springfield, Canterbury | POPPLE | William | Private 7692 | 9CSIRCS | Father: William T. Popple, Springfield, Canterbury | PORRITT | Harold Elliott | Private 5107 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Rev. Thomas Porritt, Featherston, Wellington | PORTER | Andrew John | Private 9204 | 10CSIRES | Uncle: John Ash, Prebbleton | PORTER | Ernest | Corporal 9354 | 10CSIRGS | Father: Robert Porter c/o J. E. Hutchison, Waimate | PORTER | Walter James | Private 8633 | 10CNIRAS | Father: William James Porter, Penrose, Auckland | POTIER | Albert James | Private 8863 | 10CNIRCS | Mother: Mrs. R. Potier, Feilding | POTIER | Charles Francis | Private 7345 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Rose Potier, Denbigh Street, Feilding | POTTER | Edwin | Farrier 9003 | 10CNIRDS | Father: J. Potter, Upper Mohaka | POTTER | Henry John | Private 5961 | 8CSIRGS | Father: Robert Potter, c/o Mrs. R. Potter, King Street, North Dunedin | POTTER | John Joseph | Private 9579 | 10CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. E. D. Potter: Edmund Street, Woolston | POTTS | John Kirker | Private 8597 | 10CNIRAS | Father: William Henry Potts, Thames | POW | James | Private 6097 | 8CSIRHS | Father: James Pow, Edendale, Southland | POWELL | Albert Ernest | Saddler Sergeant 7214 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth McIntosh Powell, North Shore, Auckland | POWELL | John | Private 9319 | 10CSIRFS | Father: Lewis Powell, East Oxford, North Canterbury | POWELL | William | Private 8595 | 10CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs. Ann Powell, Pollen Street, Ponsonby, Auckland | POWER | Henry Wilson | Paymaster's Clerk 7545 | 9CNIRBNS | Wife: Mrs. Frances Ethel Power, Sentinel Road, Ponsonby, Auckland | POWER | Richard Milgrew | Private 8598 | 10CNIRAS | Father: Maurice Gilbert, Power, Waihi | POWNALL | David | Private 6367 | 7C | Mother: Mrs. Sarah Pownall, Hastings, Hawke's Bay | POWRIE | Malcolm Angus | Lieutenant | 10CSIRFS | Father: James Powrie, Christchurch | PRATT | Alfred | Private 9544 | 10CSIRHS | Father: James Pratt, Black's Road, North-east Valley | PRESTNEY | Arthur | Private 9201 | 10CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. L. Prestney, Fernside | PRESTON | David | Private 9000 | 10CNIRDS | Mother: Mrs. J. Preston, Gaine Street, New Plymouth | PRETTYJOHN | William Francis Norman | Private 9200 | 10CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. Grace A. Prettyjohn, 145 Peterborough Street, Christchurch | PRICE | John | Private 5239 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Stephen Price, Upper Plain, Masterton | PRICE | Thomas | Private 9433 | 10CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Catherine Price, Tapanui | PRICE | William | Private 5960 | 8CSIRGS | Father: Henry Price, 137 Walker Street, Dunedin | PRICE | William Charles | Private 9582 | 10CSIRHS | Mother: Margaret Price, Kilbirnie, Wellington | PRIEST | Thomas | Private 7490 | 9CNIRHS | Father: Samuel Isaac Priest, Eketahuna | PRIMMER | Percy | Private 9199 | 10CSIRES | Father: F. Primmer, North Street, St. Albans | PRINCE | Albert Edward | Private 7091 | 9CNIRES | Father: C. H. Prince, Pirongia, Waikato | PRINGLE | John | Captain | 8CSIRRS | Mother: Mrs. A. Pringle, Lower Hutt, Wellington | PROCTOR | John MacFarlane | Orderly Room Sergeant 9105 | 10CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. Alexander Proctor, Wilderness Road, Addington | PROUSE | James | Private 7340 | 9CNIRGS | Sister: Miss Alma Prouse, College Terrace, Wellington | PRUSSING | James | Private 8104 | 9CSIRBS | Father: William Prussing, Post-office Hotel, Collingwood, Nelson | PUFLETT | George H. | Private 5177 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Robert Puflett, Union Steamship Company, Spit, Napier | PUGH | George | Private 6364 | 7C | Father: G. M. Pugh, Motueka, Nelson | PUGH | John | Private 6338 | 6&7CNRR | Mother: Mrs. Jessie Pugh, St. Albans Lane, Christchurch | PULFORD | George Joseph | Private 5379 | 8CNIRCS | Father: William Pulford, Marton, Rangitikei | PULFORD | William Francis | Private 7483 | 9CNIRHS | Father: William Pulford, Marton | PULLEN | David Herbert | Private 5380 | 8CNIRCS | Father: John Pullen, Purua, Aponga, Whangarei, Auckland | PULLENGER | James | Private 8065 | 9CSIRBS | Father: Robert Pullenger, Maheno, Otago | PULLEY | Francis | Private 9224 | 10CSIRES | Father: G. P. Pulley, Loburn | PURVES | James | Private 5692 | 8CSIRES | Father: James Purves, View Hill, West Oxford | PYCROFT | William | Private 7807 | 9CSIRDS | Father: William Pycroft, Fulford Street, Taranaki | PYE | George | Private 5384 | 8CNIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Matilda Pye, Te Aroha, Auckland | PYE | John | Private 7215 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. M. Pye, Te Aroha, Auckland | QUACK | Charles Frederick | Private 5825 | 8CSIRFS | Friend: Edward Moore, Stock
Inspector, Blenheim Father: Emil Quack, 22 Croxteth Road, Sefton Park, Liverpool, England |
QUAIN | John | Private 7693 | 9CSIRCS | Friend: William Arneil, Martinborough, Wairarapa | QUARTERMAN | Thomas Henry | Farrier 7099 | 9CNIRES | Father: Edward Quarterman, Kopu, Thames | QUIDLEY | Ernest Joseph | Private 7219 | 9CNIRFS | Father: James Quidley, Ponsonby, Auckland | QUILL | Patrick | Private 7810 | 9CSIRDS | Father: Patrick Quill, Rangiora, Canterbury | QUIN | Thomas | Private 7946 | 9CSIRAS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Quin, Hampden, Otago | QUINLAN | Andrew jun., | Private 9078 | 10CNZRD | Father: A. Quinlan, Mangatainoka | QUINLAN | William John | Private 7811 | 9CSIRDS | Brother: James Quinlan, Southerton, Oxford Street, Timaru | QUINN | Thomas | Private 6101 | 8CSIRHS | Father: William Quinn, Tapanui, Otago | QUINNEY | Henry William | Private 9006 | 10CNIRDS | Sister: Mrs. M. Rossiter, Papanui, Canterbury | PULLEY | Cecil William | Private 8861 | 10CNIRCS | Father: George Pulley, Loburn, Canterbury | RAE | Alexander Richmond | Private 9010 | 10CNIRDS | Father: David Rae, Leech Street, New Plymouth | RAE | Henry Bruce Somerville | Private 8744 | 10CNIRBS | Brother: Hugh Rae, Cambridge, Waikato | RAIKES | Francis Campbell | Private 5270 | 8CNIRBS | Father: G. R. C. Raikes, Okaiawa, Taranaki | RAINES | Herbert James | Private 8307 | 9CS&SA | Father: H. Raines, Winton, Southland | RALPH | William Anthony | Private 9080 | 10CNZRD | Father: Robert Rilley Ralph, Huntly, Waikato | RAMSBOTTOM | Louis [known as Ramsay] | Private 6370 | 7C | Father: Walter Ramsbottom, Warkworth, Auckland | RAMSEY | John Edmund | Orderly-room Corporal 7546 | 9CNIRBNS | Father: Thomas Ramsey, Ponsonby Road, Auckland | RANKIN | John | Sergeant 6304 | 7C | Mother: Mrs. Clara Rankin, Ingestre Street, Wanganui | RANKIN | William | Private 5966 | 8CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Margaret Rankin, 176 Maitland Street, Dunedin | RASMUSSEN | Henry Neil | Private 5009 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Neil Rasmussen, Mein Street, Newtown, Wellington | RATCLIFFE | Charles | Private 7229 | 9CNIRFS | Sister: Miss F. Ratcliffe, Longfield Street, Stawell West, Victoria Friend: Miss Maggie Gardiner, C.P.O., Dunedin |
RATCLIFFE | John | Private 9438 | 10CSIRGS | Father: George Ratcliffe, Fortification, near Milton | RATTRAY | Alexander | Private 5695 | 8CSIRES | Father: Alexander Rattray, Hook, Waimate, South Canterbury | RAWLINGS | Thomas William | Private 7494 | 9CNIRHS | Sister: Miss Elizabeth Rawlings, Hospital College, Durham, England Friend: Thomas William S_inn, c/o Gear Company, Petone, Wellington |
RAWLINSON | Philip | Corporal 8902 | 10CNIRCS | Mother: Selena Murphy, 30 Shellgate Road, Clapham Junction, London Friend: Mr. Wood, Norman Road, Mount Eden, Auckland |
RAYNE | Henry | Lieutenant | 9CSIRAS | Mother: Mrs. M. Rayne, Roslyn, Dunedin | RAYNER | Harold Hesper | Private 7949 | 9CSIRAS | Father: John Frederick Rayner, Nuggets, Port Molyneux, Balclutha | RAYNOR | Charles Alfred | Private 7226 | 9CNIRFS | Father: William Raynor, Dannivirke, Hawke's Bay | REA | Edward Henry | Private 9079 | 10CNZRD | Mother: Mrs. Margaret Sherry, Pahau Street, Thames | READ | Alexander | Sergeant 5298 | 8CNIRCS | Sister: Miss Martha Read, 87 Cuba Street, Wellington | READ | James Earl | Private 7259 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Louisa Read, Selby House, Adelaide Road, Wellington Wife: Mrs. Alice Sophia Read, Ma_ler Street, Mornington, Dunedin |
READE | John Fielder | Private 9592 | 67SA10CD | Father: G. A. Reade, Roslyn, Dunedin | REAY | Robert | Private 7225 | 9CNIRFS | John Reay, Mangao, Pahiatua | REAY | William | Private 6102 | 8CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. William Reay, Washington Valley, Nelson | REBAY | Alfred | Private 5826 | 8CSIRFS | Father: Galdino Rebay, Post-office, Stafford, Westland | REDMAN | Laurie | Lance Corporal 9007 | 10CNIRDS | Stepmother: Mrs. H. T. Smythe, Inglewood | REDWOOD | Henry Francis | Private 9321 | 10CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Charlotte Redwood, Muller Road, Blenheim | REDWOOD | Wilfred Henry | Corporal [Veterinary Dispenser] 5831 | 8CSIRBRS | Father: Thomas Redwood, Blenheim | REED | Bernard | Private 5243 | 8CNIRBS | Aunt: Mrs. Louisa Braithwaite, Frasertown, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay | REED | Frederick Charles | Private 8870 | 10CNIRCS | Father: James Reed, Masterton | REED | Kingsford Frederick | Private 5110 | 8CNIRAS | Father: R. K. Reed, Palmerston North | REED | William Henry | Private 7347 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. C. Reed, Queen Street, Masterton | REEDER | Frank | Private 8866 | 10CNIRCS | Sister: Mrs. J. Munro, Meniyan, South Gippsland, Victoria | REEKIE | Christopher | Private 6218 | 6&7CNRR | Father: John Harnot Reekie, Anderson's Bay, Dunedin | REEVES | Alfred Robert | Private 9586 | 789CD | Father: C. Reeves, Port Chalmers | REEVES | Charles | Private 9081 | 10CNZRD | Stepfather: Harry Firmston, Pahiatua | REEVES | Henry Charles | Private 9550 | 10CSIRHS | Father: Cornelius A. Reeves, George Street, Port Chalmers | REEVES | William James | Private 8069 | 9CSIRBS | Mother: Mrs. Sarah Ann Reeves, c/o Mrs. T. Reeves, Sen., Washington Valley, Nelson |
REID | Charles Francis | Private 7953 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Donald Reid, Solicitor, Milton | REID | James | Private 7948 | 9CSIRAS | Mother: Mrs. Christina Reid, Selwyn, Road, North-east Valley, Dunedin | REID | John Edwin | Private 9323 | 10CSIRFS | Father: John Reid, Church Street, Timaru | REID | William | Private 8075 | 9CSIRBS | Father: John Reid, Taueru Beach, Otago | REILLY | Alphonso | Private 5832 | 8CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Sarah Jane Reilly, Takaka, Nelson | REILLY | William | Private 5109 | 8CNIRAS | Sister: Miss Fanny Reilly, Palmerston North | REINHARDT | Harry | Private 7223 | 9CNIRFS | Brother: Charles Reinhardt, Queen's Hotel, Symonds Street, Auckland | RELLING | Thorston Frederick | Private 9011 | 10CNIRDS | Father: J. H. Relling, Waitara | RENDLE | William Henry | Private 9008 | 10CNIRDS | Father: E. T. Rendle, Woodville | RENWICK | Albert Gordon | Private 5387 | 8CNIRCS | Father: John Renwick, Normanby Road, Mount Eden, Auckland | RENZ | Robert | Private 7954 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Ernest Renz, Burnside, Otago | RETTER | Frederick Arthur | Private 7224 | 9CNIRFS | Father: John Chapman Retter, Post-office, Dannevirke | REUNIE | Kenneth John | Private 5522 | 8CNIRDS | Father: Kenneth Reunie, Rotorua, Auckland | REVELL | Lewis John | Private 5693 | 8CSIRES | Father: Henry Revell, Horotueka, Kaiapoi | REYNOLDS | George | Private 8871 | 10CNIRCS | Father: George Reynolds, Moeraki, Otago, Hillgrove | RHODES | Robert Heaton | Captain | 8CSIRFS | Wife: Mrs. R. H. Rhodes, Otahuna, Tai Tapu | RICH | Robert Francis | Private 9206 | 10CSIRES | Aunt: Mrs. L. Turpin, Linwood Station | RICHARDS | Arthur | Lieutenant not attached to Battalion | 10CNIRRS | Father: James Thomas Richards, 15 Cashel Street, Christchurch | RICHARDS | Frank Harold | Private 5830 | 8CSIRFS | Father: James Richards, Nile Street East, Nelson | RICHARDS | John Benjamin | Private 7493 | 9CNIRHS | Father: William Frederick Richards, Queen Street, Levin, Manawatu | RICHARDS | Ralph | Corporal 9009 | 10CNIRDS | Father: J. Richards, Woodville | RICHARDS | Robert Riley | Lieutenant | 9CSIRDS | Father: R. Richard, Lincoln Road, Addington, Christchurch | RICHARDSON | Edward Malcott | Private 9434 | 10CSIRGS | Sister: Mrs. J. C. Dixon, Oamaru | RICHARDSON | Robert Sharman Hughes | Private 7227 | 9CNIRFS | Father: Robert Richardson, Onehunga | RICHARDSON | Thomas George Airey | Lieutenant | 9CNIRHS | Father: William Airey Richardson, Greenmeadows, Napier | RIDD | William Thomas | Private 9436 | 10CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Isabella Ridd, Miller's Flat, Otago | RIDDELL | Andrew Gabriel | Sergeant 8073 | 9CSIRBS | Father: Robert Riddell, Orepuki, Otago | RIDDELL | Mark | Private 9548 | 10CSIRHS | Father: Robert Riddell, Orepuki | RIDER | Colin William | Private 7947 | 9CSIRAS | Father: W. J. Rider, 50 Manor Place, Dunedin | RIGBY | James Carr | Private 7950 | 9CSIRAS | Father: John Wilson Rigby, Maori Hill, Dunedin | RIGHTON | Herbert | Private 5834 | 8CSIRFS | Father: William H. Righton, 271 St. Asaph Street, Christchurch | RILEY | James | Lance Corporal 9099 | 10CNZRD | Father: James Riley, Clyde, Otago | RING | Percy | Private 9322 | 10CSIRFS | Aunt: Mrs. A. Maynard, Medbury, North Canterbury | RIPLEY | William | Private 7220 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Anna Ripley, Hikutaia, near Paeroa, Auckland | RITCHFIELD | Samuel James | Corporal 9118 | 10CSIRES | Sister: E. E. Ritchfield, Robinson's Bay, Akaroa | RITSON | Joseph Thomas | Private 7228 | 9CNIRFS | Grandmother: Mrs. Mary Annie Duckworth, Hotel-keeper, Kumara | ROBB | Hamilton | Private 8074 | 9CSIRBS | Father: William Brody Robb, Incholme, near Maheno, Otago | ROBBIE | Alexander Bertram | Lieutenant | 10CNIRAS | Father: J. W. Robbie, Te Henui, New Plymouth | ROBBIE | Charles Edward | Lieutenant | 10CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Harriet Robbie, New Plymouth | ROBBIE | David Barker | Private 6371 | 7C | Mother: Mrs. Harriett E. Robbie, Old Hospital Road, New Plymouth | ROBERTS | Alexander William | Lieutenant | 8CNIRAS | Father: Hector Simpson, Hepburn Street, Ponsonby, Auckland | ROBERTS | Charles | Private 6127 | 8CSIRHS | Friend: H. Murray, City Fire Brigade Station, Dunedin Sister: Mrs. Hannah Fredericks, Fitzroy, Victoria |
ROBERTS | Percy Coleman | Private 5694 | 8CSIRES | Father: P. Roberts, Post-office, Ashburton | ROBERTSHAW | Leonard | Private 5833 | 8CSIRFS | Father: Frederick J. Robertshaw, Postmaster, Picton | ROBERTSHAWE | Alfred Percy | Private 7553 | 9CS&SA | Mother: Mrs. E, Robertshawe, Elm Row, Dunedin | ROBERTSON | Graham Cunyngham | Private 8017 | 9CSIRAS | Friend: Herbert Storey, Totara Estate, Oamaru, Otago | ROBERTSON | James | Private 9552 | 10CSIRHS | Father: John Robertson, Gordon Road, Mosgiel | ROBERTSON | James | Private 6217 | 6&7CNRR | Father: John Robertson, Ashley, North Canterbury | ROBERTSON | James ALexander | Private 5521 | 8CNIRDS | Father: James A. Robertson, 90 Taranaki Street, Wellington | ROBERTSON | John | Private 5242 | 8CNIRBS | Brother: Thomas Robertson, Maha, Hawera, Taranaki | ROBERTSON | William Phillips | Private 7221 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. E. J. Robertson, Cambridge, Auckland | ROBINS | John Francis | Private 9437 | 10CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. J. Smith, Blakely's Hotel, Wyndham | ROBINS | Williams Edward | Private 8873 | 10CNIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Hester Robins, Masterton | ROBINSON | Arthur L. | Bugler 9587 | 67SA10CD | Mother: Mrs. Ema Robinson, Gisborne | ROBINSON | Bob | Private 8869 | 10CNIRCS | Father: Andrew Robinson, West Eyreton, Canterbury | ROBINSON | Edward Milligan | Corporal 7222 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Wilson, Victoria Avenue, Eden Terrace, Auckland | ROBINSON | Frederick | Private 7554 | 9CS&SA | Mother: Mrs. M. A. Robinson, Eltham, Taranaki | ROBINSON | Harry | Private 7698 | 9CSIRCS | Friend: J. Norton, Culverden, Canterbury | ROBINSON | John | Private 5720 | 8CSIRES | Father: John Robinson, Lowcliffe, Hinds, Canterbury | ROBINSON | Joseph Lawson | Private 5112 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Charles Robinson, 2 Evelyn Place, Wellington | ROBINSON | Walter Maitland | Private 9205 | 10CSIRES | Father: John Robinson, 60 Tuam Street, Linwood | ROBINSON | William | Private 5835 | 8CSIRFS | Father: William Robinson, Okain's Bay, Akaroa | ROBSON | Charles | Saddler 8743 | 10CNIRBS | Father: Charles Robson, Tekaha, Opotiki | ROBSON | Herbert Cecil | Corporal 5445 | 8CNIRDS | Sister: Mrs. J. M. Brine, Awhitu Central, Auckland | ROBSON | Robert | Lance-Corporal 8070 | 9CSIRBS | Father: Robert Robson, Lovell's Flat, Otago | ROBSON | Thomas | Private 9435 | 10CSIRGS | Brother: John Robson, Redcliff, Glenavy | ROCHESTER | Charles Henry | Sergeant 8865 | 10CNIRCS | Father: Thomas Rochester, Brook Street, Inglewood, Victoria | ROCKSTROW | William Caspari | Private 5108 | 8CNIRAS | Brother: J. F. Rockstrow, Defence Department, Wellington | RODDA | James Stephen | Private 9676 | 789CD | Mother: Mrs. Pritchard, Alford Forest Road, Ashburton | RODERICK | Emanuel | Private 8599 | 10CNIRAS | Father: Joseph Roderick, Sussex Street, Newton, Auckland | RODGERS | Harry Taylor | Private 6221 | 6&7CNRR | Father: Thomas Rodgers, Dee Street, Oamaru | ROGER | John Walker | Private 7951 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Robert Roger, Sandymount, Peninsula, Otago | ROGERS | Ambrose John | Private 7348 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Eliza Rogers, Rangitikei Street, Palmerston North | ROGERS | Charles Philip | Brigade Sergeant- Major | 8CBS | Mother: Mrs A. Rogers, Inglewood | ROGERS | David | Private 9549 | 10CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Rogers, Queenstown | ROGERS | Harry Josiah | Private 9207 | 10CSIRES | Father: Jos. Rogers, Greymouth | ROGERS | Harold Cummins | Corporal 5034 | 8CNIRAS | Father: John Francis Rogers, Ingleside, 25 Hill Street, Wellington | ROGERS | Joseph Ernest | Surgeon-Captain | 8CSIRRS | Mother: Mrs. Annie Rogers, Glenquorch, Athol, Invercargill | ROGERS | Percy | Private 6104 | 8CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Clara Rogers, Fitzroy, Melbourne Sister: Miss Alice Rogers, c/o Mrs. Whyte, Strathtay, Woodhaugh, Dunedin |
ROGERS | Robert Ferguson | Private 9012 | 10CNIRDS | Father: John Rogers, Campbell Place, Wanganui | ROGERS | Walter | Private 7696 | 9CSIRCS | Aunt: Mrs. H. J. Rogers, Sumner, Christchurch | RONAN | Michael | Private 6105 | 8CSIRHS | Father: William Ronan, Dipton, Southland | ROSE | Donald Henry | Private 9082 | 10CNZRD | Father: William Rose, Dannevirke | ROSENBROCK | Frederick | Private 5962 | 8CSIRGS | Father: John Rosenbrock, Argyle Street, Dunedin South | ROSS | Archibald Hugh | Private 7350 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Hugh Ross, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui | ROSS | David | Corporal 5240 | 8CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs. Janet Wallace Ross, Wanganui | ROSS | Donald | Private 6103 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Donald Ross, Riversdale, Southland | ROSS | James | Farrier 5037 | 8CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs Jessie Ross, 4 Crawford Street, Wellington | ROSS | John | Sergeant 9350 | 10CSIRGS | Father: Alexander Ross, Kelso, Otago | ROSS | John Joseph | Corporal 7956 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Duncan Ross, Mandeville, Otago | ROSSITER | Samuel James | Private 7697 | 9CSIRCS | Father: William Rossiter, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay | ROSSITER | William Henry | Private 8072 | 9CSIRBS | Father: William Rossiter, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay | ROUNTREE | James Leonard | Private 8745 | 10CNIRBS | Sister: Mrs. L. Bayly, Ohaupo | ROUSE | William George | Sergeant Major 3730 | 10CNZRSA | Father: J. Rouse, Rathmere Street, Fairfield Park, Melbourne | ROUT | George Abraham | Private 9208 | 10CSIRES | Father: Charles Rout, Stratfield, Victoria | ROWBERRY | Frederick | Private 9083 | 10CNZRD | Mother: Mrs. Sarah Rowberry, Hawera | ROWELL | Henry | Corporal 5027 | 8CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs Mary Rowell, 176 Willis Street, Wellington | ROWLAND | Charles Edwin | Private 7812 | 9CSIRDS | Father: George Rowland, Post-office, Hilton, Canterbury | ROWLANDS | Horace | Private 8741 | 10CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs. C. Ives, Kamo | ROWLATT | Edmund Pycroft | Private 5965 | 8CSIRGS | Father: George F. Rowlatt, 61 Serpentine Avenue, Dunedin | ROWLING | Fletcher | Private 6170 | 6&7CNRR | Father: Edward Rowling, Riwaka, Nelson | ROWNTREE | George Arthur | Sergeant 5021 | 8CNIRAS | Father: W. B. Rowntree, Tory Street, Wellington | ROXBURGH | Charles Hugh | Private 9551 | 10CSIRHS | Father: John Roxburgh, Cargill Street, St. Kilda, Dunedin | ROY | Peter | Private 5964 | 8CSIRGS | Father: John Roy, Moonlight, Macrae's, Otago | RUDDELL | Donald | Private 8742 | 10CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs. Ruddell, Queen Street, Onehunga | RUDDY | Joseph Patrick | Private 7955 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Patrick Ruddy, Bellviwe Place, Port Chalmers | RULE | William | Private 6220 | 6&7CNRR | Father: Harry James Rule, Coquet Street, Oamaru | RUNCIMAN | William McKenzie | Private 5241 | 8CNIRBS | Father: William Morrison Runciman, Waihi Goldmine, Auckland | RUSDEN | Albert James | Sergeant 7349 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Isabella Rusden, No. 2 Line, Wanganui | RUSSELL | James | Private 6219 | 6&7CNRR | Mother: Mrs. Janet Russell, Main South Roada, Dunedin | RUSSELL | Robert | Private 5244 | 8CNIRBS | Sister: Mrs. Emma Dohrmann, c/o J. T. Dohrmann, West Oxford, near Christchurch |
RUSSELL | William | Corporal 5885 | 8CSIRGS | Father: Patrick Russell, Helena Street, Dunedin | RUTHERFORD | Andrew Don | Lance Corporal 9246 | 10CSIRFS | Father: Mr. Rutherford, Waiau | RUTHERFORD | Leslie A. | Private 5724 | 8CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. C. Rutherford, Rona Bay, Wellington | RYAN | Charles William | Private 7100 | 9CNIRES | Father: W. C. Ryan, Te Puke, Bay of Plenty | RYAN | Daniel | Private 7722 | 9CSIRCS | Father: Charles Ryan, Te Puke, Bay of Plenty | RYAN | Edmund Thomas | Private 7952 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Pierce Ryan, Inverleigh, Victoria Brother: Piercy Ryan, Kurow, Oamaru |
RYAN | Henry Ormond | Private 5523 | 8CNIRDS | Brother: Thomas B. Ryan, Hakaru Post-office, Auckland | RYAN | James | Private 6369 | 7C | Father: Thomas Ryan, Makuri, Gisborne | RYAN | James | Private 5829 | 8CSIRFS | Brother: Thomas Ryan, Vale Street, Alfredton, Ballarat West Friend: Thomas Baxter, Kokiri, Greymouth |
RYAN | John | Lance Corporal 8867 | 10CNIRCS | Father: D. Ryan, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay | RYAN | Leo Cyril | Sergeant 8071 | 9CSIRBS | Mother: Mrs. Mary E. Ryan, Alexandra South, Otago | RYAN | Martin Henry | Private 5388 | 8CNIRCS | Father: George Ryan, Otahuhu, Auckland | RYAN | Robert John | Private 5828 | 8CSIRFS | Sister: Miss Mary Ryan, c/o McGrath Bros., Allendale, Victoria | RYAN | Thomas | Private 5827 | 8CSIRFS | Father: George Ryan, Otahuhu, Auckland | RYAN | Thomas Francis | Private 5111 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Dennis Ryan, Tawa Flat, Wellington | RYAN | William | Private 5850 | 8CSIRFS | Sister: Miss Mary Ryan, Alfredton, Ballarat, Victoria Friend: Harry Sullivan, Belfast, North Canterbury |
RYE | Edward | Private 9084 | 10CNZRD | Father: Edward Rye, Newcastle, NSW Friend: T. Bettley, Hamilton, Waikato |
RYMAN | James Charles | Private 8872 | 10CNIRCS | Father: James Ryman, Kairangi, Palmerston North |
6&7CNRR | 6th and 7th Contingents: Nominal Roll of Reliefs | 7C | 7th Contingent | 8CBS | 8th Contingent, Brigade Staff | 8CRMS | 8th Contingent, Roll of Men taken on Strength after leaving NZ | 8CNIRAS | 8th Contingent, North Island Regiment, A Squadron | 8CNIRBS | 8th Contingent, North Island Regiment, B Squadron | 8CNIRCS | 8th Contingent, North Island Regiment, C Squadron | 8CNIRDS | 8th Contingent, North Island Regiment, D Squadron | 8CNIRRS | 8th Contingent, North Island Regiment, Regimental Staff | 8CSIRBRS | 8th Contingent, South Island Regiment, Battalion Regimental Staff | 8CSIRES | 8th Contingent, South Island Regiment, E Squadron | 8CSIRFS | 8th Contingent, South Island Regiment, F Squadron | 8CSIRGS | 8th Contingent, South Island Regiment, G Squadron | 8CSIRHS | 8th Contingent, South Island Regiment, H Squadron | 8CSIRRS | 8th Contingent, South Island Regiment, Regimental Staff | 9CSIRBS | 9th Contingent, South Island Regiment, Battalion Staff | 9CSIRAS | 9th Contingent, South Island Regiment, A Squadron | 9CSIRBS | 9th Contingent, South Island Regiment, B Squadron | 9CSIRCS | 9th Contingent, South Island Regiment, C Squadron | 9CSIRDS | 9th Contingent, South Island Regiment, D Squadron | 9CNIRBNS | 9th Contingent, North Island Regiment, Battalion Staff | 9CNIRES | 9th Contingent, North Island Regiment, E Squadron | 9CNIRFS | 9th Contingent, North Island Regiment, F Squadron | 9CNIRGS | 9th Contingent, North Island Regiment, G Squadron | 9CNIRHS | 9th Contingent, North Island Regiment, H Squadron | 9CS&SA | 9th Contingent, Role of men taken on the strength at sea and in South Africa | 10CNIRRS | 10th Contingent, North Island Regiment, Regimental Staff | 10CNIRAS | 10th Contingent, North Island Regiment, A Squadron | 10CNIRBS | 10th Contingent, North Island Regiment, B Squadron | 10CNIRCS | 10th Contingent, North Island Regiment, C Squadron | 10CNIRDS | 10th Contingent, North Island Regiment, D Squadron | 10CNZRD | 10th Contingent, New Zealand Regiment, Details | 10CNZRDG | 10th Contingent, New Zealand Regiment, Men sworn in on SS Drarton Guard | 10CNZRSA | 10th Contingent, New Zealand Regiment, Officers and Men enrolled in South Africa [from 6th and 7th Contingents] | 10CSIRES | 10th Contingent, South Island Regiment, E Squadron | 10CSIRFS | 10th Contingent, South Island Regiment, F Squadron | 10CSIRGS | 10th Contingent, South Island Regiment, G Squadron | 10CSIRHS | 10th Contingent, South Island Regiment, H Squadron | 789CD | 7th, 8th and 9th Contingents, Details | 67SA10CD | 6th and 7th Contingents who joined 2nd Regiment, 10th Contingent in South Africa, Details |