SURNAME | FORENAMES | RANK & NO. | UNIT | NEXT OF KIN & ADDRESS | SADDLER | James Henry | Private 7237 | 9CNIRFS | Father: G. H. Saddler, Opango, Omaha | SADLER | Arthur Ernest | Private 6382 | 7C | Mother: Mrs. Agnes Sadler, Courtenay Street, New Plymouth | SALVIN | Joseph Alexander | Private 9015 | 10CNIRDS | Mother: Mrs. J. Salvin, Bell Street, Wanganui | SAMPSON | Thomas Nicholson | Private 5122 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Andrew E. Sampson, Tinakori Road, Wellington | SAMUEL | Jack | Private 8877 | 10CNIRCS | Mother: Mrs. M. K. Samuel, Thorndon Quay, Wellington | SAMUELS | Charles Henry | Private 9212 | 10CSIRES | Father: E. Samuels, Morven, South Canterbury | SANDERSON | George D. Grant | Private 6107 | 8CSIRHS | Father: George Sanderson, Kakanui, Otago | SANDERSON | John | Corporal 9472 | 10CSIRHS | Father: James Sanderson, Anderson's Bay, Dunedin | SANDERSON | William | Private 5969 | 8CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. J. Sanderson, Anderson's Bay, Dunedin | SANDLE | . | Lieutenant for instruction | 9CNIRBNS | . | SARGISSON | Charles Henry | Private 5701 | 8CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. C. Sargisson, Tinwald, Ashburton | SASS | John Emil | Private 8881 | 10CNIRCS | Father: George E. Sass, St. Stephen's, Rigstrup, Copenhagen, Denmark | SAUER | Henry | Private 5392 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Frederick William Sauer, Waimate, South Canterbury | SAUNDERS | Charles William | Private 9444 | 10CSIRGS | Mother: Phoebe Saunders, Pleasant Point | SAUNDERS | Daniel George | Private 7231 | 9CNIRFS | Father: Robert Saunders, 43 Branch Street, Flemington, Melbourne Friend: Miss M. Garland, Bishopscourt, Parnell, Auckland |
SAUNDERS | Edward | Lieutenant | 8CSIRES | Wife: Mrs. Margaret Saunders, Ashburton | SAUNDERS | Eustace | Private 9449 | 10CSIRGS | Father: Mark Saunders, Pleasant Point | SAXBY | Conrad George | Captain | 8CNIRCS | Father: G. H. Saxby, Bluff Hill, Napier | SAXBY | Ronald Gordon | Lieutenant | 9CNIRES | Father: Gordon Harding Saxby, Napier | SAXBY | William John | Private 7496 | 9CNIRHS | Sister: Ethel Mary Saxby, Adelaide Road, Wellington | SAYERS | John Morrison | Private 9559 | 10CSIRHS | Father: John Sayers, Gore | SCANLAN | Edward | Private 5524 | 8CNIRDS | Father: Bartholomew Scanlan, Dargaville, North Wairoa | SCANLAN | Stephen | Private 8749 | 10CNIRBS | Father: B. Scanlan, Dargaville | SCANLAN | Herbert | Private 8750 | 10CNIRBS | Father: Bart. Scanlan, Dargaville | SCHOFIELD | Thomas | Corporal 7105 | 9CNIRES | Father: Samuel Charles Schofield c/o Major Schofield, Park Road, Auckland | SCOON | John | Private 7816 | 9CSIRDS | Brother: William Scoon, Rangiora, Canterbury | SCORRAR | William Leonard | Private 7360 | 9CNIRGS | Father: James Scorrar, Post-office, Opaki, Wairarapa | SCOTT | Archibald Alfred | Private 8606 | 10CNIRAS | Father: Alfred Scott, Waihi, Ohinemuri | SCOTT | Arthur Edward | Private 6172 | 6&7CNRR | Mother: Mrs. Helen Scott, Omoto Road, Greymouth | SCOTT | George Andrew | Private 7106 | 9CNIRES | Father: Nixon Street, Police-station, Aratapu, Northern Wairoa | SCOTT | George Francis | Private 9213 | 10CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. H. M. Scott, Havelock Street, Ashburton | SCOTT | George William | Private 9332 | 10CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Helen Scott, Omoto Road, Greymouth | SCOTT | Harold Leslie | Private 7821 | 9CSIRDS | Father: Frank Scott, Pukeraeraki, Otago | SCOTT | James | Private 9557 | 10CSIRHS | Father: James Scott, Otaraia, Pukerau | SCOTT | John Douglas | Sergeant 9016 | 10CNIRDS | Father: D. Scott, Bull's | SCOTT | John Orlando | Lance Corporal 7230 | 9CNIRFS | Father: Charles John Scott, Hornesy Street, London, England Friend: A. G. Smith, Frasertown, Napier |
SCOTT | Middleton James | Private 7108 | 9CNIRES | Mother: Mrs. A. E. Keath, Star Hotel, Albert Street, Auckland | SCOTT | Sydney Redinal | Private 7703 | 9CSIRCS | Father: Harry Scott, Beckford Road, Opawa, Christchurch | SCOTT | William | Private 5973 | 8CSIRGS | Friend: Mrs. Hislop, 5 Forth Street, Dunedin | SCOTT | William | Private 9439 | 10CSIRGS | Father: James Scott, Glenavy | SCOTT | William Henry Robertson | Private 5971 | 8CSIRGS | Father: James R. Scott, Crawford Street, Dunedin | SCOTT | William Tasman | Private 5696 | 8CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. Mary Scott, Beckford Road, Opawa, Christchurch | SCOWN | Daniel | Private 7501 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Scown, Castlecliff, Wanganui | SCRIMGEOUR | Arthur Raymond | Private 7825 | 9CSIRDS | Father: William Scrimgeour, Collingwood, Nelson | SCRIMGEOUR | Henry | Private 9331 | 10CSIRFS | Father: J. Scrimgeour, Collingwood, Nelson | SEARLE | Richard | Corporal 9357 | 10CSIRGS | Father: William Searle, Kakanui | SEBELIN | Thomas Charles | Private 9106 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Henry Sebelin, Hyde, Otago | SECCOMBE | Frederick William | Private 8880 | 10CNIRCS | Father: Charles William Seccombe, Waitotara | SEDDON | Richard John | Sergeant [Veterinary Dispenser] 7880 | 9CSIRBNS | Brother: Nathan Seddon, Government Workshops, Wellington | SEDDON | Richard John Spotswood | Captain | 8CNIRAS | Father: Rt. Hon. R. J. Seddon, Molesworth Street, Wellington | SELBIE | Daniel Wedderell | Private 7822 | 9CSIRDS | Father: George Selbie, Claremont, Timaru | SELBY | Alfred Herbert | Private 8882 | 10CNIRCS | Father: W. Selby, Cambridge | SELBY | Henry George | Private 5530 | 8CNIRDS | Father: Samuel Selby, Parnell, Auckland | SELL | Charles William | Private 7960 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Walter Sell, King Street, Roslyn, Dunedin | SELLERS | Charles John Patrick | Regimental Orderly Sergeant 5718 | 8CSIRBRS | Father: Frederick P. H. Sellers, Fitzherbert Street, Hokitika | SELWOOD | Arthur | Private 8907 | 10CNZRD | Mother: Mary Anne Selwood, Gear Street, Petone | SEWELL | Charles | Private 9214 | 10CSIRES | Father: David Olliver Sewell, Ruapuna, Ashburton | SEXTON | Eliott James | Private 5245 | 8CNIRBS | Father: James Sexton, Gladstone, Wairarapa | SEYMOUR | Robert | Private 6372 | 8CNIRDS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Conrad, c/o Mrs. McNamara, Wingfield Street, Wellington | SHACKLETON | Frederick | Private 7355 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Francis Shackleton, Otley, Wharfedale, Yorkshire, England Solicitor: William Meldrum, Hunterville |
SHAND | George | Private 5967 | 8CSIRGS | Father: Robert Shand, Waihola Post-office, Otago | SHANKLAND | Thomas | Private 7815 | 9CSIRDS | Father: Andrew Barnes Shankland, King Street, Rangiora | SHANNON | Athol Ernest Clarence | Private 5246 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Ezekiel Shannon, Waituna West, Feilding | SHARP | Robert McCallum | Private 5968 | 8CSIRGS | Father: Robert Peter Sharp, Balclutha, Otago | SHARPLIN | Edward | Corporal 7819 | 9CSIRDS | Father: John Sharplin, West Oxford, Canterbury | SHARPLIN | Harry Havelock | Private 7820 | 9CSIRDS | Father: H. Havelock Sharplin, Staveley, Canterbury | SHAW | Ernest Olliver | Private 9448 | 10CSIRGS | Father: James H. Shaw, Fairlie | SHAW | Frederick Thomas | Sergeant 7236 | 9CNIRFS | Father: Thomas E. Shaw, Paeroa, Ohinemuri, Auckland | SHAW | George | Private 8120 | 9CSIRBS | Father: T. S. Shaw. Melville Steret, Edinburgh, Scotland Uncle: W. Shaw, Otaki, Wellington |
SHAW | Guy Langston | Private 5124 | 8CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs Marie Courtney, Niger House, New Plymouth | SHAW | Robert George | Private 6222 | 6&7CNRR | Father: Robert Shaw, Gimmerburn, Otago | SHAW | William Edward | Private 9335 | 10CSIRFS | Friend: A. S. Bird, Culverden | SHAW | William John | Private 9336 | 10CSIRFS | Friend: Miss Mary Brunnel, Mount Fyfe, Kaikoura | SHEAHAN | John | Corporal 5527 | 8CNIRDS | Father: Patrick Sheahan, Wade, Auckland | SHEAHAN | Patrick | Sergeant 6373 | 7C | Father: Jeremiah Sheahan, Patea | SHEATH | Raymond John | Private 5699 | 8CSIRES | Father: J. B. Sheath, Kyber Pass Road, Auckland | SHEEHAN | Edward Robert | Corporal 5031 | 8CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs Bridget Pery, Upper Hutt, Wellington | SHELLOCK | Arthur | Private 5697 | 8CSIRES | Father: George Shellock, South Rakaia, Canterbury | SHELLOCK | George | Private 7818 | 9CSIRDS | Father: George Shellock, Rakaia, Canterbury | SHEPHERD | David | Private 9334 | 10CSIRFS | Father: Mr. Shepherd, King Street, Rangiora | SHEPHERD | Robert Hazelton | Lieutenant | 9CS&SA | No. 1 Services Company, P. A., Auckland | SHERA | Louis Marie | Lieutenant | 7C | Father: J. M. Shera, Remuera, Auckland | SHERIDAN | Charles | Private 9210 | 10CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. Cahrlotte Sheridan, Rangiora | SHERWILL | William | Private 6108 | 8CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Sherwill, Wyndham | SHIRKEY | William | Private 7958 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Peter Shirkey, Union Street, Milton, Otago | SHORT | James | Private 6224 | 6&7CNRR | Father: Thomas Short, Duddingston, North-east Valley, Dunedin | SIEVERS | Arthur | Private 8878 | 10CNIRCS | Father: A. Sievers, South Makara, Wellington | SIEVERS | George Frederick | Private 5394 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Alfred Sievers, South Makara, Wellington | SIFFLEET | Henry Thomas | Private 5526 | 8CNIRDS | Sister: Mrs. M. A. Gillespie, 29 Brown Street, Auckland | SILCOCK | Samuel Thomas | Private 5293 | 8CNIRCS | Father: James Silcock, Paeroa, Auckland | SILVESTER | Henry George | Private 7498 | 9CNIRHS | Brother: David Silvester, No. 1. Service Company, Permanent Artillery, Wellington | SILVESTER | John | Private 7352 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Frederick Silvester, Riversdale, Hawera | SIMEON | Herbert Richard | Corporal 8160 | 9CS&SA | Wife: Mrs. E. F. Simeon, Moyns Lodge, Gisborne | SIMMERS | Duncan A. | Private 9445 | 10CSIRGS | Father: Captain J. G. Simmers, Queenstown | SIMMONS | William Edward | Private 8624 | 10CNIRAS | Father: James Simmons, Strathmore, Taranaki | SIMON | David | Private 9828 | 10CNZRD | Father: Mark Simon, Rotorua | SIMONS | William | Private 7101 | 9CNIRES | Friend: William Lawry, Inglewood, Taranaki | SIMPSON | Albert Richmond | Private 8774 | 10CNZRD | Father: W. H. Simpson, Hastings | SIMPSON | Bethel | Bugler 5749 | 8CSIRFS | Father: Andrew Simpson, Hampstead, Ashburton | SIMPSON | David | Private 7257 | 9CNIRFS | Brother: E. P. Simpson, Postmaster, Mount Eden, Auckland | SIMPSON | Donald Petrie | Lieutenant | 8CNIRDS | Father: Hector Simpson, Hepburn Street, Ponsonby, Auckland | SIMPSON | George | Private 8619 | 10CNIRAS | Father: William James Simpson, Eltham | SIMPSON | George Catlin | Private 6135 | 8CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Amelia Simpson, 82 Waverley Road, Woollahra, Sydney, New South Wales | SIMPSON | George Daniel | Sergeant 9117 | 10CSIRES | Father: George Simpson, Corner North Belt, Barbadoes Street, Christchurch | SIMPSON | Gilbert | Acting Sergeant 9677 | 789CD | Father: William Simpson, Kaiapoi | SIMPSON | James Bannister | Corporal 7707 | 9CSIRCS | Father: William Simpson, Cam Road, Kaiapoi, Canterbury | SIMPSON | John Purcell Campbell | Private 7823 | 9CSIRDS | Father: Edward Simpson, Riverton, Southland | SIMPSON | Robert Henry | Private 8883 | 10CNIRCS | Father: H. Simpson, Cashmere, Sydenham, Christchurch | SINCLAIR | Angus | Private 7356 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Peter Sinclair, Pangaroa, near Pahiatua | SINCLAIR | Duncan | Private 8874 | 10CNIRCS | Father: Andrew Sinclair, Kaiwarra | SINCLAIR | Harold Lionel Aynsley | Private 6376 | 7C | Father: Duncan Sinclair, Terrace End, Palmerston North | SINGER | John | Private 6173 | 6&7CNRR | Father: John Singer, Kanieri, Nelson | SINGER | Louis | Private 9327 | 10CSIRFS | Father: John Singer, Kanieri, Westland | SKELLERN | Harry | Saddler 8747 | 10CNIRBS | Father: John M. Skellern, Upper Pitt Street, Auckland | SKELLY | Alfred Leonard | Private 7497 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Skelly, 27 Wordsworth Street, Wellington | SKILLING | George | Private 5700 | 8CSIRES | Brother: John Skilling, Lakeside, Canterbury | SKINNER | Charles John Dunbar | Corporal 5026 | 8CNIRAS | Father: W. H. Skinner, 9 Hawkestone Crescent, Wellington | SKINNER | James MacAdam | Private 5257 | 8CNIRBS | Father: W. H. Skinner, 9 Hawkestone Crescent, Wellington | SKINNER | Lewis | Private 5970 | 8CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. J. A. Skinner, North-east Valley, Dunedin | SLATER | Thomas | Private 8603 | 10CNIRAS | Father: Joseph Slater, Torrens Road, College Park, East Adelaide | SMAILLIE | David | Lance-Corporal 6021 | 8CSIRHS | Father: J. H. Smaillie, Wingatui, Mosgiel | SMALL | Alfred Charles | Corporal 6374 | 7C | Father: Charles Small, Seafield, Wanganui | SMALL | Maurice | Private 9443 | 10CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Kate Small, Fairlie | SMILEY | Archibald Robertson | Private 9446 | 10CSIRGS | Father: Thomas G. Smiley, Arrowtown | SMILLIE | John | Private 9561 | 10CSIRHS | Father: John Smillie, Waipati Settlement, Chaselands | SMITH | Agmen George | Lieutenant not attached to Squadrons | 9CNIRBNS | Mother: Mrs. A. E. Smith, 9 Hill Street, Wellington | SMITH | Alexander David | Private 8085 | 9CSIRBS | Father: John Smith, Arahura, Hokitika | SMITH | Alfred Elston | Private 6223 | 6&7CNRR | Father: Alfred Smith, Reed Street, Oamaru | SMITH | Arthur Henry | Private 5120 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Thomas Smith, Warrenpoint, Ireland Friend: Wililam Tompsitt, Urenui, Taranaki |
SMITH | Arundel Harry | Private 5119 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Samuel Smith, Lower Hutt | SMITH | Charles | Private 5115 | 8CNIRAS | Father: George Smith, Wakanui Road, Ashburton | SMITH | Charles Frederick | Sergeant 9114 | 10CSIRES | Sister: Jennie Smith, c/o of Mrs. Allnutt, Harewood Road, Papanui | SMITH | Charles John | Lieutenant | 8CSIRGS | Father: Robert Kernon Smith, Marine Parade, Napier | SMITH | Charles Granville | Private 5114 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Frederick C. Smith, Police-station, Carterton | SMITH | Daniel | Sergeant 9230 | 10CSIRFS | Brother-in-law: J. S. Smyth, Denniston, Westport | SMITH | David | Shoeing-smith 5510 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Charles Smith, Hikurangi, Auckland | SMITH | David Kay | Sergeant 8078 | 9CSIRBS | Mother: Mrs. Jane Burgess, Delmore, Pahia, Otago | SMITH | Ernest Lewis | Private 5529 | 8CNIRDS | Father: E. L. Smith, Star Hotel, Tauranga | SMITH | Ernest Prin | Private 5391 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Sydney Smith, Upper Nelson Street, Auckland | SMITH | Frederick Thomas | Private 7500 | 9CNIRHS | Father: F. C. Smith, Carterton, Wellington | SMITH | Geoffrey Samuel | Lieutenant | 9CSIRBS | Father: Rev. A. Smith, Wendover, Bucks, England Friend: Mrs. E. Bowen, Middleton, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch |
SMITH | George Goddard | Private 9450 | 10CSIRGS | Father: S. R. Smith, Waikouaite | SMITH | George William | Farrier 8746 | 10CNIRBS | Father: G. E. Smith, Aratapu | SMITH | Harold | Lieutenant | 67SA10CD | Father: Mr. A. Smith, Leeds, Yorkshire, England | SMITH | Henry Hazelhurst | Quartermaster Sergeant 8879 | 10CNIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Smith, 116 Adelaide Road, Wellington | SMITH | James | Private 7533 | 9CNIRHS | Sister: Miss Mamie Smith, All Nations Hotel, Hobart, Tasmania | SMITH | James George | Lance-Corporal 7962 | 9CSIRAS | Sister: Mrs. P. McGehan, Ponsonby Road, Auckland | SMITH | James Phillip | Private 9556 | 10CSIRHS | Brother: Henry Smith, Balfour | SMITH | John Henry | Sergeant 9116 | 10CSIRES | Father: William Smith, Westerfield, Ashburton | SMITH | John Henry | Private 5528 | 8CNIRDS | Father: J. F. Smith, Manukau, Rotorua | SMITH | Joseph | Private 6109 | 8CSIRHS | Father: James C. Smith, Woollen-mills, Mosgiel, Dunedin | SMITH | Joseph | Private 9325 | 10CSIRFS | Brother: Jack Smith, Feilding | SMITH | Joseph Henry | Squadron Quartermaster Sergeant 9227 | 10CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. A. Smith, Lyndhurst Street, Greymouth | SMITH | Leslie | Sergeant 5164 | 8CNIRBS | Father: John W. Smith, Waterpark, Taradale, Napier | SMITH | Luke | Private 9085 | 10CNZRD | Father: G. Smith, Woodville | SMITH | Maurice Ralph | Lieutenant | 10CNIRCS | Father: J. P. Smith, Eketahuna | SMITH | Patrick James | Private 8605 | 10CNIRAS | Father: Patrick Smith, Derby Street, Parnell, Auckland | SMITH | Robert | Private 9560 | 10CSIRHS | Father: John Smith, Stirling | SMITH | Robert David | Private 9440 | 10CSIRGS | Stepbrother: William Sole, Waimate | SMITH | Sidney Enfield | Private 5839 | 8CSIRFS | Father: James Smith, Maitai Valley, Nelson | SMITH | Sidney Lambert | Private 5722 | 8CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Smith, North Street, St. Albans, Christchurch | SMITH | Sydney Harold | Private 5113 | 8CNIRAS | Father: John Henry Smith, 44 Kent Terrace, Wellington | SMITH | Thomas | Private 9326 | 10CSIRFS | Father: Edward Smith, Brunnerton | SMITH | Thomas Peter | Private 7814 | 9CSIRDS | Father: Robert Pollock Smith, Clifton Street, Addington Christchurch | SMITH | Wallace Robertson | Private 8875 | 10CNIRCS | Father: W. J. Smith, Tamworth, NSW | SMITH | Walter | Private 9086 | 10CNZRD | Father: J. Smith, Pahiatua | SMITH | William | Private 9447 | 10CSIRGS | Father: James Smith, Luggate, Otago | SMITH | Wilmot Lawrence | Private 8604 | 10CNIRAS | Father: William Smith, Thames | SMITHERS | Henry George Albert | Private 5121 | 8CNIRAS | Friend: H. K. Bethune, Bank of Australasia, Wellington | SMYTHE | R. B. | Lieutenant [unattached] | 9CSIRBNS | . | SNELGAR | George Albert | Farrier 8607 | 10CNIRCS | Father: George Snelgar, Waiotahi Creek, Thames | SNELLING | Douglas Cromwell | Sergeant 5436 | 8CNIRDS | Father: W. H. Snelling, Maungaturoto, Auckland | SNOOK | John Herbert | Private 9329 | 10CSIRFS | Father: A. E. H. Snook, Dovedale, Nelson | SNOSWELL | Joseph | Private 9013 | 10CNIRDS | Mother: Mrs. Snoswell, Emerson Street, Napier | SNOWDEN | Thomas | Private 7235 | 9CNIRFS | Father: Andrew Snowden, Maropiu, Dargaville | SOLLITT | George E. | Private 5837 | 8CSIRFS | Aunt: Mrs. E. McDonald, Selwyn | SOLLY | John | Private 9330 | 10CSIRFS | Father: E. Solly, Kahaka | SOMMERVILLE | Charles Leslie | Captain | 8CNIRDS | Father: J. R. Sommerville, No. 2 Line, Wanganui | SOMERVILLE | John William | Private 5252 | 8CNIRBS | Father: John Somerville, Disraeli Street, Gisborne | SOMMERVILLE | John Adam | Sergeant 5162 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Colonel Sommerville, No. 2 Line, Wanganui | SOTHERAN | Thomas | Private 9681 | 789CD | Father: Thomas Sotheran, Marsden Road, Greymouth | SOUTH | Richard William | Lance Corporal 9209 | 10CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. Mary South, Cedars, Colombo Street, Christchurch | SOUTHCOMBE | Alexander | Private 7503 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Southcombe, Waverley | SOUTHERN | William | Private 5256 | 8CNIRBS | Father: G. P. Southern, Newcastle-on-Tyne, UK Friend: Dr. Charlton, Feilding, Rangitikei |
SOUTTER | William | Private 8081 | 9CSIRBS | Mother: Mrs. J. Soutter, c/o T. Phillips, Woodlands, South Otago | SOWMAN | Arthur | Private 9680 | 789CD | Father: Arthur Sowman, sen., Nelson | SOWMAN | Walter | Sergeant 5739 | 8CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Janet Sowman, Nile Street, Nelson | SPAIN | John | Private 8084 | 9CSIRBS | Father: Thomas Spain, Ida Valley, Otago | SPARKE | Frank | Private 9017 | 10CNIRDS | Father: Dr. G. Sparke, Barthon, Mansfield, Notts., England | SPARROW | William John | Corporal 9123 | 10CSIRES | Father: William Sparrow, Ashburton | SPEAR | Howard Walshe | Corporal 6146 | 6&7CNRR | Father: Frederick Spear, Washington Valley, Nelson | SPECK | Ernest Brinkworth | Lance Corporal 7351 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Jane Speck, Toko, Stratford | SPEEDY | John Frederick | Lieutenant | 10CNIRDS | Brother: W. G. Speedy, Herbertsveille, Wainui | SPENCE | William | Private 5123 | 8CNIRAS | Brother: Magnus B. Spence, c/o Fraser, Bookseller, Oamaru | SPENCER | Cecil Blackbourn | Private 8076 | 9CSIRBS | Mother: Mrs. Spencer, Grove Street, Nelson | SPENCER | Matthew | Private 7704 | 9CSIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Spencer, Springton, Christchurch | SPIERS | Arthur Edward | Private 7499 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Ann Spiers, Karori, Wellington | SPIERS | Bertram Frederick | Private 7826 | 9CSIRDS | Father: Solomon Morris Spiers, Main Street, Kumara | SPIERS | Edgar | Private 8083 | 9CSIRBS | Father: S. M. Spiers, Kumara, West Coast | SPILMAN | Arthur Marson | Private 5531 | 8CNIRDS | Friend: G. L. mahon, Hamilton, Auckland Father: Daniel Spilman, Victoria Street, Petone |
SPURDLE | Frederick Maurice | Private 5532 | 8CNIRDS | Father: Frederick Morris Spurdle, Ridgway Street, Wanganui | STAFFORD | William Nathaniel | Private 8752 | 10CNIRBS | Uncle: David Stafford, Wellesley Street, Auckland | STALKER | Alexander | Private 9553 | 10CSIRHS | Father: Alexander Stalker, Tetua | STALKER | Duncan | Corporal 9470 | 10CSIRHS | Father: Alexander Stalker, Te Tua, Orepuki | STANAWAY | John Aloysius | Private 7849 | 9CSIRDS | Brother: H. Stanaway, Clerk, Railway-station, Dunedin | STANDISH | Ivan | Private 8776 | 10CNZRD | Father: Arthur Standish, Witiora, New Plymouth | STANILAND | William Harrison | Private 7706 | 9CSIRCS | Father: George William Staniland, Littleover, New Brighton Road, Christchurch | STANKEY | Joseph | Private 9328 | 10CSIRFS | Father: Anthony Stankey, Kanieri, Westland | STANLEY | Herbert Andrew | Private 7233 | 9CNIRFS | Father: Thomas Stanley, Te Aroha, Auckland | STANLEY | John | Private 7107 | 9CNIRES | Sister: Mrs. Knox, Newton Road, Auckland | STANLY | Henry Robert | Private 5249 | 8CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs. Teresa Agnes Stanly, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay | STANNAWAY | Albert Alfred | Private 9087 | 10CNIRBS | Father: William Stannaway, Aratapu | STAPLES | Bernard | Private 7824 | 9CSIRDS | Father: John Staples, Takaka, Nelson | STAPLES | Frederick John | Corporal 5745 | 8CSIRFS | Father: John Staples, Long Plain, Takaka, Nelson | STAPLES | John Thomas | Private 9555 | 10CSIRHS | Father: T. S. Staples, Park Street, Gore | STARK | Charles Leggart | Lance Corporal 3796 | 67SA10CD | Mother: Mrs. Rosina Stark, Kaitangata, Otago | STARKY | John Bayntun | Lance-Corporal 5754 | 8CSIRFS | Father: George B. Starky, Brackenfield, Amberley | STAUNTON | Archibald | Bugler 1934 | 10CSIRES | Father: Henry Staunton, 1 Bath Street, Christchurch | STEED | James | Private 5389 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Matthew Steed, Scarborough Terrace, Parnell, Auckland | STEELE | Allan Harmer | Private 5836 | 8CSIRFS | Father: Richard Steele, 6 Kilmore Street, Christchurch | STENT | Arthur John | Private 5247 | 8CNIRBS | Father: James Stent, Pemberton, Feilding | STENT | Louis James | Private 5248 | 8CNIRBS | Father: James Stent, Pemberton, Feilding | STEPHEN | George | Private 9678 | 789CD | Father: James Stephen Stavely, Ashburton | STEPHEN | William Alexander | Private 5840 | 8CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Stephen, Orawaiti, Westport | STEPHENS | Edwin James | Private 8751 | 10CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Stephens, Neerim, South Gippsland, Victoria | STEPHENS | John William | Private 7702 | 9CSIRCS | Father: Fred. Stephens, c/o Mrs. Stephens, Parkes Street, Christchurch | STEPHENSON | Frederick Pratten | Dispenser Corporal 8111 | 9CSIRBNS | Mother: Mrs. M. Stephenson, 255 Cumberland Street, Dunedin | STEPHENSON | Henry Tapua Athelston | Private 7552 | 9CS&SA | Father: Henry Stephenson, Russell, Bay of Islands | STEPHENSON | Thomas | Private 6110 | 8CSIRHS | Father: J. G. Stephenson, corner Humffray and Bradbury Street, Ballarat, Victoria Friend: McCracken, 52 Rintoul Street, Wellington |
STEVEN | John | Corporal 7961 | 9CSIRAS | Father: James Steven, Great King Street, North Dunedin | STEVENS | Bert | Private 5118 | 8CNIRAS | Father: James H Stevens, Post-office, Hawera | STEVENS | Charles Albert | Private 5390 | 8CNIRCS | Father: H. J. Stevens, Ongaruhe, Auckland | STEVENS | Francis Alfred | Private 5525 | 8CNIRDS | Father: Percy E. Stevens, Hamilton, Waikato | STEVENS | John | Private 9595 | 67SA10CD | Father: Richard Stevens, 52 St. Asaph Street, Christchurch | STEVENS | Robert | Private 9827 | 10CNZRD | Father: Robert Stevens, Bloomfield Road, Lower Hutt | STEVENS | William Alfred | Private 7813 | 9CSIRDS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Anna Stevens, High Street, Rangiora, Canterbury | STEVENS | William James | Lieutenant | 10CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. R. Stevens, Wakefield, Nelson | STEVENSON | James | Private 8082 | 9CSIRBS | Brother, William Stevenson, c/o H.M. Customs, Wellington | STEVENSON | John | Private 9211 | 10CSIRES | Brother: W. J. Stevenson, H.M. Customs, Wellington | STEVENSON | Robert | Captain | 67SA10CD | Mother: Mrs. R. Stevenson, 86 Lichfield Street, Christchurch | STEWARD | Vernon W. W. | Captain | 10CNIRCS | Father: Hon. Major Steward, Wellington | STEWART | Alexander | Private 7104 | 9CNIRES | Father: W. J. Stewart, Tauranga | STEWART | Arthur | Private 8600 | 10CNIRAS | Father: Henry Stewart, Birkenhead, Auckland | STEWART | Charles | Private 9679 | 789CD | Father: William Stewart, Ida Valley | STEWART | Charles James | Private 8601 | 10CNIRAS | Father: William John Stewart, Tauranga | STEWART | Duncan | Private 5972 | 8CSIRGS | Brother: James Stewart, Outram, Otago | STEWART | George | Private 5116 | 8CNIRAS | Father: William Stewart, Sumner Road, Lyttelton | STEWART | John | Private 8876 | 10CNIRCS | Father: R. W. Stewart, Glasgow Street, Wanganui | STEWART | Kennith | Private 9018 | 10CNIRDS | Father: Alexander Stewart, Taihape | STEWART | Richard James | Private 9558 | 10CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Rebecca Stewart, Rose Street, Gore | STICHBURY | Nicholas Colin | Corporal 5442 | 8CNIRDS | Mother: Mrs. M. Stichbury, Newton Road, Auckland | STIMPSON | George | Private 6377 | 7C | Father: Henry Stimpson, Inglewood, Taranaki | STITCHBURY | Ivory Joseph | Corporal 9088 | 10CNZRD | Father: William Stitchbury, Manukau Road, Auckland | STIVEN | Robert Bertie | Corporal 7957 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Thomas Stiven, Tapanui, Otago | STOCK | Arthur Francis | Sergeant 9347 | 10CSIRGS | Father: Henry Stock, Kakanui | STOCK | Arthur James | Private 8077 | 9CSIRBS | Father: A. H. Stock, Union Bank, Invercargill | STOCK | Claude | Farrier 7701 | 9CSIRCS | Mother: Mrs. James Young, Rangiora, Canterbury | STOCKLEY | John Willis | Private 7103 | 9CNIRES | Father: Edwin Stockley, West Tamaki, Auckland | STOCKWELL | Thomas | Private 6375 | 7C | Father: William Stockwell, Manaia, Taranaki | STONE | Frank | Private 7700 | 9CSIRCS | Father: W. F. Stone, Selwyn Terrace, Lyttelton | STONE | Thomas Henry | Private 8884 | 10CNIRCS | Father: W. Stone, Southbrook, Canterbury | STOREY | Alfred Edward | Private 7828 | 9CSIRDS | Father: William Storey, Temuka, South Canterbury | STOTT | Mark Foster | Corporal 7234 | 9CNIRFS | Father: Mark Stott, Wharehine, Kaipara | STRANGEMURE | P. Louis | Private 9591 | 789CD | Sister: Ethel Strangemure, 26a Vivian Street, Wellington | STRAWBRIDGE | John Thomas | Private 7358 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Thomas Strawbridge, Beaconsfield, Feilding | STREET | Alfred | Private 5251 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Richard Street, Bell Block, Taranaki | STREET | Cecil Henry | Lieutenant | 8CSIRGS | Father: Isaac Street, 2 William Street, South Yarra, Melbourne | STREET | Richard | Private 5250 | 8CNIRBS | Brother: Alfred Street, Bell Block, Taranaki | STRINGER | Edric Harold | Private 6128 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Joseph Henry Stringer, 74 Stanmore Road, Linwood, Christchurch | STRUTHERS | Henry | Private 9014 | 10CNIRDS | Mother: Mrs. S. Struthers, Pukahu, Hastings, Hawke's Bay | STUART | Frederick | Private 5117 | 8CNIRAS | Brother: Alexander Stuart, Awahuri, Wellington | STUART | James | Private 7354 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Mrs. William Little, Featherston Street, Palmerston North | STUART | Thomas James | Private 6171 | 6&7CNRR | Father: James Stuart, Rimu, Hokitika | STUBLEY | Charles | Private 7959 | 9CSIRAS | Mother: Mrs. J. Stubley, King Street, Hastings, Hawke's Bay | STUCKEY | Arthur Walker | Private 5254 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Fred J. Stuckey, Levin, Wellington | STURT | Louis William | Private 6378 | 7C | Father: Thomas Sturt, 53 Blatchingdon Road, Sussex UK Uncle: Thomas Wing, Marton, Rangitikei |
STYLES | Arthur James Lawrie | Private 7495 | 9CNIRHS | Father: Arthur S. Styles, Molesworth Street, Wellington | SULLIVAN | James | Private 9441 | 10CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. G. Sullivan, Nottingly Park, Waimate | SULLIVAN | Richard | Private 9442 | 10CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. George Sullivan, Park Road, Waimate | SUNDIN | Martin Laland | Sergeant Major 7705 | 9CSIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Hannah Sundin, 16 Liddle Terrace, Bensham, Durham, England Friend: John Allan Rea, Coal Creek, Greymouth |
SUTHERLAND | Andrew Sinclair | Private 8079 | 9CSIRBS | Father: James Sutherland, Fairfax, Southland | SUTHERLAND | Edward Ernest | Saddler Sergeant 8602 | 10CNIRDS | Father: Alexander Sutherland, Montague Street, Auckland | SUTHERLAND | Henry | Corporal 9355 | 10CSIRGS | Father: Robert Sutherland, Kaihiku, Otago | SUTHERLAND | John Alexander | Private 8748 | 10CNIRBS | Father: G. Sutherland, Hikurangi | SUTHERLAND | James William | Sergeant Major 7827 | 9CSIRDS | Father: William Sutherland, Ashburton | SUTHERLAND | Robert | Sergeant 9348 | 10CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Jessie Sutherland, Matakanui, Otago | SUTHERLAND | William Francis Donald | Private 9099 | 10CNZRD | Mother: Mrs. Amelia Sutherland, 1 Walter Street, Wellington | SUTTON | Alexander | Private 5838 | 8CSIRFS | Father: Thomas Sutton, Halswell, near Christchurch | SUTTON | Edward William | Private 9333 | 10CSIRFS | Father: Frank Sutton, Wamakakaho, Blenheim | SUTTON | John Stainton | Private 8080 | 9CSIRBS | Father: John Benewith Sutton, Thornbury, Otago | SWAIN | Henry | Private 9554 | 10CSIRHS | Father: Hodges Swain, Gore Road, Invercargill | SWAINSON | Charles William | Private 5255 | 8CNIRBS | Sister: Mrs. Ella M. Marshall, Marton, Rangitikei | SWANBERG | Charles William | Corporal 5303 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Frank Oscar Swanberg, Cameron Street, Whangarei, Auckland | SWANEY | Peter | Private 9324 | 10CSIRFS | Father: John H. Swaney, Temuka | SWANN | John | Private 7392 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Anne Swann, Raglan, Auckland | SWANSON | William Brown | Private 8140 | 7C | Father: S. Swanson, Hawthorne Avenue, Mornington, Dunedin | SWARBRICK | John Geoffrey | Private 5253 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Jonathan Swarbrick, Tarawa, Nuhaka, Poverty Bay | SWARBRICK | Jonathan | Private 7357 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Jonathan Swarbrick, Nuhaka, Gisborne | SYME | Alexander | Private 5614 | 8CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. Agnes Symes, 316 St Asaph Street, Christchurch | SYME | David | Private 5698 | 8CSIRES | Father: James Syme, St. Asaph Street West, Christchurch | SYMONDS | Benjamin Lewis | Private 6111 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Harold Symonds, Omihi Valley, Waipara | SYMONDS | Fred. James | Corporal 9016 | 10CNIRDS | Father: James Symonds, Government Railways, Westport | SYMONDS | Walter | Private 7232 | 9CNIRFS | Father: James Symonds, Palmerston North, Westport | SYMONS | Frederick Henry | Corporal 9131 | 10CSIRES | Brother: Wilfred R. Symons, Aylesbury, North Canterbury | TAIT | George | Private 9451 | 10CSIRGS | Father: John Tait, Herbert, Otago | TAIT | Thomas | Saddle Sergeant 7830 | 9CSIRDS | Father: James Tait, Mount Somers, Ashburton | TAIT | Walter | Private 7367 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Charles Tait, New Plymouth | TALL | Benjamin Thomas | Private 6112 | 8CSIRHS | Father: B. E. Tall, Alexandra South | TALL | John Edward | Private 9682 | 789CD | Father: Benjamin Tall, Alexandra South | TAPLIN | Burton Bedford Montrose | Lieutenant | 8CNIRCS | Father: Samuel Taplin, Palmerston North | TAPPER | Charles Albert | Lieutenant | 10CNIRRS | Father: G. A. Tapper, Victoria Road, Devonport, Auckland | TAPPER | Louis Bertram | Private 7126 | 9CNIRES | Father: George Albert Tapper, Rattray Street, Devonport, Auckland | TARDIEU | Ernest Albert | Private 7361 | 9CNIRGS | Sister: Mrs. Sarah Gullet, Wanui, Gisborne | TASKER | Thomas | Sergeant 8758 | 10CNIRBS | Father: Thomas Tasker, Motueka | TATE | Alfred James | Private 6385 | 7C | Father: William Tate, Railway Department, Auckland | TATHAM | Ernest Edgar | Private 7127 | 9CNIRES | Cousin: L. Batkin, Pahiatua | TATTLE | Frederick James | Sergeant 7504 | 9CNIRHS | Father: George Tattle, 6 Lipman Street, Wellington | TAUBMAN | Alexander Goldie | Sergeant 5300 | 8CNIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Goldie Taubman, 27 St. Thomas Mansions, London Friend: Mrs. Thomas Cross, Lincoln Road, Napier |
TAYLOR | Albert James | Lance Corporal 7829 | 9CSIRDS | Father: James Taylor, High Street, Rangiora, Canterbury | TAYLOR | Alexander | Private 8086 | 9CSIRBS | Mother: Mrs. George Taylor, Roxburgh, Otago | TAYLOR | Benjamin George McD. | Private 9566 | 10CSIRHS | Father: A. F. Taylor, Blacks | TAYLOR | Frederick | Private 9683 | 789CD | Father: Robert John Taylor, Geraldine | TAYLOR | George | Private 7509 | 9CNIRHS | Brother: Walter Taylor, Stafford Street, Wellington | TAYLOR | George William | Private 7510 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Martha Benson, Eighty-eight Valley, Wakefield, Nelson | TAYLOR | Harry | Private 7110 | 9CNIRES | Father: Donald Taylor, Green Lane, Remuera, Auckland | TAYLOR | Herbert Wilson | Sergeant 8609 | 10CNIRAS | Father: James Taylor, Christchurch | TAYLOR | John | Private 7965 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Robert Taylor, Opoho Road, North-east Valley, Dunedin | TAYLOR | John Solomon | Private 9089 | 10CNZRD | Father: John Henry Taylor, Waiotahi Creek, Thames | TAYLOR | John Thomas | Corporal 7109 | 9CNIRES | Father: Harry Taylor, Irishtown, Thames | TAYLOR | Joseph Alfred | Saddler Sergeant 9353 | 10CSIRGS | Father: John Taylor, Walpole Street, Waltham | TAYLOR | Percy | Sergeant 9020 | 10CNIRDS | Mother: Mrs. S. Taylor, London, England | TAYLOR | Percy | Saddler 5179 | 8CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs Ellen Taylor, North Gisborne | TAYLOR | Thomas Sydney | Lieutenant | 9CNIRGS | Wife: Mrs. Minnie Taylor, Tauranga | TAYLOR | Walter Ernest | Private 9563 | 10CSIRHS | Father: William Taylor c/o Mr. W. Murdoch, Mosgiel | TAYLOR | William | Saddler-Sergeant 5434 | 8CNIRDS | Father: J. C. Taylor, North Gisborne, Hawke's Bay | TAYLOR | William James | Private 5397 | 8CNIRCS | Father: John Henry Taylor, Waiotahi Creek, Thames, Auckland | TEMPLE | David James | Private 9542 | 10CSIRGS | Father: William Temple, Weston, Otago | TEMPLETON | George Stewart | Private 8089 | 9CSIRBS | Father: Thomas Templeton, Otara, via Fortrose, Otago | TEMPLETON | Samuel | Private 8088 | 9CSIRBS | Father: John Templeton, Waimahaka, South Otago | TENNANT | Edward Cowper | Private 5975 | 8CSIRGS | Father: Edward Tennant, Port Chalmers, Otago | TENNANT | Harold Douglas | Private 7833 | 9CSIRDS | Father: Robert C. Tennant, Bank of N.S.W., Timaru | TENNENT | Leonard Couper | Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant 8501 | 10CNIRRS | Father: R. C. Tennent, Bank of New South Wales, Timaru | TERRY | Walter | Private 7507 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Francis, Mulgrave Street, Wellington | THIELE | Frederick Charles | Private 5843 | 8CSIRFS | Sister: Miss Lily Theile, Stanley Street, Sydenham, Christchurch | THIRD | William | Private 5974 | 8CSIRGS | Father: James Third, Post-office, Gisborne | THOM | Robert | Private 7369 | 9CNIRGS | Father: James Thom, Gow Cresent, Kirkcaldie, Fifeshire, Scotland | THOM | Robert | Private 9564 | 10CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Margaret Thom, Maori Hill, Dunedin | THOMAS | Aubrey | Private 7364 | 9CNIRGS | Sister: Miss Edith Grace Thomas, Grenville House, Mount Durrant, Guernsey Friend: George H. Vickars, Colyton, Feilding |
THOMAS | Emanuel George | Saddler Sergeant 8753 | 10CNIRBS | Father: Arthur Thomas, Whangarei | THOMAS | Gerald Harry | Sergeant 7363 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Jean Thomas, Wanstead, Essex, England | THOMAS | John Henry | Private 6227 | 6&7CNRR | Father: John Thomas, Lincoln, Canterbury | THOMAS | Matthew Mark Stanley | Private 7831 | 9CSIRDS | Father: William John Thomas, Quail Island, Lyttelton | THOMAS | Nicholson Lindsay | Private 6114 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Nicholas Thomas, Bell Street, Waimate, South Canterbury | THOMAS | Walter Ernest | Private 6383 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Daniel Thomas, Hiwinui, Bunnythorpe | THOMASEN | Bartle | Private 8886 | 10CNIRCS | Father: S. Thomasen, Eketahuna | THOMPSON | Albert | Private 5702 | 8CSIRES | Father: John Thompson, Rakaia, South Canterbury | THOMPSON | Edwin George Cowie | Private 7256 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Thompson, Victoria Valley, Mongonui | THOMPSON | Fred Arthur | Private 7832 | 9CSIRDS | Mother: Mrs. Ann Thompson, 81 St. Asaph Street, Christchurch | THOMPSON | George | Private 9562 | 10CSIRHS | Friend: Robert Story, Kidlock, Otautau | THOMPSON | James White | Private 9577 | 10CSIRHS | Father: W. Thompson, Wanganui | THOMPSON | John | Private 8887 | 10CNIRCS | Father: George Thompson, Masterton | THOMPSON | John | Private 8087 | 9CSIRBS | Friend: Archibald McPherson, Delmore Post-office, Pahia, Otago | THOMPSON | Robert | Private 6226 | 6&7CNRR | Father: John Thompson, South Rakaia | THOMPSON | Robert William | Private 5126 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Archibald Thompson, Waione, Wellington | THOMPSON | Walter Darins | Lance-Corporal 5755 | 8CSIRFS | Father: Charles Edward Thompson, Lower Moutere, Motueka, Nelson | THOMSON | Arthur Shirley | Private 5704 | 8CSIRES | Father: William Thomson, Balmoral, viá Christchurch | THOMSON | Claude Hamilton | Private 5127 | 8CNIRAS | Father: John Thomson, 3 Derwent Square, Liverpool, UK Friend: W. C. Fitzgerald, Wellington |
THOMSON | Thomas | Private 6225 | 6&7CNRR | Father: John Thomson, 171 Armagh Street, Christchurch | THOMSON | William | Farrier Sergeant 7239 | 9CNIRFS | Father: William Thomson, Kihikihi, Auckland | THOMSON | William George | Private 5396 | 8CNIRCS | Sister: Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Burgess, 29 Park Road, Addington, Christchurch | THORBURN | Kenneth | Private 8754 | 10CNIRBS | Father: Andrew Thorburn, Parua Bay, Whangarei | THORLEY | Charles David | Private 8885 | 10CNIRCS | Friend: Charles Monaghan, 145 Tinakori Road, Wellington | THORNTON | James William | Private 8755 | 10CNIRBS | Father: George W. Thornton, Kiawaka | THORNTON | Richard | Private 8756 | 10CNIRBS | Father: George W. Thornton, Kiawaka | THORP | Walter | Sergeant 3290 | 67SA10CD | Father: A. J. Thorp, Paeroa, Auckland | THURSTON | William George | Farrier 7505 | 9CNIRHS | Father: John William Thurston, Waverley, Wanganui | THWAITES | Ernest Francis | Private 5533 | 8CNIRDS | Father: Francis Thwaites, Maning Street, Auckland | TIER | James | Private 6384 | 7C | Father: Robert Tier, Paradise Road, Napier | TIERNEY | Richard Frederick | Private 8579 | 10CNIRAS | Brother: Thomas Tierney, Brooklyn, Wellington Mother: Mrs. Lorne Hogg, Brooklyn, Wellington |
TILL | Charles Henry | Private 7365 | 9CNIRGS | Father: John Till, Upper Hutt, Wellington | TIMBLICK | Ernest John | Private 9543 | 10CSIRGS | Father: John Timblick, Enfield, Oamaru | TIMMINS | Patrick | Private 7240 | 9CNIRFS | Father: John Timmins, Waihou, Piako | TIPLING | Harold Beaumont | Private 8773 | 10CNZRD | Father: Joseph Tipling, 26 Marion Street, Wellington | TIPPETT | Edward | Private 5703 | 8CSIRES | Father: John Tippett, McDowell's Road, Upper Riccarton, Christchurch | TODD | Charles | Private 7963 | 9CSIRAS | Father: William Todd, High Street, Roslyn, Dunedin | TODD | Joseph Matthew | Private 5841 | 8CSIRFS | Father: James Todd, Timaru | TODD | Robert | Corporal 8784 | 10CNZRD | Father: Robert Todd, St. Bathan's, Otago | TODD | Thomas John Marr D.S.O. | Captain and Adjutant | 8CNIRRS | . | TOMASI | John | Private 9337 | 10CSIRFS | Brother: Victor Tomasi, Denniston | TOMBS | Sidney | Bugler 5176 | 8CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs. Fanny Tombs, Princes Street, Palmerston North | TONKS | Albert | Private 5395 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Isaac Tonks, Waimamaku, Hokianga, Auckland | TOOHILL | William Henry | Corporal-Dispenser 5006 | 8CNIRRS | Father: Daniel E. Toohill, Roseneath, Eketahuna | TOOMEY | Patrick | Corporal 9359 | 10CSIRGS | Brother: Sergeant J. Toomey, Police-station, Feilding | TOPPING | James | Corporal 7964 | 9CSIRAS | Mother: Mrs. Archie Campbell, Evansdale, Otago | TOTMAN | Clement | Private 8610 | 10CNIRAS | Father: Abraham Totman, Burleigh Street, Auckland | TOWERS | John Alexander Robertson | Veterinary Surgeon Captain | 10CNIRRS | Father: B. Towers, 18 Drayton Avenue, Didsbury, Cheshire, England | TOWNSHEND | Ferrers Ernest Osborne | Private 7241 | 9CNIRFS | Father: George Ferrers Townshend, Devonport, Auckland | TRASS | Samuel | Private 7368 | 9CNIRGS | Father: George Trass, Masterton | TREANOR | William | Private 7366 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Harry Treanor, Church Street, Onehunga | TREGEAR | Everard Leopold Quinton | Private 9215 | 10CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. J. Tregear, Wattlevale, St. Martin's Opawa | TRENGROVE | Thomas | Farrier Sergeant 7362 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Thomas George Trengrove, Pahiatua | TREVARTHEN | William | Sergeant 8611 | 10CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs. M. Trevarthen, Napier Street, Auckland | TRIGG | Francis Arthur | Private 7112 | 9CNIRES | Uncle: William Trigg, Aymmer Street, Cardiff, England Friend: Joseph Evans, Hohoura, Mongonui, Auckland |
TUBMAN | Robert | Private 5842 | 8CSIRFS | Father: Robert Tubman, Tucker's Road, Papanui, Christchurch | TUCK | Francis Henry | Private 9090 | 10CNZRD | Father: Elias Tuck, Mount Eden, Auckland | TUCK | George Albert | Private 8757 | 10CNIRBS | Father: Charles Tuck, Auckland | TUCKER | Walter Robert | Private 7113 | 9CNIRES | Mother: Mrs. C. A. Tucker, Hunt Street, Whangarei | TUCKER | William | Farrier Sergeant 3798 | 67SA10CD | Brother: David Tucker, Gore | TUDOR | Piers Lloyd | Captain | 67SA10CD | Mr. T. L. Tudor, Marion | TUKE | Ernest | Private 8608 | 10CNIRAS | Brother: Henry Tuke, Whitianga, Mercury Bay | TULLY | Harry Octavius | Sergeant 7508 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Frances Campbell Tully, Greytown North, Wairapara | TUOHY | James Joseph | Private 9019 | 10CNIRDS | Father: P. Tuohy, Takapau | TUOHY | Thomas Henry | Private 5125 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Thomas Tuohy, Whetukura, Ormondsville, Hawke's Bay | TURLEY | Michael | Private 9544 | 10CSIRGS | Friend: J. Clarke, c/o Clarke Bros. Oamaru | TURLEY | William Thomas | Private 8091 | 9CSIRBS | Father: William Turley, Tarapuhi Street, Greymouth | TURNBULL | William Thomas | Farrier Sergeant 8889 | 10CNIRDS | Sister: Mrs. T. Hodgen, 148 South Belt, Christchurch | TURNER | Benjamin Evans | Private 5398 | 8CNIRCS | Father: E. B. Turner, Great North Road, Auckland | TURNER | Daniel | Sergeant 5023 | 8CNIRAS | Brother: Dr Turner, Ashfield, Kintore,
Aberdeenshire Friend: Captain MacIntosh, Kent Terrace, Wellington |
TURNER | Edward Charles | Sergeant 7506 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Kate Turner, 143 Willis Street, Wellington | TURNER | George Archibald Fox | Private 7111 | 9CNIRES | Brother: John Harold Lefroy Turner, Grahamstown, Whangarei Mother: Mrs. Margaret Turner, 52 Burnett Street, Hobart |
TURNER | Harry | Private 9565 | 10CSIRHS | Friend: J. Carruthers, Denniston Hill, Westport | TURNER | Percy Edward | Private 8092 | 9CSIRBS | Father: Jacob Turner, Thorpe, Nelson | TURNER | Thomas | Private 6228 | 6&7CNRR | Mother: Mrs. Agnes Turner, Hull Street, Oamaru | TURNER | William | Private 6113 | 8CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Turner, Outram, Otago | TURNER | William Charles | Private 7966 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Charles Turner, Hampden, Otago | TWADDLE | Archibald | Private 8090 | 9CSIRBS | Father: Archbald Twaddle, Waitepeka, Otago | TYLER | Charles William | Private 8888 | 10CNIRCS | Father: W. Tyler, Woodville | ULRICH | Bernard | Private 7511 | 9CNIRHS | Father: Charles Albert Ulrich, c/o Post-office, Box 118, Wellington | ULRICH | Everard Ernest | Private 5258 | 8CNIRBS | Father: C. A. Ulrich, Hay Street, Oriental Bay, Wellington | UPTON | Robert William Chas. | Private 9338 | 10CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Gieseler, Springfield | URQUHART | Harry | Private 9829 | 10CNZRD | Father: Duncan Urquhart, Bolton Road, Wanganui | URQUHART | Hector Alexander Trevanion | Private 5399 | 8CNIRCS | Grandmother: Mrs. Janet Urquhart, Featherston | VAIL | Reginald Leslie | Private 8760 | 10CNIRBS | Brother: Harry Vail, Dargaville | VALINTINE | Henry Phipps | Lieutenant | 8CBS | Brother: Dr. Valintine, Wellington | VALLANCE | James Baird | Lieutenant | 8CSIRHS | Father: James B. Vallance, 3 Hartley Street, Wolverhampton, England Cousin: H. Vallance, Karori, Wellington |
VALLANCE | Robert Hugh | Lance Corporal 5615 | 8CSIRES | Father: Hugh Vallance, Sefton, North Canterbury | VAUGHAN | Frederick Louie | Private 5534 | 8CNIRDS | Father: Thomas Vaughan, Waiuku, Auckland | VENNELL | Alfred William | Private 7512 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Mary Vennell, Abel Smith Street, Wellington | VERNER | Thomas Ferguson | Private 8759 | 10CNIRBS | Father: John Verner, Kihikihi | VESTY | David | Private 9021 | 10CNIRDS | Father: M. Vesty, Tikokino, Hawke's Bay | VESTY | Samuel | Private 9022 | 10CNIRDS | Father: S. Vesty, Tikokino, Hawke's Bay | VETTE | Albert Leon | Private 7242 | 9CNIRFS | Brother: Frank Vetter, Gisborne | VICARY | Lionel William Herbert | Private 5128 | 8CNIRAS | Father: William Vicary, Dannevirke | VILE | Thomas Rayner | Saddler 7370 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Helen Blan Vile, Sanson, Manawatu | VINCENT | Andrew | Private 7513 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Vincent, Elm Row, Dunedin | VINCENT | Bartholomew Thomas | Private 9217 | 10CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. E. Vincent, Romato Settlement, Woolston | VINCENT | John Joseph | Private 7709 | 9CSIRCS | Brother: Arthur Vincent, London Hotel, Napier | VINCENT | William | Private 8890 | 10CNIRCS | Father: J. C. Vincent, Terrace End, Palmerston North | VINTINER | James | Private 7967 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Job Vintiner, c/o Mrs. C Vintiner, Gisborne Street, Dunedin | VISEY | Thomas Hernon | Private 8141 | 7C | Mother: Mrs. H. Visey, Day Street, Sydney Brother: M. Visey, Sethsmith, Ngapara, Otago |
VOCASIVICH | Jeremiah | Private 5844 | 8CSIRFS | Father: Trepo Vocasivich, Kumara, West Coast | VOIGHT | John Charles | Farrier Sergeant 8093 | 9CSIRBS | Father: Otto Voight, Pukerau, Otago | VORBACH | Arthur Amos | Farrier Sergeant 7835 | 9CSIRDS | Father: John Vorbach, Renwick, Marlborough | WADSWORTH | Thomas | Private 9570 | 10CSIRHS | Father: A. J. Wadsworth, Wairoa South, Auckland | WAIDE | Philip George | Private 8097 | 9CSIRBS | Father: Charles Waide, Tarras, via Cromwell, Otago | WAITE | William | Private 9028 | 10CNIRDS | Father: H. Waite, Greytown | WALDIE | Gilbert | Private 5977 | 8CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Naomi Waldie, St. Andrew Street, Dunedin | WALDIE | James | Private 5976 | 8CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Naomi Waldie, St. Andrew Street, Dunedin | WALKER | Arthur Bernard | Corporal 8099 | 9CSIRBS | Aunt: Miss Barker, Shellbourne Street, Nelson | WALKER | Charlton James | Private 7254 | 9CNIRFS | Sister: Miss Elizabeth Walker, Stuart Street, Mount Eden, Auckland | WALKER | Edward Luther | Private 9027 | 10CNIRDS | Father: E. Walker, Woodville | WALKER | Ernest Henry | Private 5401 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Henry John Walker, Marsden, Auckland | WALKER | George | Private 7710 | 9CSIRCS | Father: John Walker, Courtenay, Christchurch | WALKER | George Atkinson | Private 8768 | 10CNIRBS | Father: J. A. Walker, Devonport | WALKER | Henry | Private 5536 | 8CNIRDS | Mother: Mrs. James Walker, Tuparoa, Gisborne | WALKER | James | Private 8095 | 9CSIRBS | Father, James Walker, Wyndham, Otago | WALKER | John | Sergeant 5299 | 8CNIRCS | Brother: Isaac Walker, Opotiki, Bay of Plenty | WALKER | John William Gibson | Private 8617 | 10CNIRAS | Father: J. D. Walker, Bird-in-hand Hill, Thames | WALKER | Reginald George | Private 9091 | 10CNZRD | Father: Thomas Walker, Levin, Wellington | WALKER | Robert | Corporal 7968 | 9CSIRAS | Mother: Mrs. Francis Jane Walker, Westbury Street East, St. Kilda, Victoria. Friend: Arthur Stubbs, Heriot Row, Dunedin |
WALKER | Thomas Alexander | Private 5266 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Alexander Walker, Pahiatua | WALKER | William | Private 9572 | 10CSIRHS | Father: James Walker, Saddle Hill, Otago | WALKER | William Henry | Private 9340 | 10CSIRFS | Sister: Mrs. Stringer, Fairdown, near Westport | WALLACE | Arthur Alexander | Private 7524 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Ellen Wallace, Manaia, Taranaki | WALLACE | Charles Gladstone | Private 5706 | 8CSIRES | Father: James Wallace, 38 Oxford Terrace, Christchurch | WALLACE | Daniel Vincent | Private 7388 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Norah Wallace, Takapau, Hawke's Bay | WALLACE | Harold Knox | Sergeant 7516 | 9CNIRHS | Father: David Brown Wallace, Kohukohu, Auckland | WALLACE | James Alfred | Assistant Quartermaster Sergeant 8100 | 9CSIRBNS | Father: William G. Wallace, Whetukura, Ormondville, Hawke's Bay | WALLACE | James Crofford | Private 9220 | 10CSIRES | Father: James Wallace, Mollett Street, Christchurch | WALLACE | John | Private 8616 | 10CNIRAS | Cousin: W. Goodall, Chelsea, Birkenhead, Auckland | WALLACE | Robert | Private 5708 | 8CSIRES | Father: Robert Wallace, Lakeside, Leeston, Canterbury | WALLBANK | Dick | Farrier 8762 | 10CNIRCS | Father: Thomas Wallbank, Whangarei | WALLBANK | Edward | Private 8763 | 10CNIRBS | Father: Thomas Wallbank, Whangarei | WALLBURTON | Phillip Charles | Private 9218 | 10CSIRES | Brother: F. G. Wallburton, Aulesbrook's Biscuit Company, Christchurch | WALLIS | Fletcher | Lieutenant not attached to Battalion | 10CNIRRS | Father: Mr. H. Wallis, Hamilton | WALLIS | William Fletcher | Lieutenant | 67SA10CD | Mr. H. Wallis, Hamilton, Auckland | WALMSLEY | Francis John | Lieutenant | 10CSIRGS | Father: D. W. Walmsley, Government Buildings, Wellington | WALSBURY | Thomas | Private 5713 | 8CSIRES | Brother: Matthew Walsbury, Patea | WALSH | James Henry | Private 5403 | 8CNIRCS | Father: James Henry Walsh, Mackie Street, Waihi, Auckland | WALSH | John Francis | Bugler 8761 | 10CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Jane Walsh c/o Mrs H. Husher, Norfolk Street, Ponsonby, Auckland | WALSH | Thomas | Private 7245 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Walsh, Carnarvon, Palmerston North | WALSH | William Henry | Private 7380 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Stephen Walsh, Carnarvon, via Rongotea, Palmerston North | WALTERSON | David Duncan | Private 5267 | 8CNIRBS | Father: H. E. Walterson, Tongio Post-office, Victoria Cousin: George Cooper, Blackball |
WALTON | John Thomas | Private 5129 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Henry Walton, Waikanae, Wellington | WARD | Alfred | Private 8668 | 10CNIRBS | Father: Isaac Ward, Clevedon, Wairoa South | WARD | Francis John | Private 5537 | 8CNIRDS | Father: Joseph Grange Ward, Tor View, Cambridge, Auckland | WARD | Frederick Herbert | Private 9545 | 10CSIRGS | Friend: A. Heclar, Post-office, Waikouaite | WARD | James Gilbert | Sergeant Major 8553 | 10CNIRDS | Mother: Mrs. Matilda Harris, Christchurch Friend: William Henry Ward, Warepa, Otago |
WARD | John Artemus | Private 8101 | 9CSIRBS | Father: John Ward, Brook Street, Nelson | WARD | Louis Wellington | Sergeant Major 8891 | 10CNIRCS | Father: Thomas Ward, Wellington Terrace | WARD | Newman Gordon | Private 9219 | 10CSIRES | Father: N. L. Ward, 48 Tinakori Road, Wellington | WARD | Norman James | Private 5849 | 8CSIRFS | Father: James Ward, Onamalutu, Blenheim | WARD | Richard | Private 5709 | 8CSIRES | Father: Francis Ward, Russell's Flat, Canterbury | WARD | Richard | Private 9341 | 10CSIRFS | Father: John Bruster Ward, Fairview, near Thames | WARD | Robert Henry | Private 7529 | 9CNIRHS | Father: William B. Ward, Boundary Creek, near Oamaru | WARDROP | Gavin William | Bugler 7975 | 9CSIRAS | Father: William Wardrop, South Dunedin | WARD | William Ernest | Private 7840 | 9CSIRDS | Father: William Edward Ward, Otipua, Timaru | WARN | Alfred John | Private 8894 | 10CNIRCS | Father: W. Warn, Otaki | WARNER | Robert | Private 7119 | 9CNIRES | Father: John Warner, St. George's Bay Road, Parnell, Auckland | WARREN | Frank Reece | Saddler Sergeant 8614 | 10CNIRAS | Father: Young Warren, Mount Roskill, Auckland | WARREN | John | Sergeant 7374 | 9CNIRGS | Father: William Warren, Great King Street, North Dunedin | WARREN | Philip James | Lance Corporal 8613 | 10CNIRAS | Father: Philip Warren, Great Barrier, Auckland | WATKINS | Frederick | Private 5714 | 8CSIRES | Father: George A. Watkins, 312 Moray Street, South Melbourne, Victoria | WATKINS | Richard Henry | Private 7837 | 9CSIRDS | Father: Richard Henry Watkins, West Belt, Rangiora, Canterbury | WATKINS | William | Private 7381 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Hubert Watkins, Hunterville | WATSON | James | Private 9023 | 10CNIRDS | Father: Walter Watson, Langfield, Outram, Otago | WATSON | John George | Private 5848 | 8CSIRFS | Father: John Watson, Halswell, Canterbury | WATSON | John Herbert | Private 8121 | 9CSIRBS | Mother: Mrs. Henrietta Watson, 67 High Street, Dunedin | WATSON | Robert James | Private 5846 | 8CSIRFS | Father: John Watson, c/o William Watson, Halkett, Canterbury | WATSON | William Bain | Private 7375 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Alexander Watson, Charles Street, Rangiora, Canterbury | WATSON | William Henry | Private 8897 | 10CNIRCS | Father: Walter Watson, Apiti, Feilding | WATT | Charles | Private 7379 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Annie Watt, Hunterville | WATT | Charles William | Sergeant 5880 | 8CSIRGS | Sister: Miss Edith Watt, Main Street, North-east Valley, Dunedin | WATT | James | Private 7377 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Annie Watt, Hunterville | WATT | John Walker | Private 7378 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Annie Watt, Hunterville | WATTS | Horace Arthur | Private 7124 | 9CNIRES | Father: John Watts, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay | WATT | William | Private 5982 | 8CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. John Watt, Denniston | WATT | William | Private 5847 | 8CSIRFS | Father: John Watt, Denniston | WATTS | Arthur Harold | Private 5402 | 8CNIRCS | Father: George Watts, Willoughby Street, Thames, Auckland | WATTS | James Gilbert | Private 5984 | 8CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Maria Watts, West Plains, Invercargill | WATTS | Henry James | Private 7842 | 9CSIRDS | Brother: T. Watts, Hilton, South Canterbury | WATTS | William | Private 1842 | 7C | Mother: Mrs. C. Watts, North-east Valley, Dunedin | WAY | Arthur Levelis Hine | Private 6119 | 8CSIRHS | Father: George Edward Way, Oraiti, Port Hills, Christchurch | WEBB | Alexander | Farrier 8098 | 9CSIRBS | Father: James Webb, Arrowtown, Otago | WEBB | Arthur Francis | Private 7715 | 9CSIRCS | Father: Alfred Webb, 29 Gladstone Terrace, Christchurch | WEBB | Frank Henry | Private 5264 | 8CNIRBS | Aunt: Miss Annie Mason, Church Street, Ponsonby, Auckland | WEBB | Richard | Bugler 8096 | 9CSIRBS | Father: Thomas Webb, Gore, Otago | WEBB | William Ernest | Private 9221 | 10CSIRES | Brother: F. Webb, Thames Street, Linwood | WEBBY | Owen Walter | Private 7383 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Alfred Webby, Kaponga, Taranaki | WEBSTER | Alexander | Private 9684 | 789CD | Father: John Webster c/o H. Moore, Addington | WEBSTER | Alexander Thomson | Private 8612 | 10CNIRAS | Father: James Webster, Rimu, Hokitika | WEBSTER | Charles | Private 7244 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Webster, Kaiwaka, Auckland Brother: H. Webste, Kaiwaka, Auckland |
WEBSTER | Frank Herbert | Private 8892 | 10CNIRCS | Mother: J. A. Webster, Winchester, South Canterbury | WEBSTER | George Frederick | Private 5542 | 8CNIRDS | Father: William Webster, 25 Claremont Street, Auckland | WEBSTER | Henry Arthur | Orderly Regimental Corporal 7505 | 10CNIRRS | Father: A. L. Webster, Greytown North | WEEKES | Leslie | Private 5705 | 8CSIRES | Mother: Mrs. Sophia Weekes, Dublin Street, Lyttelton | WEEKS | Albert | Private 7122 | 9CNIRES | Brother: James Weeks, Waihi, Upper Thames, Auckland | WEIR | Archibald Scott | Lieutenant | 10CNIRBS | Mother: Eliza Weir, 127 Cromwell Road, South Kensington, London Friend: Boyd McGregor, Cherry Bank, Wanganui |
WEIR | Edward James | Bugler 9249 | 10CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Weir, Teviot Street, Invercargill | WELCH | Albert | Private 7247 | 9CNIRFS | Father: Harry Welch, Taupiri, Waikato | WELCH | Barrett Foster | Private 7120 | 9CNIRES | Father: F. G. Welch, Queen's Street, Onehunga | WELCH | Charles Leaning | Private 7260 | 9CNIRFS | Father: Henry Welch, Taupiri, Waikato | WELLS | Thomas Edward | Private 9342 | 10CSIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Wells, Kanieri, Westland | WELLWOOD | Arthur Trevor | Corporal 7373 | 9CNIRGS | Father: R. Wellwood, Brooklands, Hastings, Hawke's Bay | WELSH | Joseph James | Corporal 9128 | 10CSIRES | Sister: Mrs. Gordon, 125 Montreal Street, Christchurch | WELSH | Patrick Joseph | Private 7841 | 9CSIRDS | Father: Andrew Welsh, 36 Luton Street, Liverpool, England Friend: J. Crawford, Mounted Policeman, Timaru |
WELSH | Thomas | Private 6232 | 6&7CNRR | Father: James Welsh, Addison Street, Sydenham, Christchurch | WEST | Arthur | Squadron Sergeant Major 9459 | 10CSIRHS | Sister: Mrs. S. Brown, Russel Street, South Dunedin | WEST | Douglas McGregor | Private 7711 | 9CSIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth West, 36 Gloucester Street, Linwood, Christchurch | WEST | Felix Ackerley | Private 7520 | 9CNIRHS | Uncle: George Jaeger, Claughton Road, Birkenhead, England Friend: W. Ferguson, Harbour Board Office, Wellington |
WEST | Thomas Walter | Quartermaster Sergeant 8775 | 10CNZRD | Father: Thomas West, 46 Colombo Road, Sydenham, Canterbury | WESTBROOKE | George Vincent | Private 8143 | 7C | Father: Rev. Brown James Westbrooke, Springburn, Canterbury | WESTON | Lewis | Corporal 5174 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Samuel Weston, Hunterville, Wellington | WHALEN | William | Private 7250 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Julia Whalen, Wakefield Street, Auckland | WHALLEY | William | Private 9026 | 10CNIRDS | Sister: Mrs. F. F. Fletcher, Inglewood | WHEELER | M. Thomas | Private 6125 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Cornelius Wheeler, Falgrave and Stephen Streets, Sydenham, Christchurch | WHELCH | Harry | Private 5130 | 8CNIRAS | Father: Tom Whelch, Akaroa, Canterbury | WHETTER | William | Private 6115 | 8CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. A. Y. Templeton, Waikouaiti, Otago | WHEWELL | James Russell | Private 7389 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Sarah Whewell, Ivanhoe, Orakei Road, Remuera, Auckland | WHIDDON | Francis | Private 8764 | 10CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs. Sarah Whiddon, North Street, Ashburton, Devonshire, England | WHISTON | William | Private 5980 | 8CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Margaret Whiston, Post-office, Dunedin | WHITCOMBE | Albert Edward | Private 9092 | 10CNZRD | Father: William Whitcombe, Wanganui | WHITCOMBE | George | Private 5259 | 8CNIRBS | Father: William Whitcombe, Harrison Street, Wanganui | WHITE | Arthur William | Private 5541 | 8CNIRDS | Father: H. White, Papakura Valley, Waikato, Auckland | WHITE | George | Private 7518 | 9CNIRHS | Father: P. J. White, Whangamomona, Taranaki | WHITE | Kenneth Cecil | Private 5710 | 8CSIRES | Father: John William White, Grasmere, Timaru | WHITE | Walter | Farrier 7385 | 9CNIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Frances Elizabeth White, Raweka, Hastings, Hawke's Bay | WHITE | William Frank | Corporal 5884 | 8CSIRGS | Father: David Cairns White, Naseby, Otago | WHITE | William Lyle | Private 9569 | 10CSIRHS | Father: Thomas White, Seacliff, Otago | WHITEHEAD | Arthur | Private 7251 | 9CNIRFS | Father: Edward Whitehead, Bellevue Road, Mount Eden Road, Auckland | WHITEHEAD | David Lunam | Corporal 6016 | 8CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Robertson, 92 Stewart Street, Dunedin | WHITEMAN | Edward | Private 7522 | 9CNIRHS | Father: Robert Whiteman, Mungaroa, Wellington | WHITLOCK | Charles | Private 9222 | 10CSIRES | Brother: James Whitlock, Gisborne | WHITTINGTON | Frederick William | Private 7714 | 9CSIRCS | Father: Samuel Whittington, St. John's Street, Woolston, Canterbury | WHITTINGTON | Leonard | Private 7717 | 9CSIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Fanny Whittington, Princes Street, Woolston, Christchurch | WHITTY | Richard George | Private 9694 | 10CSIRES | Father: S. Whitty, Dowling Street, Dunedin | WHITWORTH | Francis | Private 5265 | 8CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs. A. Whitworth, 123 Pershaw Road, Selby Park, Birmingham, UK Friend: Miss Daisy Bradland, Hospital, Greytown, Wairarapa |
WHYTE | Gordon Hart | Private 9024 | 10CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs. J. J. Whyte, Seccombe Road, Mount Eden, Auckland | WHYTE | Harry | Lieutenant | 10CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs. Whyte, Seccombe Road, Mount Eden, Auckland | WHYTE | Harry | Private | 10CNZRSA | Mother: Mrs. Whyte, Seccombe Road, Mount Eden, Auckland | WICKENS | Albert Edward | Private 9832 | 10CNZRD | Father: James Wickens, Queen Street, Masterton | WIGHTON | Alexander Mitchell | Lieutenant | 8CNIRAS | Father: David Wighton, Upper Dixon Street, Wellington Friend: Miss Ferguson, Sanatorium, Rotorua |
WILKIE | Alexander Herbert | Lieutenant & Quartermaster | 9CSIRBNS | Mother: Mrs. Isabella Wilkie, Great South Road, Ashburton | WILKIE | Charles | Private 9830 | 10CNZRD | Father: James Wilkie, Stanley Street, Auckland | WILKINS | John Thomas | Private 7521 | 9CNIRHS | Father: George Wilkins, Upper Hutt, Wellington | WILKINS | Percy Reginald | Private 9093 | 10CNZRD | Father: Joseph Henry Wilkins, Mount Albert, Auckland | WILKINSON | Charles Thomas Henry | Saddler 9252 | 10CSIRFS | Father: C. H. Wilkinson, Motupiko, Nelson | WILLERTON | George | Private 8769 | 10CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs. Agnes Willerton, Matakohe | WILLETT | Neill Malcolm Campbell | Private 5983 | 8CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Annie Willett, Forbury Road, Caversham, Dunedin | WILLIAMS | Arthur | Private 6229 | 6&7CNRR | Father: Lionel Charles Williams, New Brighton, Christchurch | WILLIAMS | Claude Forbes | Private 7836 | 9CSIRDS | Father: William Henry Williams, Elizabeth Street, Timaru | WILLIAMS | David Harris | Private 5269 | 8CNIRBS | Grandmother: Margaret Thomas, Sverndale Spa, Gloucester, UK. Friend: Charles Attwood, Oroua Bridge, Palmerston North |
WILLIAMS | Edward | Private 9571 | 10CSIRHS | Mother: Mrs. W. Williams, Waikaia, Gore, Otago | WILLIAMS | Frank Gifford | Sergeant Major 7969 | 9CSIRBS | Father: Peter Williams, c/o Fleming and Hedley, Oamaru | WILLIAMS | Frank Jones | Private 6306 | 8CNIRCS | Father: W. J. Williams, Addington Workshops, Christchurch | WILLIAMS | Frederick Arthur | Private 6120 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Arthur Williams, Waimahaka, Invercargill | WILLIAMS | Harry Howard | Private 7118 | 9CNIRES | Mother: Mrs. M. Williams, Upper Union Street, Auckland | WILLIAMS | John | Sergeant 7973 | 9CSIRAS | Mother: Mrs. Marion Williams, Waikaia, Otago | WILLIAMS | Lewis | Private 8766 | 10CNIRBS | Father: Louis Williams, Hikurangi | WILLIAMS | Rupert | Private 8765 | 10CNIRBS | Father: Louis Williams, Hikurangi | WILLIAMS | Thomas | Private 6233 | 6&7CNRR | Mother: Mrs. Annie Jame Williams, Dublin Street, Lyttelton | WILLIAMS | Thomas Henry | Private 5712 | 8CSIRES | Father: Joseph Williams, bootmaker, Waimate, South Canterbury | WILLIAMS | William | Private 9339 | 10CSIRFS | Friend: James Wilson, Miner's Hotel, Reefton | WILLIAMSON | Charles | Private 6389 | 7C | Father: C. M. Williamson, Murdoch Road, Epsom, Auckland | WILLIAMSON | Hugh Caskey [Pay Clerk] | Private 5447 | 7C | Father: J. B. Williamson, Harp Road, Ellerslie, Auckland | WILLIAMSON | Robert Alexander | Private 5979 | 8CSIRGS | Father: Sinclair Williamson, Waitahuna, Otago | WILLIS | Arthur | Quartermaster Sergeant 7838 | 9CSIRDS | Mother: Mrs. Effie Willis, Ashburton | WILLIS | Ernest Raymond | Private 7394 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Archibald Dudingstone Willis, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui | WILLIS | Frank | Lieutenant | 10CNIRBS | Father: Mr. Willis, Johnsonville | WILLIS | Robert | Lance Corporal 7243 | 9CNIRFS | Father: Thomas Willis, Chaucer Road, Napier | WILLOTT | James | Private 7246 | 9CNIRFS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Jane Willott, Rainow, Macklefield, England Friend: James Beachy, Little Fort Street, Auckland |
WILLOUGHBY | Edgar de Burgh | Sergeant 5029 | 8CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs Marion Willoughby, Kronstad, South Africa Friend: Frank White, Sherwood, Takapau, Hawke's Bay |
WILLOUGHBY | Nathaniel Leonard | Private 6386 | 8CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs. M. Willoughby, Wainuiomata, Wellington | WILLS | Frank | Private 9546 | 10CSIRGS | W. Wills, Waimate | WILMOT | Joseph Ernest | Private 8895 | 10CNIRCS | Father: Charles Wilmot, Palmerston North | WILMOT | Thomas Henry | Private 8896 | 10CNIRCS | Father: Charles Wilmot, Palmerston North | WILSON | Andrew Forrester | Private 9685 | 789CD | Father: Andrew Wilson, Shag Point, Otago | WILSON | Arthur | Farrier Sergeant 7713 | 9CSIRCS | Father: James Wilson, Barry's Bay, Akaroa | WILSON | Charles | Private 6116 | 8CSIRHS | Friend: Miss L. Burns, Post-office, Wellington | WILSON | George | Lance Corporal 9363 | 10CSIRGS | Father: Charles Wilson, Parsonage Road, Waimate | WILSON | George Sebastopol | Private 9568 | 10CSIRHS | Father: Thomas Wilson, Kawarau Gorge, Cromwell | WILSON | Harold | Private 7844 | 9CSIRDS | Father: Charles Wilson, Parsonage Road, Waimate, Canterbury | WILSON | James | Private 7839 | 9CSIRDS | Father: Meredith Wilson, Wakanui, Canterbury | WILSON | James | Private 7115 | 9CNIRES | Mother: Mrs. Alice Wilson, Prospect Terrace, Ponsonby, Auckland | WILSON | James Grant | Private 6230 | 6&7CNRR | Father: James Grant Wilson, Humphrey's, Hokitika | WILSON | James Henry | Private 5400 | 8CNIRCS | Sister: Miss. A. Wilson, Rai Valley, Pelorus, Marlborough | WILSON | James Luke | Farrier Sergeant 7114 | 9CNIRES | Brother: Robert Wilson, Lyttelton Times Company, Christchurch | WILSON | John Biggar | Private 7972 | 9CSIRAS | Father: John Wilson, Waianakarua, Hampden, Otago | WILSON | John James | Corporal 5441 | 8CNIRDS | Father: James J. Wilson, 9 Sydney Street, Wellington | WILSON | Joseph | Corporal 7843 | 9CSIRDS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Wilson, Newmarket, Auckland | WILSON | Joseph | Lance Corporal 7845 | 9CSIRDS | Father: Andrew Wilson, Ashburton | WILSON | Lynden Henry | Sergeant 8767 | 10CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs. Anna Wilson, Brighton Road, Parnell, Auckland | WILSON | Marmaduke | Private 6174 | 6&7CNRR | Father: Marmaaduke Wilson, South Street, Nelson | WILSON | Robert Arnold | Private 6388 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Peter Wilson, Stratford | WILSON | Robert Stewart James | Private 9831 | 10CNZRD | Father: Robert Wilson, Mary Hill Terrace, Mornington, Dunedin | WILSON | Samuel | Private 5845 | 8CSIRFS | Father: Samuel Wilson, Weedon's, Canterbury | WILSON | Stanley | Private 5535 | 8CNIRDS | Father: D. C. Wilson, Whangarei, Auckland | WILSON | Thomas Lawrence | Private 9547 | 10CSIRGS | Friend: E. J. Carter, Makikihi, South Canterbury | WILSON | William | Private 9548 | 10CSIRGS | Friend: Edward Downes, Warrington, Otago | WILSON | William | Private 6387 | 8CNIRDS | Father: Robert Wilson, Umutaroa, Dannevirke, Hawke's Bay | WILSON | William | Sergeant 7970 | 9CSIRAS | Father: Thomas Wilson, Herbert, North Otago | WILSON | William James | Private 9030 | 10CNIRDS | Father: J. Wilson, Picton | WILTON | Disney Harold | Sergeant 9461 | 10CSIRHS | Friend: S. Jarvis, Dunedin | WILTON | Lewis | Private 7382 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Thomas Wilton, Opaki, Te Rangitumau | WILTON | William Moore | Private 7248 | 9CNIRFS | Father: John Wilton, Waihi, Thames | WINTER | Frederick | Private 5707 | 8CSIRES | Father: Frederick Winter, Dergholm, Victoria Friend: Mrs. Cochane, 192 High Street, Christchurch |
WINTER | George Arnold | Private 5711 | 8CSIRES | Father: Thomas Henry Winter, Balmoral, Lake Tekapo | WINTER | Samuel | Private 5268 | 8CNIRBS | Father: David James Winter, Takaka, Nelson | WISE | George Francis | Private 6117 | 8CSIRHS | Father: Osborne R. Wise, Queen's Hotel, Oamaru | WISHART | Alexander George | Dispenser Corporal 7547 | 9CNIRBNS | Father: Alexander Wishart, Middleton Road, Remuera, Auckland | WITHERS | Arthur James | Private 5263 | 8CNIRBS | Father: William Vere Withers, Broad Street, Palmerston North | WITHERS | Thomas Newton | Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant 5716 | 8CSIRBRS | Brother: Edward Withers, Manukau Road, Parnell, Auckland | WOLFGRAM | Richard | Lance Corporal 7386 | 9CNIRGS | Brother: Paul Wolfgram, Post Assistant,
Stargard, Pomerania, Germany Friend: Fred Pilcher, Clyde, Hawke's Bay |
WOLFORD | Thomas Follis | Sergeant 8893 | 10CNIRCS | Father: T. Wolford, Hampden, Otago | WOOD | Charles | Private 5262 | 8CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs. L. T. Hill, Stratford | WOOD | George Edward | Corporal 5025 | 8CNIRAS | Father: A. A. Wood, Amberley, Canterbury | WOOD | James William | Private 9025 | 10CNIRDS | Father: A. J. Woods, Tikokino, Hawke's Bay | WOOD | Thomas Mallory | Private 7384 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Christopher Wood, Barugh House, Pickering, Yorkshire, England | WOOD | William | Private 9223 | 10CSIRES | Uncle: Norman Johnston, Springburn | WOODFIELD | Frederick William | Private 7517 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Jane Woodfield, Caversham, Dunedin | WOODFORD | Joseph | Private 6231 | 6&7CNRR | Brother: Henry Woodford, Green Island, Otago | WOODHEAD | Albert Charles | Private 8898 | 10CNIRCS | Mother: Susan Woodhead, Linton, Manawatu | WOODHOUSE | Andrew Young | Private 7974 | 9CSIRAS | Mother: Mrs. Woodhouse, Bannockburn, Central Otago | WOODHOUSE | Archibald Steel | Private 5981 | 8CSIRGS | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Woodhouse, Bannockburn, Otago | WOODING | Arthur Richard | Private 7712 | 9CSIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Hepziah Wooding, Woodbury, Geraldine, South Canterbury | WOODRUFFE | Arthur | Private 7121 | 9CNIRES | Mother: Mrs. K. E. Woodruffe, Riverhead, Auckland | WOODS | Charles | Private 7129 | 9CNIRES | Father: William Thomas Woods, Mount Smart, Penrose, Auckland | WOODWARD | John | Private 7724 | 9CSIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Mary Woodward, 50 St Asaph Street, Christchurch | WOOLL | Leslie | Private 7117 | 9CNIRES | Mother: Mrs. May Louise Wooll, Grand Hotel, Waverley, Sydney Aunt: Mrs. Ada Slaney, Queen Street, Auckland |
WOOLLER | Ernest | Sergeant 7116 | 9CNIRES | Father: George Wooller, Mount Eden, Auckland | WOOLRIDGE | Ebenezer | Private 5261 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Joseph H. Woolridge, Okato, Taranaki | WOON | Ernest Edmund | Private 7514 | 9CNIRHS | Mother: Mrs. Frances Woon c/o W. H. Woon, Government Life Insurance, Wellington | WORMALD | John Worgan | Private 7372 | 9CNIRGS | Father: John Worgan Wormald, Yaldhurst, Canterbury | WORRALL | Harold Augustus | Private 7128 | 9CNIRES | Father: Charles Worrall, Epsom, Auckland | WORSOP | Lance Arthur | Farrier 9029 | 10CNIRCS | Mother: Mrs. J. K. Worsop, Waitotara | WORTHINGTON | Leonard Edward John | Lance Corporal 5617 | 8CSIRES | Father: Robert Worthington, Pleasant Point, Timaru | WORTHLEY | William Thomas Charles | Private 7123 | 9CNIRES | Father: W. Worthley, Hawera, Taranaki | WRAY | Ernest Alfred | Private 7371 | 9CNIRGS | Father: Alfred Wray, Onaero, Waitara | WRAY | William George | Lieutenant | 9CSIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Anna Wray, 38 Kilmore Street, Christchurch | WRAY | William John | Private 5539 | 8CNIRDS | Father: William John Wray, Takapuna, Auckland | WRIGHT | Charles Edward | Farrier 7387 | 9CNIRFS | Father: Charles Wright, Devonport Lane, St. Albans, Christchurch | WRIGHT | Evelyn John | Lance Corporal 8783 | 10CNZRD | Mother: Janet Wright, Island Bay, Wellington | WRIGHT | Herbert James | Private 6390 | 8CNIRBS | Mother: Mrs. E. Wright, Brunswick, Wanganui | WRIGHT | Percy Geoghegan | Corporal 5260 | 8CNIRBS | Father: Archie Manning Wright, Kiniemuir, Stillorgan Park, County Dublin Friend: Frank Waterhouse, Mangahau, Hawke's Bay |
WRIGHT | Thomas Randall | Sergeant Major 6008 | 8CSIRHS | Brother: Donald M. Wright, Fitzgerald's Avenue, Wellington | WRIGHT | William Cecil | Private 8899 | 10CNIRCS | Father: Archdeacon Wright, Richmond, Nelson | WYBROW | Thomas | Private 8094 | 9CSIRBS | Father: James Wybrow, Haldane, Southland | WYKES | Hector James | Private 5540 | 8CNIRDS | Father: Josiah Wykes, Lincoln Street, Ponsonby, Auckland | WYLDS | Alfred Ernest | Private 7376 | 9CNIRGS | Father: A. H. Wylds, Palmerston North | WYLIE | Robert | Sergeant 5030 | 8CNIRAS | Mother: Mrs E. Wylie, 8 Bidwell Street, Wellington | WYLIE | Robert Alexander | Private 9573 | 10CSIRHS | Father: J. C. Wylie, 254 Castle Street, Dunedin | WYMAN | Ralph | Private 5538 | 8CNIRDS | Father: William Henry Wyman, Mangere Bridge, Onehunga | WYNN-WILLIAMS | Cecil | Sergeant [Veterinary Dispenser] 7986 | 9CSIRBNS | Father: ___ Wynn-Williams, Latimer Square, Christchurch | WYNYARD | William Thomas | Private 8615 | 10CNIRAS | Father: J. Wynyard, Devonport, Auckland | YARRALL | Percy Thomas | Private 7846 | 9CSIRDS | Father: John G. Yarrall, Picton Road, Mount Pleasant, Marlborough | YATES | Lance Adolphus | Private 7125 | 9CNIRES | Mother: Mrs. Annie Yates, Parenga, North Cape | YOUNG | Alexander Reid | Veterinary-Surgeon | 8CSIRRS | Mother: Mrs. A. R. Young, Fordown Station, Kincardineshire, Scotland | YOUNG | Arthur | Saddler Sergeant 8618 | 10CNIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Elizabeth Anjie Young, `Tempe', Symonds Street, Auckland | YOUNG | Ernest | Private 5404 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Frank Young, Taheke, Hokianga, Auckland | YOUNG | Frederick | Private 6391 | 8CNIRBS | Father: John Young, Putiki, Wanganui | YOUNG | Herbert Frank | Corporal 5405 | 8CNIRCS | Father: Frank Young, Taheke, Hokianga, Auckland | YOUNG | Robert | Private 7721 | 9CSIRCS | Father: Robert Young, Forbury Road, St. Clair, Dunedin | YOUNGER | George | Private 5406 | 8CNIRCS | Mother: Mrs. Jane Younger, Makino, Feilding, Wellington |
6&7CNRR | 6th and 7th Contingents: Nominal Roll of Reliefs | 7C | 7th Contingent | 8CBS | 8th Contingent, Brigade Staff | 8CRMS | 8th Contingent, Roll of Men taken on Strength after leaving NZ | 8CNIRAS | 8th Contingent, North Island Regiment, A Squadron | 8CNIRBS | 8th Contingent, North Island Regiment, B Squadron | 8CNIRCS | 8th Contingent, North Island Regiment, C Squadron | 8CNIRDS | 8th Contingent, North Island Regiment, D Squadron | 8CNIRRS | 8th Contingent, North Island Regiment, Regimental Staff | 8CSIRBRS | 8th Contingent, South Island Regiment, Battalion Regimental Staff | 8CSIRES | 8th Contingent, South Island Regiment, E Squadron | 8CSIRFS | 8th Contingent, South Island Regiment, F Squadron | 8CSIRGS | 8th Contingent, South Island Regiment, G Squadron | 8CSIRHS | 8th Contingent, South Island Regiment, H Squadron | 8CSIRRS | 8th Contingent, South Island Regiment, Regimental Staff | 9CSIRBS | 9th Contingent, South Island Regiment, Battalion Staff | 9CSIRAS | 9th Contingent, South Island Regiment, A Squadron | 9CSIRBS | 9th Contingent, South Island Regiment, B Squadron | 9CSIRCS | 9th Contingent, South Island Regiment, C Squadron | 9CSIRDS | 9th Contingent, South Island Regiment, D Squadron | 9CNIRBNS | 9th Contingent, North Island Regiment, Battalion Staff | 9CNIRES | 9th Contingent, North Island Regiment, E Squadron | 9CNIRFS | 9th Contingent, North Island Regiment, F Squadron | 9CNIRGS | 9th Contingent, North Island Regiment, G Squadron | 9CNIRHS | 9th Contingent, North Island Regiment, H Squadron | 9CS&SA | 9th Contingent, Role of men taken on the strength at sea and in South Africa | 10CNIRRS | 10th Contingent, North Island Regiment, Regimental Staff | 10CNIRAS | 10th Contingent, North Island Regiment, A Squadron | 10CNIRBS | 10th Contingent, North Island Regiment, B Squadron | 10CNIRCS | 10th Contingent, North Island Regiment, C Squadron | 10CNIRDS | 10th Contingent, North Island Regiment, D Squadron | 10CNZRD | 10th Contingent, New Zealand Regiment, Details | 10CNZRDG | 10th Contingent, New Zealand Regiment, Men sworn in on SS Drarton Guard | 10CNZRSA | 10th Contingent, New Zealand Regiment, Officers and Men enrolled in South Africa [from 6th and 7th Contingents] | 10CSIRES | 10th Contingent, South Island Regiment, E Squadron | 10CSIRFS | 10th Contingent, South Island Regiment, F Squadron | 10CSIRGS | 10th Contingent, South Island Regiment, G Squadron | 10CSIRHS | 10th Contingent, South Island Regiment, H Squadron | 789CD | 7th, 8th and 9th Contingents, Details | 67SA10CD | 6th and 7th Contingents who joined 2nd Regiment, 10th Contingent in South Africa, Details |