SURNAME | FORENAMES | RANK & NO. | UNIT | NEXT OF KIN & ADDRESS | MacDONALD | D. | Sergeant 469 | 2CHD | Father: Mr. M. MacDonald, Port Chalmers | MacDONALD | H. J. | Private 1086 | 4RRC9C | Mr. D. Macdonald, George Street, Dunedin | MacDONALD | H. J. | Private 2391 | 5C11AS | Mrs. Jane MacDonald, Otahuhu | MacDONALD | J. P. | Private 2390 | 5C11AS | Mrs. J. MacDonald, Otahuhu, Auckland | MacDONALD | J. R. | Lieutenant | 4RRC9C | Mr. N. MacDonald, Carterton, Victoria | MacDONALD | J. T. | Private 1010 | 4RRC9C | Mr. T. McDonald, Clarence Bridge, Marlborough | MacDOUGALL | S. | Private 1305 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. E. MacDougall, Pirinoa, Lower Valley, Wairarapa | MacDOUGALL | W. | Private 1317 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. MacDougall, Pirinoa, Featherston | MACFARLANE | A. J. H. | Private 1802 | 4RRC10C | . | MacFARLANE | T. M. M. | Private 2489 | 5C13WNWC | Mary W. Macfarlane, Napier | MACHIRUS | Frederick | Private 446 | N3&4C1C | Sister: Sophia Machirus, c/o Mr. Pattie, jun., Manoroa, Nelson | MacINDOE | C. G. | Bugler 1412 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. F. B. MacIndoe, Auckland | MacINTOSH | W. S. | Private 1651 | 5C150S | Mr. A. MacIntosh, Winton | MacKAY | J. | Private 665 | 3RRC5C | Mr. H. MacKay, Tongiea, Sutherland, N.B. | MACKAY | J. T. | Private 1511 | 4RRC10C | Mr. G. G. Mackay, Westport | MacKENZIE | F. E. W. | Private | NZSA | . | MacKINDER | C. H. | Private 776 | 3RRC6C | Mrs. S. E. MacKinder, Inglewood | MACKLEY | J. F. | Private 1543 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. J. C. Mackley, Wallacetown Crossing, Invercargill | MACLAINE | A. J. | Private 1803 | 4RRC10C | Sophia Maclaine, Wairau Valley | MACLEAN | J. C. | Private 1013 | 4RRC9C | Mrs. J. Maclean, Royal Terrace, Dunedin | MacLEAN | L. M. | Private 1650 | 5C15OS | Mr. C. F. MacLean, Cumberland Street, Dunedin | MacPHERSON | William Brodie | Private 156 | N2C1C | Mrs. J. MacPherson, West Plains, Invercargill | MacTAVISH | Alex. Henry | Gunner 311 | 2CHD | Father: Mr. A. J. MacTavish, Fitzherbert Terrace, Wellington | MADOCKS | William | Captain R.N. | N2C1C | Father: Mr. Madocks, England | MAHOOD | William Edward | Sergeant 7 | N1C1C | Mr. George Mahood, Tirau, Waikato | MAIR | N. L. | Lance Sergeant 843 | 3RRC6C | W. G. Mair, Esq., Auckland | MAJOR | T. C. | Captain | 5C11AS | Mr. J. T. Major, Walton, Waikato | MacKAY | W. J. | Private 2625 | 5C14CS | Mr. H. MacKay, Rotherham, Amuri, North Canterbury | MALCOLM | John William | Gunner 433 | 2CHD | Mother: Mrs. A. Malcolm, c/o Lorie & Co., Dunedin | MANDENO | W. P. | Private 1444 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. J. L. Mandeno, Te Awamutu, Waikato | MANKTELOW | G. | Private 2387 | 5C11AS | Teresa Manktelow, Newstead, Waikato | MANLEY | J. C. | Private 1670 [1669] | 5C150S | Mr. G. Manley, Severn Street, Oamaru | MANN | George Herbert | Private 97 | N1C1C | Mr. Walter William Mann, Patea | MANN | Michael | Farrier 333 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. James Mann, Hamilton South | MANNING | E. H. | Private 841 | 3RRC6C | Mr. E. H. Manning, Post-office, Hastings | MANNING | Edward Fox | Saddler 531 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. W. Manning, 8 Peter Street, Wellington | MANNSELL | E. H. | Private 1508 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. E. Mannsell, Greytown, Wairarapa | MANSFIELD | H. G. | Private 667 | 3RRC5C | Mother: Mrs. L. Mansfield, Croydon, Sussex | MARSH | A. H. | Private 2275 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. H. T. Marsh, Masterton | MARSH | W. E. | Private 2693 | CRM | Father: Mr. H. T. Marsh, Villu Street, Masterton | MARSHALL | E. | Private 2694 | CRM | Father: Mr. R. Marshall, Napier Hotel, Napier, Hawke's Bay | MARSHALL | W. | Lieutenant | 5C150S | Mrs. A. Marshall, Herbert, Otago | MARSHALL | W. C. | Private 2490 | 5C13WNWC | Mr. J. Marshall, Kainui, Hokitika | MARTIN | J. | Lance Corporal 796 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. Martin | MARTIN | James Robert | Private 387 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. M. A. Martin, c/o 52 Cleveland Road, Downham Road, London, N |
MARTIN | T. O. | Private 1709 | 4RRC8C | Mother: Mrs. M. Martin, Greymouth | MASON | F. | Private 1660 | 5C150S | Mr. J. Mason, Dunedin Post-office | MASON | W. J. | Quartermaster Sergeant 1315 | 4RRC7C | Mr. C. R. Mason, Sun Fire Office, London | MASON | W. L. | Private 2504 | 5C13WNWC | Mr. W. T. Mason, c/o Sergeant Major Mason, Police Department, Blenheim | MASSEY | E. | Private 1662 | 5C150S | Mary Massey, Ribble Street, Oamaru | MATHESON | A. | Private 1668 | 5C150S | Father: Mr. K. Matheson, Kakanui | MATHESON | J. | Private 1669 | 5C150S | Mr. K. Matheson, Metcalfe, Victoria | MATHEWSON | W. M. | Private 1058 | 4RRC9C | Mr. L. Mathewson, Hyde | MATHIE | J. A. | Private 1153 | 4RRC9C | Mr. A. Mathie, Dunedin | MATSON | John | Private 41 | N1C1C | Martha Matson, Cambridge, Auckland | MATTHEWS | Henry | Private 505 | N3&4C1C | . | MATTHEWS | Robert Saxton | Lieutenant | N1C1C | Father: Mr. Matthews, Hawera | MATTHEWS | S. L. | Private 1280 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. C. Matthews, Feilding | MAUD | R. | Private 1370 | 4RRC10C | Mother: Mrs. F. E. D. Maud, c/o Rev. J. P. Maud, Vicarage Chapel, Allerton, Leeds, England | MAUNDER | Thomas | Private 42 | N1C1C | Mr. George Maunder, Kihikihi, Waikato, Auckland | MAUSON | J. D. P. | Private 2628 | 5C14CS | Mr. J. Mauson, 8 North Villas, Camden Square, London N.W. | MAYS | J. | Private 2389 | 5C11AS | Oliver Mays, Devonport, Auckland | McARTNEY | A. | Private 1323 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. S. L. McArtney, Bridge Street, Nelson | McAULEY | D. J. | Private 1656 | 5C150S | Ellen McAuley, Bluespur | McAULEY | J. J. | Private 1112 | 4RRC10C | Mr. J. J. McAuley, Portobello | McAULEY | R. | Private 1109 | 4RRC10C | Mrs. C. McAuley, Portobello | McBETH | Arthur | Private 157 | N2C1C | Mrs. C. J. Western,Tuamarina, Marlborough | McBRIDE | Andrew Lindsay | Saddler 532 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. Jessie Marsh, Pembroke, Otago | McCABE | John | Private 195 | N2C1C | Mr. Patrick McCabe, Doyleston, Canterbury | McCALLUM | Malcolm | Private 27 | N1C1C | Mr. Sam Malcolm, Kaiwarra, Wellington | McCAULEY | James Thomas | Private 69 | N1C1C | Mr. J. McCauley, Upper Queen Street, Auckland | McCONWAY | John | Private 153 | N2C1C | Mr. James McConway, Spring Creek, Marlborough | McCORMICK | B. C. | Private 847 | 3RRC6C | Mr. A. McCormick, Woodville | McCULLOCK | R. | Private 845 | 3RRC6C | Mr. W. McCullock, Waipawa | McDONALD | A. | Lance Sergeant 846 | 3RRC6C | Mr. M. McDonald, Hastings | McDONALD | A. | Private 1653 | 5C150S | Mr. J. McDonald, Hedgehops, Invercargill | McDONALD | A. E. | Private 1124 | 4RRC10C | Mr. A. McDonald, Edendale | McDONALD | Colin | Private 461 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. M. McDonald, Kihikihi, Waikato | McDONALD | D. | Private 2271 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. H. McDonald, Waituna West, Feilding | McDONALD | J. | Private 1657 | 5C150S | Mary F. McDonald, Quarter House, The Largs, Ayrshire, Scotland | McDONALD | John | Private 162 | N2C1C | Mary Isabella McDonald, c/o A. Watt, Castle Street, Dunedin | McDONALD | Norman | Corporal 11 | N1C1C | Mrs. McDonald, Kihikihi, Waikato, Auckland | McDONALD | P. | Private 1311 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. J. McDonald, Hanfield Farm, Denny, Stirlingshire, Scotland |
McDONALD | R. | Private 671 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. T. McDonald, Waikuku | McDONALD | Robert John | Private 76 | N1C1C | Mr. Watson McDonald, Waverley | McDOUGALL | W. H. | Private 1658 | 5C150S | Mr. W. McDougall, Fort William, Scotland | McEWEN | A. | Private 1129 | 4RRC10C | Mr. N. McEwen, Fortrose | McEWIN | G. W. | Private 1445 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. T. McEwin, Papakura, Auckland | McFADZEN | M. | Private 802 | 3RRC5C | . | McFARLANE | R. | Private 674 | 3RRC5C | Mother: Mrs. M. McFarlane, Middleborough, Yorkshire, England | McGEE | T. | Private 2501 | 5C13WNWC | Father: Mr. B. McGee, Totara Flat, Grey Valley | McGILL | D. | Private 2277 | 5C12WS | Mother: Mrs. S. J. McGill, Hutt Road, Petone | McGONAGLE | A. N. C. | Private 738 | 3RRC6C | Mr. R. McGonagie, Okoia, Wanganui | McGOWAN | E. J. | Private 2623 | 5C14CS | Mr. E. McGowan, Pakawau, near Collingwood | McGRATH | J. J. | Private 1652 | 5C150S | Mrs. K. McGrath, Russell Square, Timaru | McGREGOR | Claude | Private 1123 | 4RRC10C | Mr. McGregor, Mataura | McGREGOR | D. S. | Private 1279 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. J. D. McGregor, Hinau via Feilding | McGREGOR | Francis | Farrier Sergeant 452 | N3&4C1C | Brother: Mr. James Robb McGregor, Palmerston North | McGRAIL | G. | Private 740 | 3RRC6C | Mr. W. McGrail, Taylorville, Wanganui | McGRUER | N. | Private 2381 | 5C11AS | Marion McGruer, Karangahake | McHARDY | G. S. | Saddler 1446 | 4RRC8C | Mother: Mrs. C. McHardy, Bemersyde, Maungaturoto | McINTOSH | A. M. | Private 673 | 3RRC5C | Mother: Mrs. M. McIntosh, Timaru | McINTOSH | Donald | Private 1125 | 4RRC10C | Mr. D. McIntosh, Fairfax | McINTYRE | D. Mc. | Private 1289 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. I. McIntyre, Pirie Street, Wellington | McINTYRE | M. Mc. | Private 1312 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. I. McIntyre, Pirie Street, Wellington | McINTYRE | R. | Private 672 | 3RRC5C | Mr. A. McIntyre, Little River | McKAY | D. | Private 2624 | 5C14CS | Mr. D. McKay, Geraldine, South Canterbury | McKAY | J. | Saddler 1511 | 4RRC10C | Mr. P. McKay, Wyndham | McKAY | J. | Private 1659 | 5C15OS | Mrs. Redpath, Clinton | McKECHNIE | G. D. | Private 1655 | 5C150S | Jane H. McKechnie, Waikaia Butchery | McKECHNIE | L. J. | Private 2692 | CRM | Father: Mr. L. McKechnie, Spit, Hawke's Bay | McKEE | J. A. | Private 2385 | 5C11AS | Agnes McKee, Te Aroha | McKEGG | Amos | Private 161 | N2C1C | Mr. Amos McKegg, Henley, Otago | McKELLOR | A. | Private 1132 | 4RRC10C | Mr. A. McKellor, Outram | McKENZIE | H. | Private 1110 | 4RRC10C | Mr. A. McKenzie, Riverton | McKENZIE | K. D. | Private 1304 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. J. McKenzie, Masterton | McKENZIE | T. | Private 1130 | 4RRC10C | Mr. K. G. McKenzie, Green Burr, Fortrose | McKENZIE | W. | Private 1009 | 4RRC9C | Mrs. M. F. McKenzie, c/o Mr. R. Gunion, Alexandra South | McKENZIE | W. | Private 2502 | 5C13WNWC | Mr. H. McKenzie, Araysuki, Invercargill | McKERCHAR | D. | Private 1654 | 5C150S | Mr. J. McKerchar, Woodlands, Southland | McKERROW | W. P. | Private 1001 | 4RRC9C | Mr. A. McKerrow, Hampden, Otago | McKINNEY | Matthew | Farrier Sergeant 308 | N3&4C1C | Sister: Margaret Fisher, Kaita, Gisborne | McKNIGHT | D. | Farrier 1156 | 4RRC10C | . | McLAREN | D. A. | Private 2626 | 5C14CS | Mr. J. McLaren, Maungatua, Otago | McLAREN | J. R. | Private 1142 | 4RRC10C | Mr. M. McLaren, Lawrence | McLEAN | A. H. | Bugler 844 | 3RRC6C | Mrs. A. McLean, Dicart, Havelock, Hawke's Bay | McLEAN | Charles Edward | Private 57 | N1C1C | Mrs. Harriet McLean, Te Aroha, Auckland | McLEAN | D. D. | Private 2272 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. F. McLean, Turakina Valley, via Hunterville | McLEAN | F. J. | Private 741 | 3RRC6C | Mr. P. J. McLean, Okaramio, Blenheim | McLEAN | P. J. | Private 2379 | 5C11AS | Mr. P. McLean, Blenheim, Marlborough | McLEISH | W. | Private 2386 | 5C11AS | C. McLeish, Esq., Cambridge | McLELLAN | A. | Lieutenant | 5C150S | . | McLENNAN | W. | Private 739 | 3RRC6C | Mrs. S. T. Tidswell, Mulgrave Street, Wellington | McLEOD | H. G. | Private 2383 | 5C11AS | Mr. P. R. McLeod, SS Ohinemuri, Northern SS Company, Auckland | McLEOD | J. A. | Private 2384 | 5C11AS | Ada McLeod, Church Street, Onehunga | McMILLAN | B. | Lieutenant | 5C11AS | . | McMILLAN | J. H. | Private 1531 [1477] | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. D. McMillan, Greymouth | McMORRIN | J. | Sergeant 2439 | 5C13WNWC | Mother: Mrs. J. McMorrin, Spring Creek, Blenheim | McMULLEN | M. | Private 737 | 3RRC6C | Mr. B. G. McMullen, Pahiatua | McMURRAY | A. J. | Private 2500 | 5C13WNWC | Mrs. J. McMurray, Brightwater, Nelson | McPHEE | A. | Private 1308 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. D. McPhee, Gladstone, Wairarapa | McPHEE | A. | Private 1340 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. D. McPhee, Gladstone, Wairarapa | McPHERSON | William | Private 155 | N2C1C | Mr. Peter McPherson, Pokeno, Auckland | McRAE | J. | Private 1301 | 4RRC7C | Father: J. W. McRae, Stronbar, Masterton | McTAGGART | D. | Private 2627 | 5C14CS | Mr. J. McTaggart, Morven, South Canterbury | McWHIRTER | T. | Private 780 | 3RRC6C | Mr. E. McWhirter, Tuahu, Auckland | McWILLIAMS | S. L. | Private 2279 | 5C12WS | Mother: Mrs. A. McWilliams, Christchurch | MEAD | Joseph | Farrier Sergeant 1162 | 4RRC10C | Father: W. H. Mead, Motupiko, Nelson | MEE | T. | Private 1071 | 4RRC9C | Mr. H. Mee, St. Bathan's | MEEK | James | Private 384 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. Meek, Oamaru, Otago | MELVILLE | J. R. | Private 1059 | 4RRC9C | Mr. A. Melville, Port Molyneux | MELVIN | D. | Private 1661 | 5C150S | Mr. T. Melvin, Belluose, Dunedin | MENLI | G. | Private 2273 | 5C12WS | Brother: Mr. C. Menli, Eltham | MEREDITH | R. | Private 1479 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. T. J. Meredith, Kihikihi, Waikato | MERSON | T. | Farrier 1300 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. E. Merson,. Johnsonville | MEWBURN | Joseph | Private 154 | N2C1C | Mr. Armstrong Mewburn, Cook Street, Auckland | MIKKELSEN | A. E. | Private 2380 | 5C11AS | Elizabeth Mikkelsen, Waihou Peaks, Auckland | MILLAR | H. | Private 1663 | 5C150S | Margaret Millar, Dey Street, Mosgiel | MILLAR | J. A. | Private 1664 | 5C150S | Mr. G. Millar, High Street, Roslyn, Dunedin | MILLAR | W. | Private 1447 | 4RRC8C | Mother: Mrs. I. Logan, Raglan | MILLER | A. F. | Private 1449 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. R. Miller, Jervois Road, Ponsonby, Auckland | MILLER | George Ralph | Private 77 | N1C1C | Mrs. Henry John Miller, Fernbrook, Oamaru | MILLER | John | Farrier-Sergeant 106 | N2C1C | Mr. James Miller, Gebbie's Valley, Canterbury | MILLER | William McBeth | Farrier 397 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. James Miller, Gebbie's Flat | MILNE | W. L. | Private 1147 | 4RRC10C | Mr. J. Milne, Pukerau | MILROY | Charles | Gunner 399 | 2CHD | Father: Mr. J. W. Milroy, Toitoi Valley, Nelson | MINIFIE | E. H. | Private 2727 | CRM | Father: Mr. E. Minifie, 55 Riddiford Street, Wellington | MITCHELL | George | Private 160 | N2C1C | Mr. G. F. Mitchell, Clyde Street, Balclutha | MITCHELL | James | Private 75 | N1C1C | Mr. John Dryden, Mitchell, Burnbank, Manaia | MICHIE | D. | Private 2274 | 5C13WNWC | Miss L. S. Wilson, Makino, North Otago | MOELLER | John Isaac | Gunner 363 | 2CHD | Mother: Mrs. E. Moeller, Occidental Hotel, Wellington | MOELLER | R. | Private 2319 | 5C12WS | Mother: Mrs. E. Moeller, Occidental Hotel, Wellington | MOFFATT | W. N. | Saddler 666 | 3RRC5C | Mr. W. M. Moffatt, Timaru | MOFFETT | W. A. | Private 1673 | 5C150S | Mr. W. J. Moffett, Invercargill | MOIR | J. Y. | Private 1665 | 5C150S | Mr. D. Moir, Ratanui | MOLLER | C. W. A. | Private 2388 | 5C11AS | Florence M. Moller, Whitford, Auckland | MOLONEY | James Denis | Private 1137 | 4RRC10C | Father: Mr. Denis Moloney, South Dunedin | MONAGHAN | A. A. T. | Private 1306 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. C. Monaghan, Government Printing Office, Wellington | MONAGHAN | J. | Private 1666 | 5C150S | Mr. H. Monaghan, Pine Bush | MONK | L. | Private 1667 | 5C150S | Mother: Mrs. H. Monk, Castle Street, Dunedin | MONKLEY | T. | Private 1506 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. G. Monkley, Mangaweka | MONNOCK | J. T. | Private 2278 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. T. Monnock, Freeman's Bay, Auckland | MONTGOMERIE | John | Private 47 | N1C1C | Mr. James Montgomerie, Mangere, Auckland | MONTGOMERIE | John E. | Lieutenant | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. E. Montgomerie, Eagleshaw, Wanganui | MONTGOMERY | R. | Private 774 | 3RRC6C | Mrs. E. Montgomery, Stratford | MOODY | A. T. | Bugler 2211 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. T. Moody, Howard Street, Dunedin | MOODY | Charles | Private 500 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. J. B. Moody, Woodend, Canterbury | MOONLIGHT | J. F. | Private 1443 | 4RRC8C | Sister: Mrs. E. Henderson, Reefton | MOORE | Edward Wilmot | Private 158 | N2C1C | Mr. John Moore, Weld Street, Blenheim? | MOORE | F. | Private 744 | 3RRC6C | Mrs. D. M. Moore, Kiwitea, Feilding | MOORE | George Vivian | Private 425 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. A. F. Moore, Woodville | MOORE | J. G. H. | Private 1052 | 4RRC9C | Mr. W. J. Moore, Stafford Street, Dunedin | MOOREHOUSE | T. E. | Private 3004 | NMCSA | Mother: Mrs. K. Moorehouse, c/o Mr. A. F. Roberts, Westerfield, Ashburton | MORETON | T. J. | Private 1026 | 4RRC9C | Mr. M. Moreton, Owaka | MORGAN | A. | Sergeant 2203 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. T. Morgan, Takaputau Flat, Wellington | MORGAN | Charles Frederick | Private 527 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. Christina Morgan, Hokitika | MORGAN | G. | Private 2503 | 5C13WNWC | . | MORGAN | William Arthur | Sergeant 8 | N1C1C | Mr. E. J. Morgan, Kaimate Road, Inglewood, Taranaki | MORINE | John P. | Private 2732 | CRM | Brother: Mr. T. A. Morine, Ashhurst | MORRIS | Arthur | Private 420 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. W. Morris, Waikuku, North Canterbury | MORRISON | A. | Private 1102 | 4RRC10C | Mr. __ Morrison, Invercargill | MORRISON | Francis Edward | Private 159 | N2C1C | Mr. John Morrison, Weld Street, Blenheim? | MORRISON | W. G. | Private 1090 | 4RRC9C | Mr. H. C. Morrison, St. Clair Battery, Dunedin | MORRISON | Wilson Cameron | Private 37 | N1C1C | Mrs. M. Morrison, Okaiawa, Taranaki | MORRISS | R. W. | Private 668 | 3RRC5C | Mr. W. Morriss, Waikuku | MORRISSEY | D. F. | Private 842 | 3RRC6C | Elizabeth Morrissey | MORTON | William Crawford | Gunner 479 | 2CHD | Mother: Mrs. I. Morton, Queen's Drive, Ocean Beach, Dunedin | MOSS | Austin | Private 519 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. Charles Jones Moss, Croyden, Surrey, England | MOSS | T. R. | Private 663 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. E. Moss, Winchester | MOUNTSEY | R. | Private 745 | 3RRC6C | Mrs. H. Smith, Vine Hill, Canterbury | MOYLE | W. S. E. | Private 3005 | NMCSA | Mr. W. H. Moyle, 47 Tuam Street, Christchurch | MUIR | John | Corporal 107 | N2C1C | Mrs. Bessie Muir, Karitane, Waikouaiti, Dunedin | MUIR | William | Private 30 | N1C1C | Mr. James Muir, Brookby, Auckland | MULLUMBY | Michael John | Private 324 | N3&4C1C | Sister: Johanna, c/o Rev. Father Mahoney, Nelson | MUNDELL | F. | Private 2280 | 5C12WS | Brother: Mr. A. Mundell, Edinburgh | MUNRO | C. C. | Private 1448 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. G. C. Munro, Clevedon, Auckland | MUNRO | Hugh | Private 669 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. A. Munro, Palmerston [South] | MUNRO | John | Private 61 | N1C1C | Mrs. H. Y. Whishaw, Kimbolton, Feilding | MURDOCH | T. | Private 2382 | 5C11AS | Catherine Murdoch, Dunedin | MURPHY | J. | Private 2695 | CRM | Mother: Mrs. A. Murphy, Redwood Street, Blenheim, Marlborough | MURPHY | J. | Private 1700 | 5C15OS | Mr. J. Murphy, Newtown, Wellington | MURPHY | J. M. F. | Private 2629 | 5C14CS | Mr. P. Murphy, Briggs Road, Marshland, Canterbury | MURPHY | Leslie | Corporal 1108 | 4RRC10C | Mrs. Murphy, Don Street, Invercargill | MURPHY | W. | Private 2630 | 5C14CS | Mrs. Murphy, Cheviot, Canterbury | MURRAY | F. L. | Private 670 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. F. S. H. Murray, Gore, Southland | MURRAY | J. | Private 2721 | CRM | Father: Mr. J. Murray, Ellerslie, Auckland | MURRAY | J. J. | Private 664 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. A. Murray, Sydenham | MURRAY | John Oswald | Bugler 362 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. F. Murray, Pohangina | MURRAY | Thomas | Private 1801 | 4RRC10C | Mr. T. Murray, Granity Creek | MURTON | E. W. | Private 2505 | 5C13WNWC | Ellen Murton, Napier | NAIRN | James Walker | Private 165 | N2C1C | Mr. James Nairn, Khandallah, Wellington | NALDER | Ernest Edward | Private 309 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. Nalder, Montreal Street, Christchurch | NAYLOR | James Henry | Private 366 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. Richard Henry Naylor, Petone | NEALE | Charles Raymond | Veterinary Surgeon | Staff 1st Contingent | . | NEALE | Frank Frederick | Corporal 438 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. Mary Ann Boorman, High Street, Wandsworth, London, S. W. |
NEAVE | Arthur Cormack | Lieutenant | N2C1C | Mr. F. D. S. Neave, Riccarton, Christchurch | NEAVE | H. | Lance Sergeant 613 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. D. Neave, Christchurch | NEILL | H. | Private 675 | 3RRC5C | Mr. R. Neill, 60th Rifles, South Africa | NEILSON | Albert Ernest | Gunner 429 | 2CHD | Father: Mr. O. Neilson, 83 Riddiford Street, Wellington | NEILSON | C. | Private 2696 | CRM | Father: Mr. S. Neilson, Mangatainoka, Wairarapa | NEILSON | Oscar | Private 401 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. A. Neilson, Dannevirke | NELSON | E. W. | Lance Sergeant 611 | 3RRC5C | Brother: Mr. A. F. Nelson, Kopua, Hawke's Bay | NELSON | P. | Private 1671 | 5C150S | Mrs. T. O'Brien, Siwara Moss, Southland | NESBITT | H. | Private 2392 | 5C11AS | Mr. H. Nesbitt, Napier, Hawke's Bay | NEWALL | Stuart | Staff: Lieutenant Colonel in command | 5C11AS | . | NEWALL | W. J. | Private 2697 | CRM | Mother: Mrs. L. Gillman, Inglewood, Taranaki | NEWCOMBE | A. | Private 746 | 3RRC6C | Mrs. E. L. Newcombe, Dean Farm, Swimbridge, Barnstable, Devon |
NEWCOMBE | Herbert | Farrier 537 | N3&4C1C | Wife: Mrs. Sarah Newcombe, Ngahere, Grey Valley, West Coast, Middle Island |
NEWDICK | Alfred | Private 163 | N2C1C | Mr. A. Newdick, Sandes Street, Thames, Auckland | NEWDICK | W. H. | Corporal 1410 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. R. Newdick, Waihi | NEWMAN | C. | Corporal 1085 | 4RRC9C | Mr. F. Newman, Aramoho, Wanganui | NEWMAN | Charles | Private 79 | N1C1C | Mrs. Ellen Newman, Tawa Flat, Manawatu Line | NEWMAN | E. P. | Private 2282 | 5C12WS | Brother: Mr. G. Newman, 62 Ditchling Rose, Brighton | NEWSOME | M. | Farrier 1496 | 4RRC8C | Mrs. E. Newsome, Greymouth | NICHOLAS | J. | Private 2394 | 5C11AS | Mr. T. D. Nicholas, Auckland | NICHOLLS | H. | Private 2631 | 5C14CS | Mr. A. Nicholls, Akaroa | NICHOLLS | H. | Private 1526 | 4RRC10C | Mr. H. J. Nicholls, County Waterford, Ireland | NICHOLLS | J. | Private 2506 | 5C13WNWC | Mr. J. H. Nicholls, Blenheim | NICHOLSON | J. M. | Lieutenant | 4RRC9C | Mr. J. Nicholson, Lower Street, Roslyn, Dunedin | NIGHTINGALE | . | Private 2393 | 5C11AS | Mr. W. Nightingale, Otahuhu, Auckland | NIGHTINGALE | F. Mc. | Private 1450 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. B. Nightingale, Albert Works, Albert Embankment, Lambeth, London, England | NOPS | Edwin Hotspur | Private 39 | N1C1C | Mr. Francis Nops, Ramsgate, England | NORRIS | Arthur Hugh | Corporal 329 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. Thomas Cheal Norris, Box 68, G.P.O., Christchurch | NORTHCROFT | C. A. | Private 2507 | 5C13WNWC | Mother: Mrs. L. Northcroft, Wild Street, Hokitika | NORTHE | Sidney | Private 164 | N2C1C | . | NURSE | C. E. | Private 676 | 3RRC5C | Mr. H. Nurse, Aylesbury, Canterbury | O'DOWD | W. J. | Private 1451 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. F. O'Dowd, Symonds Street, Auckland | O'DWYER | J. J. | Corporal 351 | 2CHD | Father: Mr. P. O'Dwyer, Blind River, Awatere | O'FARRELL | V. W. | Sergeant 607 | 3RRC5C | Mr. E. O'Farrell, Perth, Western Australia | O'GALLAGHAN | Leslie George | Private 428 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. Arthur Payne O'Gallaghan, Christchurch | O'NEILL | Arthur John | Private 449 | N3&4C1C | Brother: Mr. R. O'Neill, Coal Merchant, off Taranaki Street, Wellington |
O'REILLY | John Joseph | Private 347 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. M. O'Reilly, College Street, Palmerston North | O'SHEA | Francis | Private 167 | N2C1C | Wakefield, Nelson | OLIVE | W. | Private 1452 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. S. Olive, Helensville, Auckland | OPPENHEIM | H. E. | Private 3006 | NMCSA | Father: Mr. E. Oppenheim, 23 Oxford Terrace East, Christchurch | ORANGE | G. | Farrier 1100 | 4RRC9C | Mr. A. E. Orange, Riccarton, East Taieri | ORBELL | E. S. | Lance Corporal 1025 | 4RRC9C | Mrs. M. S. Orbell, Waikouaiti | ORBELL | Henry Scott | Private 166 | N2C1C | Mrs. S. Orbell, The River, Waikouaite | ORFORD | J. R. | Corporal 1288 | 4RRC7C | Sister: Jane Barnard, West Belt, Timaru | ORME | Harold | Private 403 | N3&4C1C | Mr. E. W. Dunn, Childrey Manor, Wantage, Berkshire | ORR | J. | Private 1557 | 4RRC10C | Father: Mr. Peter Orr, Tyne Street, Oamaru | ORR | J. | Bugler 2723 | CRM | Father: Mr. J. F. Orr, Johnsonville, Wellington | OSBORNE | N. E. | Private 1266 | 4RRC7C | Sister: Daisy Osborne, Webb Street, Wellington | OTTEN | T. A. | Saddler 848 | 3RRC6C | Mr. A. M. Otten, Roslyn Road, Napier | OVERTON | C. H. | Sergeant 301 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. H. Overton, Kirwee, Canterbury | OVERTON | John Percy | Corporal 300 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. Charles Overton, 263 Hereford Street, Christchurch | PAGE | W. | Lance Corporal 718 | 3RRC6C | Father: Mr. W. Page, Halcombe | PAGET | M. | Private 1674 | 5C150S | Mr. C. Paget, Sen., Alexandra South | PALMER | Edwin Henry | Private 171 | N2C1C | Mr. H. Palmer, Otakaia [Taieri], Dunedin | PALMER | J. A. | Private 1035 | 4RRC9C | Mr. E. Palmer, Taieri Mouth | PALMER | Sidney Robert | Private 33 | N1C1C | Mr. Palmer, Eltham Road, Awatuna, Taranaki | PAPESCH | J. | Private 2395 | 5C11AS | Mrs. Papesch, Pirongia, Waikato | PARKER | F. | Private 2508 | 5C13WNWC | Brother: Mr. F. Parker, Gisborne | PARKER | James Herbert | Private 385 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. Parker, Little Roderick, Kurow | PARKER | W. G. | Private 2632 | 5C14CS | Mr. G. Parker, Frith Farm, Wickwar, Gloucestershire, England | PARKER | W. J. | Colour Sergeant 2200 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. W. T. Parker, College Road, Auckland | PARKES | William James | Private 17 | N1C1C | Mr. Parkes, Palmerston North | PARKINSON | C. | Private 679 | 3RRC5C | Mother: Mrs. M. A. Parkinson, Kaituna, Ataahua P.O. | PARSONS | F. G. | Private 3010 | NZSA | Mr. J. A. Parsons, 248 Oxford Terrace, Christchurch | PARSONS | H. N. | Private 1555 | 4RRC10C | Father: H. W. Parsons, Coonoor, Wellington | PARSONS | J. A. | Private 3009 | NZSA | Wife: Mrs. L. Parsons, 248 Oxford Terrace, Christchurch | PARSONS | W. | Private 2698 | CRM | Father: Mr. W. F. Parsons, Murphy Street, Wellington | PATERSON | J. D. | Private 1672 | 5C150S | Mr. G. Paterson, Oamaru | PATON | H. B. | Private 1453 | 4RRC8C | Brother: Mr. J. W. Paton, Dargaville, North Wairoa | PATON | J. B. M. | Sergeant 850 | 3RRC6C | Father: Mr. J.W. Paton, Otago | PATON | J. C. | Private 1454 | 4RRC8C | Brother: Mr. J. W. Paton, Dargaville, North Wairoa | PATTEN | E. | Private 1530 | 4RRC10C | Mr. E. H. Patten, Westport | PATTERSON | John MacIntosh | Private 31 | N1C1C | Mrs. Patterson, Inglewood, Kilcoy, Taranaki | PATTERSON | John Sutherland | Gunner 498 | 2CHD | Father: Mr. J. Patterson, Seaward Bush, Invercargill | PATTISON | J. | Private 2509 | 5C13WNWC | Mr. S. T. D. Pattison, Haunui, Hastings, Hawke's Bay | PAUL | G. A. | Sergeant 2699 | CRM | Father: Mr. J. Paul, New Plymouth | PAUL | William | Private 516 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. W. Paul, Palmerston South, Otago | PAWSON | Ambrose Charles | Private 168 | N2C1C | Mr. F. G. Pawson, 42 North Parade, Grantham Lines [Lincs?], England |
PAYNE | George Meares | Private 34 | N1C1C | Mrs. Payne, Myrtle Villa, Bedford, England | PAYNTER | S. A. J. | Corporal 1455 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. W. Paynter, New Plymouth, Taranaki | PEACOCKE | G. B. | Private 1456 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. G. L. Peacocke, Devonport, Auckland | PEAKMAN | F. C. | Private 1387 [1291] | 4RRC8C | Mother: Mrs. J. Peakman, c/o Mrs. J. Peakman, Post-office, Hastings | PEARCE | F. | Private 1319 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. E. Pearce, Dublin Street, Wanganui | PEARCE | R. | Private 1457 | 4RRC8C | Mother: Mrs. M. Pearce, Bega, N.S.W. | PEDESTA | L. | Private 2284 | 5C12WS | Mother: Mrs. M. A. Pedesta, Muritai, Wellington | PEEBLES | James William | Private 199 | N2C1C | Mr. A. Peebles, Oxford Road, Woodville | PELLETT | F. W. | Private 1675 | 5C150S | Mr. J. Pellett c/o Mrs. L. Slater, Mornington | PENNY | B. | Private 1265 | 4RRC7C | Mr. R. Penny, Blenheim | PEPPER | John | Private 170 | N2C1C | Mrs. Enock, Northcote, Papanui, Canterbury | PERCY | E. R. | Sergeant 2633 | 5C14CS | Mrs. R. Percy, Hororata, Canterbury | PERHAM | F. | Private 2634 | 5C14CS | Mrs. L. Perham, Berry Bay, Akaroa | PERHAM | L. | Private 678 | 3RRC5C | Mr. L. Perham, Fendalton, Christchurch | PERREAU | R. G. | Private 747 | 3RRC6C | Mr. J. A. Perreau, Foxton | PETCHELL | F. J. | Private 2398 | 5C11AS | Mr. W. J. Petchell, Station Road, Otahuhu | PETERS | Paul Corliss | Private 325 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. Catherine Cashman, Nairn Street, Wellington | PETERSEN | A. | Private 849 | 3RRC6C | Mr. P. A. Petersen, Park Road, Napier | PETERSON | J. A. A. | Private 2700 | CRM | Father: Mr. Hans Peterson, Crawford's Lane, Wellington | PETTINGILL | F. | Private 1676 | 5C150S | Mrs. M. Pettingill, James Road, Victoria | PETTIT | E. S. | Private 1548 | 4RRC10C | Mr. John Pettit, Ongaonga, Waipawa | PHAIR | C. O. | Corporal 1411 | 4RRC8C | Brother: Mr. S. Phair, Opitonui | PHILLIP | J. A. B. | Private 812 | 3RRC6C | Mother: Mrs. H. Phillip, 83 Lancaster Gate, London | PHILPOTT | T. H. | Private 2635 | 5C14CS | Mr. G. Philpott, Styx, Christchurch | PICKETT | M. | Private 811 | 3RRC6C | Father: Mr. W. Pickett, New South Wales | PILE | J. | Private 1458 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. T. H. Pile, Opotiki | PILKINGTON | H. E. | Lieutenant Attached | 3RRC | Mr. Pilkington, Panmure, Auckland | PILLINGER | A. | Private 2399 | 5C11AS | Mr. M. Jackson, Mount Eden Road, Auckland | PIRIE | G. C. | Shoeing Smith 2636 | 5C14CS | Mr. W. Pirie, 240 Cashel Street, Christchurch | PITT | William | Private 98 | N1C1C | Mr. C. Dean Pitt, Gisborne Club | PLEASANTS | F. | Colour Sergeant 748 | 3RRC6C | Mr. O. Pleasants, Colyton, Feilding | POLSON | D. | Lieutenant | 5C12WS | Mother: Mrs. R. Polson, 2 Disraeli Street, Addington, Christchurch | POOLE | Thomas William | Private 380 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. M. J. A. Adank, Westport | POPE | Francis Richard | Private 52 | N1C1C | Mrs. Frederick Pope, Whatawhataa, Waikato, Auckland | POPHAM | T. | Private 1038 | 4RRC9C | Mr. T. Popham, Middlemarch | PORTEOUS | A. W. | Private 1150 | 4RRC9C | Mr. W. P. Porteous, Sawyer's Bay | PORTER | A. | Private 677 | 3RRC5C | Mrs. J. Porter, Akaroa | PORTER | J. W. | Private 2396 | 5C11AS | Rachel Porter, Stratford, Taranaki | PORTER | W. | Private 1390 | 4RRC10C | Mr. David Porter, Pukerau, Otago | POTTER | E. A. A. | Private 2400 | 5C11AS | Mr. J. J. Potter, Wynard Road, Mount Eden, Auckland | POTTER | H. R. | Lieutenant | 5C11AS | Mr. A. Potter, Albert Avenue, Mount Eden, Auckland | POULTON | E. T. | Private 850 | 3RRC6C | Brother: Mr. J. A. Poulton, Opawa, Canterbury | POWELL | C. W. | Private 2511 | 5C13WNWC | Mother: Mrs. A. Jones, Shakespeare Street, Greymouth | POWELL | George | Private 92 | N1C1C | Mr. Samuel Powell, Wanganui Post-office | POWER | C. W. | Private 1459 | 4RRC8C | Brother: Mr. H. W. Power, H.M. Customs, Sentinel Road, Auckland | POWICK | J. J. | Private 2510 | 5C13WNWC | Mother: Mrs. E. E. Powick, Broughham Street, Westport | POWLES | G. C. | Sergeant Major 1318 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. C. P. Powles, Wesley Road, Wellington | POYNTER | J. | Private 813 | 3RRC6C | Mother: Mrs. M. Morris, Te Karaka, Gisborne | PRENTICE | J. | Private 2397 | 5C11AS | Mrs. Wickham, Pirongia, Waikato | PRICE | A. C. | Private 771 | 3RRC6C | Mr. A. E. Price, Auckland | PRICE | E. H. | Private 781 | 3RRC6C | Mother: Mrs. S. Price, Tirley, near Tewkesbury, Gloucester, England |
PRICE | Frederick Gordon | Corporal 13 | N1C1C | Mrs. Mary Price, Picton, Marlborough | PRICE | J. | Private 2714 | CRM | Father: Mr. S. Price, Upper Plain, Masterton | PRICE | Leonard | Corporal 303 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. Isaac George Price, Lower Hutt | PRINGLE | J. | Captain | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. A. P. Pringle, Lower Hutt, Wellington | PRITCHARD | E. | Private 2283 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. A. R. Pritchard, Tokomaru | PROSSER | David William | Private 169 | N2C1C | Mrs. H. Prosser, Leeston, Canterbury | QUINN | J. W. | Private 2701 | CRM | Father: Mr. J. W. Quinn, York, Western Australia | QUINN | T. | Private 1067 | 4RRC10C | Mother: Mrs. Quinn, Hotelkeeper, Palmerston North | RAE | C. A. | Private 2637 | 5C14CS | Mr. W. S. Rae, Darfield, North Canterbury | RAINBOW | H. C. | Private 1322 | 4RRC10C | Mrs. C. Rainbow, Kaiapoi | RAINE | L. M. | Private 684 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. J. H. Raine, 179 Worcester Street, Christchurch | RAMSAY | James Whitelaw | Private 496 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. A. Ramsay, Preservation Inlet, Southland | RANGER | N. F. | Private | NZSA | Wife: Mrs. R. Ranger, 14 Montreal Street, Sydenham | RATHBUN | E. A. D. | Private 787 | 3RRC5C | Mrs. C. Rathbun, Westport | RAYNE | H. | Private 1699 | 5C15OS | Mrs. M. A. Rayne, District Road, Belleknowes, Roslyn, Dunedin | RAYNES | John James | Private 63 | N1C1C | Mr. W. F. Raynes, Tamahere, Waikato, Auckland | READ | A. | Sergeant 1550 | 4RRC10C | Fathr: Mr. John Read, Wellington | READ | H. Arthur Moutray- | Private 529 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. J. Moutray-Read, Newport Hall, Herefordshire, England |
REED | B. | Private 2702 | CRM | Aunt; Louisa Braithwaite, Frasertown, Wairoa, Hawke's Bay | REED | W. | Private 2638 | 5C14CS | Mr. J. Reed, Queen Street, Masterton | REES | E. A. | Private 3002 | NMCSA | Father: W. L. Rees, Esq., Solicitor, Gisborne | REEVES | W. H. | Quartermaster Sergeant 2639 | 5C14CS | Mrs. E. M. Reeves, Belfast | REGAN | J. | Private 2401 | 5C11AS | Mr. M. Regan, Arch Hill, Auckland | REID | A. M. | Sergeant 386 | 2CHD | Mother: Mrs. C. S. Reid, Dunedin | REID | D. W. | Private 2286 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. D. W. Reid, Makino | REID | R. S. | Private 1678 | 5C150S | Mr. J. Reid, Mander's Road, North east Valley | RENALL | A. W. | Corporal 1369 | 4RRC7C | Mr. A. W. Renall Senr., Masterton | RENALL | J. | Private 2290 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. J. A. Renall, Masterton | RENTON | William | Private 172 | N2C1C | Mr. M. Renton, Inch-Clutha, Stirling, Otago | RENTOUL | J. | Private 1260 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. M. J. Rentoul, Cheviot, North Canterbury | RETTER | A. | Private 2288 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. C. C. Retter, Levin, Horowhenua | RETTER | C. | Farrier 1294 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. F. Retter, Johnsonville | REYNOLDS | G. | Private 2640 | 5C14CS | Mr. W. Reynolds, Little River | RHODES | N. V. | Private 2704 | CRM | Mother: Mrs. E. Rhodes, Patea | RICHARDS | J. W. | Private 2513 | 5C13WNWC | Mother: Mrs. L. Richards, Nile Street East, Nelson | RICHARDS | R. R. | Lance Corporal 680 | 3RRC5C | Mr. R. Richards, Southbridge | RICHARDSON | Herbert Thornton | Private 315 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. J. M. Richardson, 60 Wellington Terrace | RICHARDSON | R. | Private 814 | 3RRC6C | Father: Mr. G. W. Richardson, Gisborne | RICHARDSON | T. | Private 852 | 3RRC6C | Mrs. M. Richardson, Bell Block, New Plymouth | RICHARDSON | T. G. A. | Lance Corporal 794 | 3RRC6C | Major Richardson, Greenmeadows | RIDDELL | A. C. | Private 1683 | 5C150S | Mr. R. Riddell, Orepuki, Southland | RIDDELL | R. | Private 1682 | 5C150S | Mr. W. Riddell, High Street, Caversham, Dunedin | RIDDELL | William Oliver | Private 94 | N1C1C | Mr. James Riddell, Waverley, Wanganui | RIDDICK | H. | Sergeant 1283 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. S. Riddick, 33 Molesworth Street, Wellington | RIDLEY | C. W. | Farrier 1324 | 4RRC7C | Brother: Mr. W. V. Ridley, Dannevirke | RIDLEY | J. W. | Private 2641 | 5C14CS | Mr. L. Ridley, Templeton | RISDEN | A. J. | Private 2514 | 5C13WNWC | Mother: Mrs. E. Risden, Shakespeare Road, Napier | ROBBIE | A. B. | Private 2289 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. J. W. Robbie, Te Henui, New Plymouth | ROBBIE | Charles Edward | Private 458 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. H. E. Robbie, Old Hospital Road, Te Henui, New Plymouth |
ROBERTS | A. J. | Private 1075 | 4RRC9C | Mr. W. Roberts, Broadwater P.O. via Port Fairy, Vic. | ROBERTS | A. W. | Corporal 1053 | 4RRC9C | Mr. J. Roberts, Railway Hotel, Kaikora North | ROBERTS | C. C. | Private 681 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. P. Roberts, Sheep farmer, Tinwald | ROBERTS | J. T. | Private | NZSA | . | ROBERTS | T. E. | Corporal 2333 | 5C11AS | Mr. T. Roberts, Public Works Department, Nelson | ROBERTSON | D. | Lance Corporal 2336 | 5C11AS | Mr. A. J. Robertson, Great North Road, Auckland | ROBERTSON | F. W. | Private 2642 | 5C14CS | Mr. D. Robertson, North Belt, Christchurch | ROBERTSON | J. | Private 1127 | 4RRC10C | Mr. A. Robertson, Winton | ROBERTSON | J. S. | Private 1680 | 5C150S | Mary Robertson, Royal Terrace, Dunedin | ROBERTSON | N. D. | Private 762 | 3RRC6C | Mrs. F. M. Robertson, Wanganui | ROBIN | Alfred William NZM | Major, in command | Staff 1st Contingent | . | ROBINSON | Ernest Edward | Corporal 354 | N3&4C1C | J. T. Robinson, Alfred Street, Blenheim | ROBINSON | H. | Private 1460 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. A. Robinson, Mangere, Auckland | ROCKSTROW | Frederick | Private 100 | N1C1C | Mr. F. Rockstrow, Awatuna, Taranaki | ROGER | J. | Private 1679 | 5C150S | Mr. R. Roger, Sandymount | ROGERS | Charles Phillip | Sergeant-Major 1 | N1C1C | Annie Rogers, Inglewood, Taranaki | ROGERS | J. A. | Private 1504 [1482] | 4RRC8C | Mother: Mrs. M. Rogers, Whatatutu, Gisborne | ROLLESTON | G. H. F. | Corporal 1325 | 4RRC7C | ather: Hon. W. Rolleston, Rangitata, Canterbury | ROSE | J. | Captain | 3RRC5C | Sister: Mrs. H. Buchanan, Kinloch, Little River | ROSE | J. C. | Lieutenant | 5C13WNWC | Father: Mr. H. Rose, Kelfield, Carlton Road, Ealing, London | ROSS | A. D. | Regimental Quartermaster Sergeant 608 | 3RRC | Mrs. I. E. Ross, Christchurch | ROSS | A. L. | Private | NZSA | . | ROSS | D. S. | Private 749 | 3RRC6C | Mr. A. Ross, Taylorville | ROSS | Daniel | Gunner 432 | 2CHD | Mother: Mrs. Janet W. Ross, Taylorville, Wanganui | ROSS | G. A. | Sergeant 1065 | 4RRC9C | Mr. George Ross, Shag Valley | ROSS | Hugh | Private 202 | N2C1C | . | ROSS | J. | Private 750 | 3RRC6C | Mother: Mrs. S. Ross, Waverley | ROSS | J. | Private 1032 | 4RRC9C | Mr. A. Ross, Kelso | ROSS | J. | Lieutenant | 4RRC10C | Wife: Mrs. T. M. Ross, Napier | ROSS | K. | Private 1461 [100] | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. O. E. Ross, Opotiki, Bay of Plenty, Auckland | ROSS | W. F. J. | Lieutenant | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. M. S. Ross, Gardens, Lower Hutt | ROSS | W. H. | Lieutenant | 5C150S | Mrs. M. J. Ross, Hakataramea, Oamaru | ROSS | W. J. | Private 2703 | CRM | Father: Mr. W. Rose, Uplands, Farleigh, Bradford-on-Avon, Wilts., England | ROSS | W. J. M. | Private 1022 | 4RRC9C | Mr. J. Ross, Kartigi, Shag Point, Otago | ROUNTREE | George Arthur | Private 306 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. E. Rountree, Tory Street, Wellington | ROYDHOUSE | F. W. | Private 2285 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. W. F. Roydhouse, Kahutara, Featherston | RUBICK | E. | Farrier 537 | 2CHD | Father: Mr. J. C. Rubick, Masterton | RUDDELL | W. | Private 1462 | 4RRC8C | Mother: Mrs. A. Ruddell, Parua Bay, Whangarei | RULE | H. R. | Private 683 | 3RRC5C | Mrs. M. A. Rule, Rangiora | RUMBLE | J. | Private 1064 | 4RRC9C | . | RUNCIMAN | J. L. | Private 1463 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. D. W. Runciman, Mount Street, Auckland | RUSDEN | A. J. | Private 1328 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. I. Rusden, Harrison Street, Wanganui | RUSSELL | F. | Sergeant 717 | 3RRC6C | Mr. W. F. Russell, Christchurch | RUSSELL | W. | Private 1681 | 5C150S | Mr. P. Russell, Waikaia, Southland | RUTHERFORD | J. M. | Private 2287 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. J. Rutherford, Martinborough | RYAN | C. P | Corporal 2443 | 5C13WNWC | Mrs. G. L. Ryan, Gill Street, New Plymouth | RYAN | Dennis Joseph | Private 82 | N1C1C | Mr. Denis Ryan, Tawa Flat, Manawatu Line | RYAN | F. J. | Private 682 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. J. Ryan, Post-office, Sydenham | RYAN | M. | Private 2515 | 5C13WNWC | Mrs. D. Ryan, Opotiki, Auckland | SADD | G. E. | Sergeant 319 | 2CHD | Father: Mr. J. B. Sadd, Nelson | SALMON | H. E. | Bugler 1464 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. J. Salmon, Te Aroha | SALTER | J. | Private 1081 | 4RRC9C | Mr. M. Salter, Carey's Bay, Port Chalmers | SAMPSON | G. W. | Private 2295 | 5C12WS | Mother: Mrs. J. Sampson, Symonds Street, Auckland | SAMUEL | A. M. | Private 1339 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. J. Samuel, Thorndon Quay, Wellington | SANDERSON | Charles James | Veterinary Surgeon | N3&4C1C | Aunt: Mrs. Blackadder, Kent House, Victoria Road, Southsea, Hampshire, England |
SANDERSON | E. V. | Quartermaster Sergeant 2436 | 5C12WS | Mother: Mrs. J. Sanderson, 65 Brougham Street, Wellington | SANDERSON | J. | Private 1684 | 5C150S | Mary Sanderson, Anderson's Bay | SANSOM | J. W. | Private 687 | 3RRC5C | Mr. W. Sansom, Southbrook, Rangiora | SATTERTHWAITE | J. | Private 1524 | 4RRC10C | Brother: Mr. W. Satterthwaite, Kirkley-in-Furness, Lancashire | SAUNDERS | E. J. | Private 1332 | 4RRC7C | Mr. J. Saunders, 72 Tinakori Road, Wellington | SAUNDERS | F. C. | Private 2720 | CRM | Mother: Mrs. S. A. Saunders, Karangahape Road, Auckland | SAUNDERS | William Alfred | Private 180 | N2C1C | Mr. W. Saunders, Otautau, Southland | SAVAGE | G. | Private 2643 | 5C14CS | Mr. G. Savage, 64 Gloucester Street, Christchurch | SAXBY | C. G. | Sergeant 1534 | 4RRC10C | Mr. G. H. Saxby, St. Lawrence, Kaikora, Hawke's Bay | SAXBY | R. G. | Private 854 | 3RRC6C | Father: Mr. G. H. Saxby, St. Lawrence, Hawke's Bay | SAXON | J. F. H. | Private 1335 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. J. Saxon, Koputarua, Wellington | SCHOFIELD | F. J. | Private 2291 | 5C12WS | Mother: Mrs. L. Schofield, Otakeho, Hawera | SCOTT | Harry | Private 409 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. Annie Murray Scott, c/o National Bank of New Zealand, London, E.C. |
SCOTT | J. A. | Private 693 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. D. Scott, Coldwells, Northside, Selwyn | SCOTT | J. W. | Private 1552 | 4RRC10C | Mr. W. Scott, Tinakori Road, Wellington | SCOTT | T. L. | Private 686 | 3RRC5C | Mr. J. Scott, Nithdale Estate, Pukerau, Otago | SCOTT | W. | Private 853 | 3RRC6C | Father: Mr. R. Scott, Waipukerau, Hawke's Bay | SCOTT | W. R. | Private 2520 | 5C13WNWC | Mr. W. R. Scott, Bridge Street, Nelson | SCOTT | W. T. | Private 688 | 3RRC5C | Mr. H. Scott, Opawa | SCOWN | D. | Private 1338 | 4RRC7C | Brother: Mr. W. C. Scown, Mangamahoe, Wanganui | SEARLE | R. | Private 1687 | 5C150S | Mrs. E. Searle, Kakanui, Otago | SEAVILL | Walter | Private 464 | N3&4C1C | Brothe: Mr. R. Seabill, Waingaro, Auckland | SEELYE | John Cassils | Private 178 | N2C1C | Mr. J. S. Seelye, Princes Street, Dunedin | SEWELL | H. | Private 2292 | 5C12WS | Mother: Mrs. L. Sewell, Carterton | SEXTON | F. | Private 1303 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. J. Sexton, Gladstone | SEYMOUR | G. B. | Private 691 | 3RRC5C | Mr. S. B. Seymour, 215 Colombo Street, Christchurch | SEYMOUR | H. | Private 2644 | 5C14CS | S. B. Seymour, 215 Colombo Street, Christchurch | SHALDERS | A. E. | Sergeant Major 1041 | 4RRC9C | Mr. Thomas Shalders, Queenstown | SHALDERS | H. | Private 1042 | 4RRC9C | Mr. T. Shalders, Puerua | SHANAHAN | T. | Private 1685 | 5C150S | Mrs. E. Shanahan, Arrowtown, Otago | SHAND | G. T. | Private 2645 | 5C14CS | Mr. T. J. W. Shand, Christchurch | SHAND | Phillip Tressillian | Private 335 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. Thomas Jones Walker Shand, Riccarton, Christchurch | SHARP | F. C. | Private 1378 | 4RRC8C | Mrs. F. R. H. Sharp, Eblona, Hardy Road, Blackheath, England | SHAW | Frederick Thomas | Private 56 | N1C1C | Mr. Thomas Shaw, Paeroa, Ohinemuri, Auckland | SHEEHAN | E. R. | Private 1337 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. E. Sheehan, Wellington | SHEEHAN | J. | Private 1136 | 4RRC10C | Father: Mr. Patrick Sheehan, Ashburton | SHEFFIELD | Harold | Gunner 345 | 2CHD | Father: Mr. D. C. Sheffield, Pokeno, Auckland | SHEILL | C. J. | Private 2516 | 5C13WNWC | Sarah A. Sheill, Post-office, Wellington | SHEPPARD | William Henry | Private 173 | N2C1C | Mrs. Ellen Jarvis, 39 Thorndon Quay, Wellington | SHERA | J. D. G. | Sergeant 1405 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. J. M. E. Shera, Remuera, Auckland | SHILLITOE | C. | Private 2293 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. F. Shillitoe, Hitchin, Hants, England | SIGNAL | Edward Bannister | Private 360 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. H. Signal, Marton | SIMCOX | W. M. | Private 1331 | 4RRC7C | Mr. W. H. Simcox, Otaki | SIMMERS | R. | Private 1031 | 4RRC9C | Mr. R. Simmers, Waikoikoi, Otago | SIMPSON | A. G. | Private 1527 | 4RRC10C | Mr. Alfred Simpson, Eskdale, Petane, Hawke's Bay | SIMPSON | G. A. C. | Private 2517 | 5C13WNWC | Miss J. F. Simpson, Grafton, New South Wales | SIMPSON | H. J. | Private 2722 | CRM | Father: Mr. J. C. Simpson, Waipukurau, Hawke's Bay | SIMPSON | R. | Private 751 | 3RRC6C | Mr. G. B. Simpson, Colyton, Feilding | SIMPSON | R. K. | Private 755 | 3RRC6C | Mr. R. K. Simpson, Senr., Marton | SIMPSON | W. H. | Private 2646 | 5C14CS | Mr. H. Simpson, View Hill, North Canterbury | SIMSON | Andrew | Private 369 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. A. Simson, King Street, Roslyn, Dunedin | SIMSON | C. | Lieutenant | 5C13WNWC | Mr. J. Simson, Heath Street, Blenheim | SINGER | J. | Private 2518 | 5C13WNWC | Mrs. J. Singer, Kanieri, Westland | SKEET | J. C. | Private 2296 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. C. J. Skeet, Greytown, Wairarapa | SMAILLIE | D. | Private 1686 | 5C150S | Mr. J. H. Smaillie, Wingatui | SMALL | A. | Private 2706 | CRM | Father: Mr. J. Small, Martin Square, Wellington | SMEATON | R. | Farrier Sergeant 1097 | 4RRC9C | Mr. J. Smeaton, Mosgiel | SMITH | Andrew | Private . | CRM | . | SMITH | C. E. No. 1 | Private 695 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. T. Smith, Timaru | SMITH | C. E. No. 2 | Private 690 | 3RRC5C | Mother: Mrs. H. Smith, Tinwald | SMITH | C. W. | Private 2297 | 5C12WS | Aunt: Eliza H. Webb, 16 Hanson Street, Wellington | SMITH | D. B. | Private 689 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. J. Smith, Teddington, Christchurch | SMITH | D. K. | Private 1120 | 4RRC10C | Mrs. Burgess, Pahia | SMITH | E. H. | Private 1313 | 4RRC10C | Mr. J. H. Smith, Havelock | SMITH | Ernest James Ralph | Private 86 | N1C1C | Mr. A. A. Smith, National Hotel, Cambridge, Waikato, Auckland | SMITH | F. C. | Private 2647 | 5C14CS | Mr. C. Smith, Christchurch | SMITH | G. D. H. | Corporal 1333 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. R. Smith, Onslow Park, Pahiatua | SMITH | G. F. | Private 1029 | 4RRC9C | Mr. S. G. Smith, Pine Hill, Dunedin | SMITH | H. | Private 2405 | 5C11AS | Elizabeth Smith, Charles Street, Mount Roskill, Auckland | SMITH | H. H. | Private 2729 | CRM | Mother: Mrs. M. Smith, Pahautanui, Wellington | SMITH | J. H. | Private 2648 | 5C14CS | Mr. W. Smith, Westerfield | SMITH | Harold | Private 181 | N2C1C | Mr. A. Smith, Leeds, Yorkshire | SMITH | Hugh | Private 176 | N2C1C | Dr. J. G. Smith, Balclutha, Otago | SMITH | G. J. | Private 2523 | 5C13WNWC | Mr. R. K. Smith, Marine Parade, Napier | SMITH | James | Private 2708 | CRM | Father: Mr. J. R. Smith, c/o Mr. F. W. Smith, Conner Street, Auckland | SMITH | John | Private 2707 | CRM | Father: Mr. E. Smith, Brunnerton, Westland | SMITH | Lionel Eric | Private 480 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. H. P. Smith, Stratford, Taranaki | SMITH | M. R. | Private 1341 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. J. Smith, Eketahuna | SMITH | N. L. D'Arcy | Captain | 2CHD | Father: Mr. W. S. Smith, Milford Terrace, St. Albans | SMITH | R. | Private 2407 | 5C11AS | Mr. A. Smith, Mangere | SMITH | R. D. | Private 694 | 3RRC5C | Mr. J. Smith, Waimate | SMITH | R. E. | Private 1372 | 4RRC10C | Mother: Mrs. A. Smith, Westport | SMITH | R. J. | Private 2406 | 5C11AS | Hester Smith, Clevedon, Auckland | SMITH | Robert Edward | Farrier 418 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. Mary Smith, 28 Stratford Street, Timaru | SMITH | S. A. D. G. | Private 1030 | 4RRC9C | Mr. J. G. Smith, Balclutha | SMITH | S. H. | Private 855 | 3RRC6C | Mr. R. S. Smith, Palmerston North [Box 92] | SMITH | S. L. | Private 2649 | 5C14CS | Mr. T. M. Smith, North Street, St. Albans | SMITH | S. W. | Private 1523 | 4RRC10C | Mr. R. O. Smith, Porangahau | SMITH | T. | Private 1063 | 4RRC9C | Mrs. M. A. Lyon, Bannockburn | SMITH | William Duncan | Gunner 495 | 2CHD | Father: Mr. C. Smith, Owaka, Otago | SMITH | William Henry | Private 73 | N1C1C | Mrs. E. Smith, Fitzherbert Street, Palmerston North | SMITHSON | John Fletcher | Private 444 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. G. Smithson, Wanganui | SMOOTHY | E. A. | Private 1104 | 4RRC10C | Mr. E. Smoothy, Tisbury, Southland | SMYTH | George | Private 175 | N2C1C | . | SNOOK | E. N. | Private 2519 | 5C13WNWC | Mother: Mrs. E. Snook, Dovedale, Nelson | SOMMERVILLE | Charles Leslie | Lieutenant | N3&4C1C | Father: Lieut. Colonel Joe Reginald Sommerville, No. 2 Line, Wanganui | SOMMERVILLE | Henry Egerton | Gunner 344 | 2CHD | Father: Mr. Egerton Peter Hale Sommerville, Devonshire Road, Princes Park, Liverpool |
SOMMERVILLE | Horace Ernest | Private 410 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. O. Sommerville, Woodville | SOMMERVILLE | Joe Reginald, V.D. | Major, in command | 4RRC | . | SORENSEN | J. | Private 1057 | 4RRC9C | Mr. A. Smythe, North-east Valley, Dunedin | SORENSON | J. C. | Private 1467 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. E. Sorenson, Mangere | SPAIN | W. H. | Farrier 1051 | 4RRC9C | Mr. T. Spain, Ophir, Otago | SPARK | F. | Private 2409 | 5C11AS | Elizabeth Spark, 33 Green's Road, Paddington, Sydney | SPECK | E. W. | Private 2724 | CRM | Mother: Mrs. J. Speck, Toko, Mackin Road, Stratford | SPEEDY | J. F. | Sergeant 2202 | 5C12WS | Brother: Mr. W. G. Speedy, Herbertville, Hawke's Bay | SPENCER | D. | Private 685 | 3RRC5C | Mother: Mrs. M. Spencer, Nelson | SPENCER | Edward | Private 455 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. J. Spencer, Palmerston North | SPENCER | S. | Quartermaster Sergeant 2325 | 5C11AS | Emma W. Spencer, Hastings, Hawke's Bay | STACK | W. M. | Private 1334 | 4RRC7C | Father: F. Stack, Esq., Ashhurst | STACKWOOD | Walter | Private 411 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. S. A. Stackwood, Woodend, Canterbury | STALKER | D. | Private 1116 | 4RRC10C | Mr. A. Stalker, Orepuki Post-office | STALLARD | H. W. | Private 2521 | 5C13WNWC | Mother: Mrs. A. Stallard, Nile Street West, Nelson | STAPLES | T. J. | Private 2411 | 5C11AS | Mr. J. M. Staples, Hooton Pagnell, Doncaster, England | STEADMAN | H. H. | Private 754 | 3RRC6C | Father: Mr. J. Steadman, Wanganui | STEELE | G. | Sergeant 1404 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. S. Steele, Ohaupo, Waikato, Auckland | STEELE | O. | Private 2408 | 5C11AS | Mr. T. J. Steele, Parnell, Auckland | STEELE | Samuel | Private 51 | N1C1C | Mr. Samuel Steele, Ohaupo, Waikato, Auckland | STENT | C. | Private 753 | 3RRC6C | Mr. C. Stern, Senr., Ohingaiti | STEPHEN | William Alexander | Private 437 | N3&4C1C | Mr. E. Stephen, Orawaiti, Westport | STEPHENS | H. A. | Private 1329 | 4RRC7C | . | STEVENS | John Lawrence | Private 338 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. John Stevens, c/o Mr. J. Stevens, Bulls, Rangitikei | STEVENS | R. J. | Private 2522 | 5C13WNWC | Father: Mr. R. E. Stevens, Gisborne | STEVENS | W. J. | Corporal 393 | 2CHD | Father: Mr. R. Stevens, Nelson | STEVENSON | J. | Private 1122 | 4RRC10C | Father: Mr. J. Stevenson, sen., Edendale | STEVENSON | R. | Sergeant 610 | 3RRC5C | Mother: Mrs. M. Stevenson, 86 Lichfield Street, Christchurch | STEWARD | V. W. W. | Private 2705 | CRM | Father: W. J. Steward, M.H.R., Ashburton, Canterbury | STEWART | D. | Private 755a | 3RRC6C | Mr. D. Stewart, Hunterville | STEWART | J. | Private 752 | 3RRC6C | Father: Mr. J. Stewart, Colyton, Manawatu | STEWART | M. | Private 696 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. D. Stewart, Nelson | STICHBURY | N. | Private 2410 | 5C11AS | Mary A. Stichbury, Newton Road, Auckland | STOCK | A. F. | Private 1089 | 4RRC9C | Mr. H. Stock, Kakanui | STOKES | O. F. | Private 1804 | 4RRC10C | Mrs. M. E. Stokes, Hamilton West, Waikato | STONE | E. H. | Private 692 | 3RRC5C | Mrs. E. Housten, Gleniti, Timaru | STOTT | F. | Private 2412 | 5C11AS | Mr. H. Stott, Waharahine, Kaipara | STRACHAN | D. | Bugler 615 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. J. Strachan, Timaru | STRANGE | John Francis | Private 174 | N2C1C | Mr. F. Strange, Bellevue, Te Aroha, Auckland | STREET | C. H. | Sergeant 383 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. I. Street, Albert Park, Melbourne, Victoria | STRINGER | W. W. | Private 1039 | 4RRC9C | Mr. J. Stringer, Roxburgh, Otago | STRONG | W. B. | Sergeant 2566 | 5C14CS | Mr. A. Strong, Rangiora | STUBBS | Arthur Douglas | Private 539 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. Antony Stubbs, c/o Mr. A. Stubbs, Government Railway, Wellington |
STUCKEY | Harry Overton | Private 341 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs Fanny Bamford, c/o F. A. Bamford, Brooks Street, Nelson |
SULLIVAN | G. W. | Private 2294 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. S. Sullivan, Stratford, Taranaki | SULLIVAN | W. T. | Private 1027 | 4RRC9C | Mr. J. A. Raynes, Invercargill | SUTHERLAND | E. E. | Private 1465 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. A. Sutherland, Napier Street, Auckland | SUTHERLAND | H. | Private 2404 | 5C11AS | Margaret Sutherland, New Lynn, Auckland | SUTHERLAND | Henry | Private 177 | N2C1C | Mr. R. Sutherland, Kaihiku, Otago | SUTHERLAND | J. | Private 1005 | 4RRC9C | Mr. D. Sutherland, East Taieri | SUTHERLAND | M. J. | Private 2402 | 5C11AS | Mr. H. J. M. Sutherland, Karamu, Waikato | SUTHERLAND | R. | Private 1330 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. J. Sutherland, Matakanui, Otago | SUTTIE | A. C. | Private 1466 | 4RRC8C | Mother: Mrs. S. C. Suttie, Onehunga | SUNDIN | M. L. | Private 1395 | 4RRC8C | Mother: Mrs. H. Sundin, 16 Little Terrace, Bensham-on-Tyne, England | SWAINSON | Henry | Private 542 | N3&4C1C | Brother: Mr. Walter Swainson, Marton | SWANN | J. | Private 1468 | 4RRC8C | Mother: Mrs. A. Swann, Raglan, Waikato | SWANWICK | F. | Private 1011 | 4RRC9C | Jane Swanwick, Wetherstones | SYCAMORE | H. | Private 1277 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. E. Sycamore, Post Office, Invercargill | SYKE | Francis Bernard | Sergeant 340 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. Thomas Gaskell Syke, La Martiniere College, Lucknow, India |
SYME | A. | Bugler 616 | 3RRC6C | Father: Mr. J. Syme, Christchurch | SYMES | Langford Park | Private 179 | N2C1C | Mr. W. H. Symes, 176 Worcester Street, Christchurch | TANNER | E. | Captain | 5C13WNWC | Father: Mr. T. Tanner, Napier, Hawke's Bay | TANNER | J. | Private 1472 | 4RRC8C | Mother: Mrs. J. Tanner, Te Puke, Tauranga | TANNION | J. A. | Private 2525 | 5C13WNWC | Mr. S. P. Tannion, Waipawa, Hawke's Bay | TAPLIN | Samuel William F. | Private 456 | N3&4C1C | Mr. Samuel Taplin, Kakaramea, Patea | TAPPER | E. P. | Private 1345 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. G. A. Tapper, College Street, Palmerston North | TAPPER | G. A. C. | Private 2301 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. G. A. Tapper, College Street, Palmerston North | TARRANT | Leonard Matthews | Private 71 | N1C1C | Mr. H. A. Tarrant, Lower Moutere, Nelson | TASKER | Stephen | Private 182 | N2C1C | Mr. S. Tasker, St. Martin's, Opawa, Canterbury | TAUBMAN | A. G. | Private 856 | 3RRC6C | Mary G. Taubman, 27 St. Thomas's Mansions, Westminster | TAYLOR | Alfred John | Private 475 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. I. Taylor, Arthur Street, Silvertown, Essex, England | TAYLOR | Arthur Reginald | Private 35 | N1C1C | Mr. G. Taylor, Merchant, Christchurch | TAYLOR | F. H. | Private 1344 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. G. Taylor, Eltham, Taranaki | TAYLOR | H. N. | Private 1469 | 4RRC8C | Mr. J. Taylor, Whangarei | TAYLOR | J. | Private 2413 | 5C11AS | Mary A. Taylor, Irish Town, Thames | TAYLOR | J. M. | Private 1690 | 5C150S | Mr. W. Taylor, Aparima, Southland | TAYLOR | James | Private 185 | N2C1C | Mr. R. Taylor, Windsor, viā Oamaru, Otago | TAYLOR | L. A. | Private 2650 | 5C14CS | Mr. G. Taylor, Geraldine | TAYLOR | Thomas | Private 195 | N2C1C | Sister: Alice Taylor, Kaitaia, Auckland | TAYLOR | W. | Private 2709 | CRM | Mother: Mrs. E. Taylor, North Gisborne, Poverty Bay | TEMPLETON | S. | Private 1692 | 5C150S | Mr. J. Templeton, Wamahaka, Southland | TEMPLETON | W. | Private 1131 | 4RRC10C | Mr. T. Templeton, Fortrose | TEMPLETON | W. E. | Private 1688 | 5C150S | Mr. A. Templeton, Clifden, Waiau, Southland | TENNANT | L. C. | Private 1036 | 4RRC9C | Mr. R. C. Tennant, Bank of N.S.W., Timaru | TERRILL | W. | Private 1546 | 4RRC10C | Father: Mr. F. Terrill, Blenheim | TESTER | T. C. | Private 2303 | 5C12WS | Mother: Mrs. E. Tester, Lyttelton | TETLEY | John William | Private 46 | N1C1C | Mrs. Mary Tetley, Paeroa, Ohinemuri, Auckland | THEOBALD | A. E. | Private 757 | 3RRC6C | Mrs. M. A. Theobald, Pukeokihu, Utiku, Rangitikei | THOMAS | C. E. | Staff: Surgeon Captain | 5C11AS | . | THOMAS | Gerald | Private 372 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. J. C. Thomas, Wanstead, Essex, England | THOMAS | J. H. | Private 2651 | 5C14CS | Mrs. J. Hewitt, Wainui, Akaroa | THOMPSON | Arthur Warrington | Private 415 | N3&4C1C | Sister: Frances Maude, 10 Willow Street, Christchurch | THOMPSON | H. | Corporal 2205 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. G. Thompson, Maraekakaho, Hawke's Bay | THOMPSON | Harold | Private 2299 | 5C12WS | Father: Major J. Thompson, Ordnance Story Department, British Army | THOMPSON | J. | Private 2524 | 5C13WNWC | Mrs. A. Ruddell, East Clive, Napier | THOMPSON | J. K. | Private 2652 | 5C14CS | Mr. J. Thompson, Highbank, South Canterbury | THOMPSON | R. M. | Private 1096 | 4RRC9C | Mrs. M. F. Thompson, Middlemarch | THOMPSON | W. D. | Private 1320 | 4RRC10C | Father: Mr. C. E. Thompson, Lower Moutere, Motueka | THOMSON | A. | Private 1154 | 4RRC9C | Mr. D. Thomson, Milton | THOMSON | Archibald John Stanley | Private 313 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. A. A. Thomson, 7 Park Street, Wellington | THOMSON | B. | Private 1004 | 4RRC9C | Mr. A. Thomson, Kakanui | THOMSON | Harold | Private 2298 | 5C12WS | Mother: Mrs. E. Thomson, 7 Avenue Gardens, Acton, England | THOMSON | J. P. | Private 1389 [1146] | 4RRC8C | Father: Captain Thomson, Gisborne | THOMSON | R. W. | Private 2302 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. A. Thomson, Waione, Weber | THOMSON | T. | Private 1693 | 5C150S | Mrs. C. Thomson, Kakanui, Otago | THOMSON | W. | Farrier 1470 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. W. Thomson, Kihikihi, Waikato | THOMSON | W. J. A. | Lieutenant | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. J. Thomson, Remuera, Auckland | THOREAN | Albert | Private 421 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. J. Thorean, Fairview, Timaru | THORN | J. | Bugler 614 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. J. Thorn, Christchurch | THORN | J. S. | Private 1689 | 5C150S | Mr. J. S. Thorn, Church Street | THORNTON | G. | Private 1571 | 4RRC9C | Father: Mr. J. Thornton, Waitara Road, Waitara | THORPE | James | Private 29 | N1C1C | Mr. J. A. Thorpe, Aramoho, Wanganui | THRELKELD | C. | Private 2653 | 5C14CS | Mr. P. C. Threlkeld, Flaxton, North Canterbury | THURLOW | A. E. | Saddler 1070 | 4RRC9C | Mr. J. Thurlow, St. Bathan's | THURSTON | Daniel P. | Private 364 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. J. W. Thurston, Waverley, Wanganui | THURSTON | John Edward | Private 443 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. E. Thurston, Waverley, Wanganui | TILLYSHORT | C. | Farrier 700 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. Charles Tillyshort, Addington | TINDALL | T. R. | Private 698 | 3RRC5C | Mother: Mrs. Jane Tindall, Temuka | TODD | Thomas John M. | Lieutenant [attached] | N3&4C1C | . | TOMLINSON | W. E. | Private 699 | 3RRC5C | Mr. T. E. Tomlinson, Waikuku | TOPP | W. | Private 1471 | 4RRC8C | Mother: Mrs. M. M. J. Topp, Dargaville, Auckland | TOSSWILL | E. B. | Lance Corporal 697 | 3RRC5C | Mr. W. Tosswill, Pahiatua, North Island | TOWGOOD | Edward Traherne | Private 99 | N1C1C | Mr. S. H. Towgood, Grasuere, Wanganui | TOWNSEND | John | Private 184 | N2C1C | Mr. J. A. Townsend, Waikouaiti, Otago | TRENGROVE | T. | Private 1359 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. T. G. Trengrove, Mangatainoka | TREVARTHEN | William | Private 441 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. Margaret McDonald, Paeroa | TROTTER | Richard Henry | Private 528 | N3&4C1C | Sister: Mrs. Annie Wyles, Stockport, England | TUBMAN | Robert G. | Lieutenant | 4RRC10C | Frances Tubman, Owaka, Otago | TUBMAN | William | Private 183 | N2C1C | Mr. R. Tubman, Styx, Christchurch | TUCK | Sydney Howard | Sergeant 2 | N1C1C | Mr. William Tuck, Crescent Gardens, Bath, England | TUCKER | Anthony Harold | Gunner 534 | 2CHD | Father: Mr. Robert Tucker, Campbell Street, Wanganui | TUCKER | F. G. | Lieutenant | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. J. Tucker, Ashburton | TUCKEY | H. P. | Lieutenant | 5C12WS | Father: Rev. H. E. Tuckey, 3 Park Terrace, Wellington | TUDOR | P. L. | Lance Corporal 756 | 3RRC6C | Mr. T. L. Tudor, Marton | TULLY | O. H. | Private 1527 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. F. C. Tully, Greytown North | TURNBULL | Alan | Gunner 350 | 2CHD | Father: Mr. Andrew Turnbull, Bluff Hill, Napier | TURNER | D. | Private 1084 | 4RRC9C | Mr. J. Turner, c/o C. W. Reed, Clifton Falls, Oamaru | TURNBULL | J. M. | Private 1691 | 5C150S | Mr. A. Turnbull, Lochiel Post-office, Southland | TWISLETON | Francis Morphet | Private 318 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. Thomas Twisleton, Stead Hall, Barleigh-in-Wharfdale, Leeds, Yorkshire |
TWISTLETON | T. G. H. | Sergeant 1343 | 4RRC7C | Mr. T. Twistleton, Stead Hall, Burley, Leeds, Yorkshire, England | UDY | H. H. | Private 1346 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. W. Udy, Greytown North | UPHAM | E. | Private 788 | 3RRC5C | Mrs. L. Peterkin, Westport | UPTON | R. H. B. | Lance Corporal 701 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. T. E. Upton, Ashburton | URQUHART | W. | Private 2414 | 5C11AS | Mr. D. Urquhart, Royal Hotel, Princes Street, Onehunga | USHER | Arthur John | Private 326 | N3&4C1C | . | USHER | P. S. | Private 2415 | 5C11AS | Sophia Usher, Melford Street, Ponsonby, Auckland | VALENTINE | Ansley Francis | Private 342 | N3&4C1C | . | VALENTINE | Henry Whipps | Private 38 | N1C1C | Dr. Valentine, Inglewood, Taranaki | VALLANCE | J. B. | Sergeant 1347 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. J. B. Vallance, 3 Hartley Street, Wolverhampton, Staffordshire | VALLENCE | R. H. | Private 782 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. H. Vallence, Sefton | VANNAN | R. J. | Private 1677 | 5C15OS | Mr. A. Vannan, 30 Huntly-Gardens, Glasgow | VAUGHAN | J. | Private 1541 | 4RRC10C | Mr. C. Vaughan, Owaka | VEALE | B. | Private 1521 | 4RRC9C | Father: Mr. E. Veale, Cambridge, Auckland | VENNELL | E. A. | Private 1276 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. E. M. Bennell, 81 Abel Smith Street, Wellington | VERGETTE | H. E. | Private 758 | 3RRC6C | Mr. S. Vergette, Glinton, near Peterborough, England | VERNALL | C. F. | Private 703 | 3RRC5C | Mr. E. Vernall, Orari | VICKERS | F. | Private 2526 | 5C13WNWC | Mrs. J. Vickers, Cambridge West, Waikato | VICKERY | H. S. | Private 2710 | CRM | Father: Mr. J. Vickery, Hunterville, Rangitikei | VICKERY | John | Private 381 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. J. Vickery, Invercargill | VIDAL | L. C. | Corporal 2567 | 5C14CS | Rev. F. F. Vidal, Creeting Rectory, Needham Market, Suffolk, England | VILE | G. T. | Private 1349 | 4RRC7C | Sister: Mrs. E. A. Rogers, George Street, Ponsonby, Auckland | VINSEN | William Henry | Private 1373 | 4RRC10C | Father: Mr. R. Vinsen, Greymouth | VOCASIVICH | J. | Private 2527 | 5C13WNWC | Mrs. P. Vocasivich, Kumara, West Coast | VON DADELZEN | E. O. F. | Private 827 | 3RRC6C | Mr. H. Von Dadelzen, Athenaeum, Napier | WADDELL | C. R. | Private 2529 | 5C13WNWC | Sophia Ann Waddell, Auckland | WADE | Henry Bailey | Private 407 | N3&4C1C | Uncle: Mr. John Carr, Courtenay Place, Wellington | WAITE | H. | Private 2310 | 5C12WS | Mother: Mrs. E. Waite, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui | WALDIE | David Hannibal | Private 191 | N2C1C | Mrs. J. Waldie, Melville Street, Dunedin | WALKER | Charlton James | Private 523 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. K. Walker, Prospect Terrace, Auckland | WALKER | G. A. | Private 1350 | 4RRC7C | Sister: Rhoda E. McDougall, Te Puke, Bay of Plenty | WALKER | G. H. | Captain | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. A. N. Walker, Wanganui | WALKER | J. | Private 1375 | 4RRC8C | Brother: Mr. J. Walker, Opotiki, Auckland | WALKER | James | Private 64 | N1C1C | Mr. James Walker, Bank Head, Waverley, Taranaki | WALKER | W. T. | Lieutenant 606 | 3RRC | Mother: Mrs. A. L. Paini, South Side, Frimley Road, Sandhurst, England |
WALL | W. P. | Lieutenant Attached | 3RRC | Mrs. Wall, Kumara | WALLACE | A. | Private 2528 | 5C13WNWC | Mother: Mrs. E. Wallace, Edinburgh, Scotland | WALLACE | A. I. | Private 1353 | 4RRC7C | Mr. J. Wallace, Shannon | WALLACE | John | Private 514 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. Fanny Hall, Dee Street, Invercargill | WALLACE | Robert | Private 19 | N1C1C | Mr. R. Wallace, Berhampore, Wellington | WALLIS | William Fletcher | Private 50 | N1C1C | Mr. H. Wallis, Hamilton, Auckland | WALLS | A. | Private 2654 | 5C14CS | Elizabeth Walls, Sydenham, Christchurch | WALSH | J. | Private 2711 | CRM | Father: Mr. Walsh, Main Street, Palmerston North | WALTER | E. J. | Private 779 | 3RRC6C | Father: Mr. J. Walter, Symington, Hants, England | WARBURTON | W. E. | Private 1473 | 4RRC8C | Mother: Mrs. C. Warburton, 137 The Grove, Ealing, London W. | WARD | A. E. | Private 1144 | 4RRC10C | Mrs. C. M. Ward, Severn Street, Oamaru | WARD | C. K. | Private 1054 | 4RRC9C | Mr. J. Ward, Port Chalmers | WARD | C. Y. | Farrier Sergeant 619 | 3RRC5C | Mother: Mrs. C. M. Ward, Oamaru | WARD | J. G. | Private 775 | 3RRC5C | Mr. W. H. Ward, Pine Terrace, Springfield, Canterbury | WARD | R. H. | Private 1078 | 4RRC9C | Mrs. A. Ward, Boundary Creek, Oamaru | WARNER | A. | Private 790 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. R. Warner, Opunake, Taranaki | WARREN | J. | Private 2307 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. W. Warren, Great King Street, N. Dunedin | WATKINS | A. E. | Private 2422 | 5C11AS | Mr. A. J. H. Watkins, Epsom, Onehunga | WATKINS | A. G. | Private 2304 | 5C12WS | Mother: Mrs. E. Watkins, Picton | WATSON | J. R. | Private 2532 | 5C13WNWC | Mrs. A. Watson, Blenheim | WATT | C. | Private 859 | 3RRC6C | Mr. S. Watt, Barrack Hill, Napier | WATT | C. W. | Private 1696 | 5C150S | Edith Watt, Main Street, North-east Valley | WATT | G. A. | Lance Corporal 2655 | 5C14CS | Mr. J. Watt, Gurton Street, Wanganui | WATT | J. | Surgeon Captain | 4RRC | . | WATT | J. D. | Private 1093 | 4RRC9C | Mr. John Watt, Hampden | WATTERS | W. P. | Private 797 | 3RRC5C | Uncle: William Watters, Rimu, Hokitika | WATTS | Phillip Benjamin | Sergeant 4 | N1C1C | Mr. Charles Edwin Watts, 40 City Road, London, E.C. | WEBB | A. J. | Private 2712 | CRM | Father: Mr. A. S. Webb, Vicarage, Gisborne | WEBSTER | A. | Private 2533 | 5C13WNWC | Mr. P. Webster, Rimu, Hokitika | WEIR | A. S. | Private 2311 | 5C12WS | Mother: Mrs. E. Weir, 13 Kent Gardens, Ealing, London | WELLS | F. | Private 1564 | 4RRC10C | Father: Mr. F. Wells, Newtown, Wellington | WELLS | L. | Private 2713 | CRM | Mother: Mrs. E. Wells, Puniho, New Plymouth, Taranaki | WELLWOOD | A. T. | Private 858 | 3RRC6C | Mr. R. Wellwood, Hastings, Hawke's Bay | WELSBY | C. B. | Bugler 1393 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. J. Welsby, 16 Marion Street, Wellington | WEST | A. | Private 1033 | 4RRC9C | Mr. F. C. West, Christchurch | WEST | Charles Edward | Gunner 413 | 2CHD | Father: Mr. D. West, Timaru | WEST | Ernest John | Private 424 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. Henry Michiair West, Nurseryman, Northeast Valley, Dunedin |
WESTERN | Albert | Private 355 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. A. Western, Picton | WESTERN | W. T. | Private 2530 | 5C13WNWC | Mrs. J. O. Western, Picton, Marlborough | WESTMORELAND | B. E. | Private 1352 | 4RRC7C | Brother: Mr. A. E. J. Westmoreland, Mangatainoka | WHEELER | C. E. | Private 707 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. J. M. Wheeler, Land and Income Tax Office, Christchurch |
WHEELER | C. W. | Private 1474 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. A. Wheeler, Timaru | WHELAN | William Michael | Private 492 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. Michael Whelan, Lawrence, Otago | WHITE | E. | Private 1094 | 4RRC9C | Mr. J. White, Hampden | WHITE | G. | Private 1355 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. G. White, Sydney Street, Petone | WHITE | H. | Sergeant 1049 | 4RRC9C | Mr. Abel White, Olinda, New South Wales | WHITE | W. F. | Private 1698 | 5C150S | Mr. D. C. White, Naseby, Otago | WHITE | William Henry | Private 485 | N3&4C1C | . | WHITEHEAD | J. J. | Private 1374 | 4RRC8C | Miss R. Whitehead, c/o Mr. R. S. Whitehead, Bay View, Morere | WHITEMAN | J. | Private 760 | 3RRC6C | Mr. W. Whiteman, Mangamahao | WHITSON | H. T. | Private 857 | 3RRC6C | Mother: Mrs. Mary Whitson, Parnell, Auckland | WHITTINGTON | W. G. | Private 2423 | 5C11AS | Mrs. J. Whittington, Hargrair Street, Ponsonby, Auckland | WHITTLE | J. | Private 2536 | 5C13WNWC | Mr. T. Whittle, Puketitiri, Hawke's Bay | WHYTE | J. B. | Lieutenant | 5C14CS | Mr. F. E. Whyte, Kohinui | WHYTE | James Henry | Private 95 | N1C1C | Mrs. J. J. Whyte, Mount Eden, Auckland | WIFFEN | Arthur Albert Cason | Private 78 | N1C1C | Mrs. S. Wiffin, St. Mary's Street, Wellington | WIGGINS | C. | Private 777 | 3RRC5C | Mother: Mrs. Wiggins, Sumner, Christchurch | WIGHTON | Alex Mitchell | Sergeant 320 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. D. Wighton, Dixon Street, Wellington | WIGMORE | Edward Abraham | Private 440 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. J. Wigmore, Remuera, Auckland | WIGMORE | W. J. | Private 1475 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. J. Wigmore, Remuera, Auckland | WILCOX | A. A. | Private 704 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. A. L. Wilcox, St. Albans | WILD | A. E. | Private 2418 | 5C11AS | Mrs. Wild, Rewi Street, Te Aroha | WILKIE | Alexander Herbert | Private 186 | N2C1C | Mrs. T. Wilkie, Great South Road, Ashburton | WILKIE | H. C. | Veterinary Surgeon | 3RRC | . | WILKIN | F. | Private 2717 | CRM | Father: Mr. J. C. Wilkin, Carlton Mill Road, Merivale, Christchurch | WILKINS | G. | Private 1476 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. J. Wilkins, Mount Albert, Auckland | WILKINSON | G. R. | Farrier 1406 | 4RRC8C | Mr. G. Wilkinson, Ellerslie, Auckland | WILKINSON | R. W. | Bugler 1092 | 4RRC10C | Mr. Francis Wilkinson, Nevada, Roslyn, Dunedin | WILLETT | Robert | Private 365 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. S. Willett, Pechelbar Post-office, viā Wangarratta, Victoria |
WILLIAMS | A. G. B. | Private 860 | 3RRC6C | Mr. T. R. Williams, Russell, Bay of Islands | WILLIAMS | D. | Private 1697 | 5C150S | Mrs. M. Williams, Stanley Street, Queenstown | WILLIAMS | E. S. | Private 2531 | 5C13WNWC | Father: Mr. J. Williams, Blenheim | WILLIAMS | G. | Private 1006 | 4RRC9C | Mr. J. Williams, East Taieri | WILLIAMS | G. S. | Private 2656 | 5C14CS | Mr. W. H. Williams, Sydenham, Christchurch | WILLIAMS | Herbert George | Private 512 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. Bridget Williams | WILLIAMS | J. | Private 763 | 3RRC6C | Mr. T. Williams, Pirie Street, Wellington | WILLIAMS | J. | Private 1111 | 4RRC10C | Mrs. M. A. Williams, Waikaia | WILLIAMS | N. S. | Private 2657 | 5C14CS | Mr. W. Williams, Wilson Street, Timaru | WILLIAMS | R. A. | Private 2305 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. W. A. Williams, Mangatainoka | WILLIS | B. | Private 764 | 3RRC6C | Mother: Mrs. Mary Willis, Wanganui | WILLIS | E. | Private 708 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. H. Willis, Ashburton | WILLIS | F. | Private 2731 | CRM | Father: Mr. A. J. Willis, Premier's office, Wellington | WILLOUGHBY | E. | Private 1356 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. M. Willoughby, c/o Mr. J. Sinclair, The Berea Cathedral, Durban, Natal, South Africa |
WILSON | A. | Private 2658 | 5C14CS | Mr. A. H. Wilson, Riccarton Road, Riccarton, Christchurch | WILSON | A. C. | Private 3008 | NMCSA | Mr. A. C. Wilson, 72 Gloucester Street, Christchurch | WILSON | C. A. | Lance Corporal 617 | 3RRC5C | Father: Mr. C. Wilson, Waimate | WILSON | D. | Private 2534 | 5C13WNWC | Mr. J. Wilson, Te Aute | WILSON | J. A. | Private 2537 | 5C13WNWC | Mother: Mrs. J. Wilson, Te Aute, Hawke's Bay | WILSON | J. A. | Private 2420 | 5C11AS | Mrs. B. Cropp, Grafton Road, Thames | WILSON | J. G. | Private 759 | 3RRC6C | Father: Mr. G. Wilson, Mungahoe, Hunterville | WILSON | J. J. | Private 2718 | CRM | Father: Mr. J. J. Wilson, 9 Sydney Street, Wellington | WILSON | J. S. | Private 2308 | 5C12WS | Father: Mr. H. Wilson, Roseneath School, Wellington | WILSON | James | Private 188 | N2C1C | Mr. T. Wilson, Riccarton, Christchurch | WILSON | Richard | Farrier 482 | N3&4C1C | Brother: Mr. John Wilson, Downshire Farm, Ophir | WILSON | W. H. | Private 416 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. T. Wilson, Princes Street, Riccarton | WILSON | Wilfred | Private 190 | N2C1C | Mr. J. W. Wilson, Balclutha, Otago | WILSON | William Henry Montague | Sergeant 491 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. A. E. M. Wilson, Chesterton House, West Ewell, Surrey, England |
WILTON | S. H. | Private 1695 | 5C150S | Jessie Stead, Chiltern, Victoria, Australia | WINDSOR | William Hamilton Claud | Private 408 | N3&4C1C | Mother: Mrs. C. Windsor, College Street, Wellington | WITHEFORD | R. | Private 2730 | CRM | Father: Mr. J. H. Witheford, M.H.R., Auckland | WITHERS | Arthur James | Private 72 | N1C1C | Mrs. C. Withers, Broad Street, Palmerston North | WITHERS | T. | Private 2416 | 5C11AS | Mr. T. Withers, Whangamata, Bay of Plenty | WITHERS | W. | Private 1477 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. T. Withers, Opotiki | WOLFORD | D. | Private 2306 | 5C13WNWC | Father: Mr. T. Wolford, Hampden, Otago | WOOD | A. A. | Private 815 | 3RRC6C | Mother: Mrs. M. S. Wood, Bowral, New South Wales | WOOD | Ferdinand August | Private 187 | N2C1C | Mrs. J. A. Wood, c/o Mrs. Winter, Summers Street, Wellington |
WOOD | George Edward | Private 332 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. A. Wood, Amberley, Christchurch | WOOD | J. B. | Private 2309 | 5C12WS | Mother: Mrs. E. A. Wood, Lower Hutt | WOODLEY | R. | Private 2417 | 5C11AS | Mrs. A. Waller, Devonport, Auckland | WOODWARD | A. | Private 1271 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. F. Woodward, c/o National Bank of N.Z., Auckland |
WOODWARD | E. | Private 2419 | 5C11AS | Mary Woodward, Albert Road, Devonport | WOOF | W. S. | Corporal 1539 | 4RRC10C | Sister: Mrs. W. Hunter, Dannevirke | WOOFINDIN | Cecil | Private 66 | N1C1C | Mrs. M. Woofindin, Post-office, Seatown, South Island | WOOKEY | A. | Private 2659 | 5C14CS | Eliza Logan, Latrobe, Tasmania | WORRELL | William | Private 462 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. C. Worrell, Onehunga | WORSLEY | H. | Private 705 | 3RRC5C | Sister: Miss H. E. Worsley, Christchurch | WORTHY | E. T. B. | Staff: Veterinary Surgeon | 5C11AS | . | WRIGHT | G. | Private 706 | 3RRC5C | Mrs. Yarwood, Croyen, N.S.W. | WRIGHT | Henry Frederick | Private 189 | N2C1C | Mrs. E. Wright, Claremont Street, Auckland | WRIGHT | J. | Private 761 | 3RRC6C | Emma E. Wright, Jackson Road, Lyttelton | WRIGHT | John | Private 517 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. John Nicholas Wright | WRIGHT | R. C. | Private 1342 | 4RRC7C | Mr. H. Wright, Box. 42, Wellington Post Office | WRIGHT | Thomas Randall | Gunner 470 | 2CHD | Sister: Mrs. Pallant, Levin | WRIGHT | W. C. | Bugler 2421 | 5C11AS | Mrs. M. Wright, Mongonui, Bluff | WYBROW | F. | Private 1694 | 5C150S | Mr. J. Wybrow, Haldane, Southland | WYLDE | Frank | Private 535 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. James Wylde, Eglesfield, Kumara, Westland | WYLIE | F. W. | Private 1478 | 4RRC8C | Father: Mr. J. Wyllie, J.P., Rotorua, Auckland | WYLIE | R. | Private 1326 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. E. Wylie, 8 Bidwell Street, Wellington | WYLLIE | John | Private 91 | N1C1C | Mr. R. Wyllie, Hill View, Paisley, Scotland | WYSE | C. | Private 1046 | 4RRC9C | Mr. C. Wyse, Kelso | YARDLEY | H. | Private 2539 | 5C13WNWC | Mr. E. Yardley, Gisborne, Poverty Bay | YEWDALL | William | Private 486 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. W. Yewdall, Ramsay, Isle of Man, England | YORKE | H. M. | Private 1501 | 4RRC7C | Father: Mr. G. M. Yorke, Greytown | YOUNG | A. J. | Private 1361 | 4RRC7C | Mother: Mrs. L. Young, Karori | YOUNG | J. L. | Private 2313 | 5C12WS | Father: Rev. R. Young, Carterton | YOUNG | Joseph Chamberlain | Private 436 | N3&4C1C | Father: Mr. Robert Austen Young, Harbour Board Engineer, Westport |
YOUNG | R. A. | Veterinary Surgeon | 4RRC | . | YOUNG | Rowland Spencer | Private 80 | N1C1C | Mrs. L. Young, Gardens, Karori | YOUNG | W. | Private 1278 | 4RRC7C | Sister: Miss Minnie Young, Redfern, Sydney |
N1C1C | No. 1 Company, 1st Contingent, enrolled in NZ | N2C1C | No. 2 Company, 1st Contingent, enrolled in NZ | N3&4C1C | No. 3&4 Companies, 1st Contingent, enrolled in NZ | 2CHD | 2nd Contingent, Hotchkiss Detachment, enrolled in NZ | 3RRC | 3rd [Rough Riders] Contingent, enrolled in NZ | 3RRC5C | 3rd [Rough Riders] Contingent No. 5 Company, enrolled in NZ | 3RRC6C | 3rd [Rough Riders] Contingent No. 6 Company, enrolled in NZ | 4RRC | 4th [Rough Riders] Contingent, enrolled in NZ | 4RRC7C | 4th [Rough Riders] Contingent No. 7 Company, enrolled in NZ | 4RRC8C | 4th [Rough Riders] Contingent No. 8 Company, enrolled in NZ | 4RRC9C | 4th [Rough Riders] Contingent No. 9 Company, enrolled in NZ | 4RRC10C | 4th [Rough Riders] Contingent No. 10 Company, enrolled in NZ | 5C11AS | 5th Contingent No. 11 Company [Auckland section], enrolled in NZ | 5C12WS | 5th Contingent No. 12 Company [Wellington section], enrolled in NZ | 5C13WNWC | 5th Contingent No. 13 Company [Wellington, Nelson and West Coast South Island section], enrolled in NZ | 5C14CS | 5th Contingent No. 14 Company [Canterbury section], enrolled in NZ | 5C15OS | 5th Contingent No. 15 Company [Otago section], enrolled in NZ | CRM | Contingent Reserve Men, enrolled in NZ | NMCSA | Men sent from NZ on non-military service connected with the Contingents, who were enrolled in South Africa in the NZ Contingents or any Imperial force |
NZSA | New Zealand men enrolled in the NZ Contingents in South Africa |